
Double Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Journalism and Corporate Communication

Official title

Pre-enrollment open

alumnes a l'entrada de la FCRI
  • Modality
  • Languages
    Catalan, Spanish, English
  • Duration
    5 years
  • Date
    September 2024
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Plaça Joan Coromines. 08001 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Communication and International Relations

Who is it for?

Studying the Double Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Journalism and Corporate Communication at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations in Barcelona is a great opportunity for students who wish to attain a hybrid profile in the disciplines most closely linked to marketing strategy and business/institutional communication, where there are emerging, multidisciplinary sectors that are constantly changing as a result of technological innovation and new forms of social and business communication.

Great scope for professional growth

The extensive experience of the School's teaching staff and their permanent contact with professional activity allows us to constantly adapt the content of the course to changes in the digital and mobile ecosystem.

Communication media

Journalism in all types of channel: television, press, radio and digital media.

Corporate communication

Creation of content and communication strategies for companies and institutions.


To give our brand a differentiated personality to stand out from the competition.


To give persuasive information about the brand.

Public relations

To improve the brand's reputation among its audiences.

If you choose the Double Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Journalism and Corporate Communication, you are choosing...

A guaranteed future career.

  • Professors working in the sector: renowned professionals.
  • Emerging and constantly growing sector.
  • High employment rate.
  • Business network and internships.
  • Alumni: Professional chapters for network communication.
  • International outlook.
  • Permanent contact with working equipment.
  • Innovative facilities and state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Humanistic learning: rigorous and high-quality (two years in common with the bachelor's degrees in communication).
  • Seminars: close contact and tutoring of the student.

Alumnes FCRI, seminari taula rodona


Journalism and Corporate Communication
The course provides students with the skills and knowledge to successfully join the professional communication sector, either in the media or in companies, government bodies and other organizations, where corporate communication plays an increasingly important role.

Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing
The subjects of the Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing provide students with skills and knowledge in all three disciplines. They thus develop a versatile profile that allows them to have successful careers in the professional sector.

The student will learn about the specialized areas of each of the degrees:

Audio-visual creativity

Advertising strategy and management

Public relations strategy and management


Audio-visual narrative

Business communication

A unique methodology based on personalized learning

The Blanquerna methodology is based on seminars, a core element in achieving personalized and qualitative learning and holistic training that includes not only academic and professional competencies but also personal and human skills.

Master classes

With a focus on subjects with a theoretical component, master classes are taught by professionals and experts in a particular field, who offer guidance and support to their tutees in their particular disciplines, and build an ongoing academic and personal development relationship.


Seminar tutors work 6 hours a week with a maximum of 12 students. This establishes a relationship of trust between tutor and tutee and allows the monitoring of each tutees' progress. These sessions also help students to see the connections between what they are studying and their future professional careers.


We have agreements with leading multinational companies in the country, as well as private companies, and internal and external communication, business, marketing and public relations departments. The School has an agreement with more than 1,200 companies.

Studies abroad

Studying abroad is a life-changing experience. We offer you the opportunity to take part in various exchange programs and internships abroad, as well as to participate in a variety of international cooperation programs.

FPCEE Entrada

Study for a double major

Study for two majors simultaneously, consecutively or following a track tailored to you

estudiants internacionals

Students from abroad

Blanquerna is a university with an international vision. Every year, we welcome students from all over the world wishing to study a full bachelor degree at our center. You could be among them.

Academic information

Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
First semester
General Sociology 3Core curriculum
History of Contemporary Thought 6Core curriculum
Theory of Communication and Information 6Core curriculum
Language I. Catalan Language 3Core curriculum
Language II. Spanish Language 3Core curriculum
Seminar I. Introduction to Communication 8Core curriculum
English 1 3Compulsory
Second semester
Language and Techniques in Image and Sound 3Compulsory
Information Management 4Compulsory
Sociology of Communication 3Core curriculum
Aesthetics 4Compulsory
Language III. Text Types 3Core curriculum
Seminar 2. Narration 8Core curriculum
English 2 3Compulsory

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Nineth semester
Ethics of Communication I 3Core curriculum
Theory and Techniques in Public Relations 3Compulsory
Digital Marketing 3Optional
Company Management in Advertising and PR. Business Management 4Compulsory
Seminar VII: Agency-Advertiser Role I 8Compulsory
Final Degree Project I 6Final degree project
Free Elective I
Off-campus Internship 6Optional
Psychology of Communication 3Optional
International Relations 3Optional
Religious Journalism 3Optional
Tenth semester
Seminar VIII: Agency-Advertiser Role II 8Compulsory
Final Degree Project II 6Final degree project
Ethics of Communication II 3Core curriculum
Strategies in Public Relations 3Optional
International Marketing 4Compulsory
Strategy and Planning in Media 3Compulsory
Free Elective II
History of Literature 3Optional
Communication, Culture and Spirituality 3Optional
Cross-Cultural Communication 3Optional
You have to choose 6 credits among the Free Electives (I,II)

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

Course fees are paid in installments without any interest. At the time of enrollment, 50% of the total cost of the credits for which the student is enrolled must be paid*; the remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments (from October to June) payable by direct debit.

The tuition fee / credit of degrees is regularized each academic year for all courses.

Tuition fee per credit first course
178,47 €
Total first-year tuition fees for 2025-26
10.708,20 €

Advertising and journalism, creativity and information

The Double Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing and Journalism and Corporate Communication has a broad career path, with a highly diverse range of career opportunities in the field of communication.

Journalism and Corporate Communication

fcri stock

Media managers

They are the journalists in charge of the teams of newspapers, television channels and audio-visual production companies, radio stations and various programs.

fcri stock

Section heads and editors-in-chief

The media can be divided into subject areas such as international, politics, economics, technology, culture and sports, among others, led by journalists.



Reporting previously obtained and verified information is essential to journalism.

Noia mirant ordinador des de casa

Opinion pieces

Writing opinion pieces is part of the journalist's work.

Estudis de ràdio

Radio and podcast

The audio world, both radio and digital, with podcasts, is experiencing a peak.

Alumnes de periodisme a control de plató


Preparing subjects and contact with interviewees are tasks carried out by media producers.

fcri stock

TV presenters

Journalists who work in front of the camera, hosting television programs, are presenters.

fcri stock

Television reporting / ENG

A TV reporter is a professional journalist.

FCRI MU PeriodismeAvançat

Digital content

The media increasingly demand more and more professionals with digital talent to develop content for platforms and social networks. They are also in great demand for corporate communication.

FCRI M GlobalCommunication


Ensuring news coverage from different parts of the world is absolutely necessary.



Photojournalists play an essential role by showing reality in images.

FCRI MU DireccioArt

Design, layout and art management

FCRI M ComunicacioCorporativa

Gender editing

The growing sensitivity to equality between people has brought about the creation of the figure of gender editor.

FPCEE Oficina GE


Journalists also work in verification teams to combat disinformation.

Estudiants Blanquerna a roda de premsa

Press officer

Journalist in charge of media relations.

FCRI màster professor

Communications management

A professional who sets the institution's communication strategy.

fcri stock

Account managers and consultants

Communication agencies hire journalists to manage the communication of the companies and institutions they work for.

FCRI MU ComunicacionPolitica

Spokesperson or spokesperson trainer

A professional specialized in speaking to the organization's target audiences.

Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing

FCRI MU DireccioArt

Creativity (copywriting, art management, planning)

The dream of some graduates is to give vent to their creativity and win awards as a copywriter, art director or planner in an agency.

Borsa de Treball

Managing advertising accounts

Manage large advertising campaigns by renowned brands, acting as an executive for leading companies in the sector.

FCRI M TransformacioDigital

Digital marketing

The digital and social media world opens up endless professional opportunities that are increasingly interesting and specialized.

fcri stock

Product manager

Product definition, communication and sales in a company's marketing department.

FCRI MU Estrategia

Brand manager

Product and corporate branding in a company's marketing department.

fcri stock

Branded content

Creation of content by the brand, outside the usual advertising formats.

Members of the Council



Judith Calzada Duaigües

Judith Calzada Duaigües

Daniel Esparza Olivero

Daniel Esparza Olivero

Mónica Günther Bel

Mónica Günther Bel

Admissions calendar

The admissions process for the 2025-2026 academic year begans on November 4, 2024. After closing, pre-enrollment will remain open in those bachelor's degrees that have places available.

Admission pathways to the School's bachelor's degree studies

There are a number of different pathways for students to access a bachelor's degree at the School:

  • Successfully completed High School Diploma and University Entrance Exams. Students can access all the bachelor's degrees at the School from any of the High School Diploma options.

  • ​Foreign baccalaureate degree or high school diploma with the UNED credential. Students from education systems within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), or those with whom the Spanish State has an agreement, and international baccalaureate degree holders, must apply to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) to obtain the credential certifying that they meet the requirements to access university studies within the state education system. They do not have to sit the University Entrance Exams; however, without the credential they will not be able to enroll in our bachelor's degrees. The education systems that can be accessed through this pathway are: Germany, Andorra, Austria, European Schools (European Baccalaureate), International Baccalaureate, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, China and Cyprus.

  • ​Convalidation of foreign Baccalaureate. Students from education systems outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that do not have an agreement with the Spanish State will be able to access our bachelor's degrees by presenting the convalidation of their Baccalaureate degree by the Ministry of Education of the Spanish State or the duly authorized Autonomous Communities, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Proof of application for convalidation will be sufficient for students to enroll and begin taking a bachelor's degree course, however full enrollment is conditional on convalidation being confirmed. Bear in mind that convalidating studies can take more than three months to complete, so this process should be done in parallel with the admissions process to our bachelor's degrees. If the convalidation resolution is not obtained in the terms requested by the interested party, the results of any exams taken, or the enrollment made as a result thereof, are rendered null and void.

  • Mature student access for over 25s. All persons who are 25 years of age or older before October 1st of the calendar year in which the admission test is held may apply.

  • Access to the University by experience accreditation. Persons with professional and work experience pertinent to these studies but who do not hold an academic qualification that allows them to apply to the university through other pathways, and who are 40 years of age or older on October 1st of the academic year in which the course commences, can access bachelor's degree studies.

  • Mature student access for over 45s. Persons over 45 years of age who do not hold an academic qualification that allows them to apply to the university through other pathways, and who cannot prove professional or work experience, can access bachelor's degree studies through this pathway.
  • University studies begun but not completed. Students who have begun their university studies and wish to change their degree or their university may access a new degree via this option. At least 30 ECTS credits must be recognized for the new degree to be taken.
  • Completed university studies. If the student has previously completed any university degree, they can access all the degrees offered at the School.

Stages of the admission process

The admission process for bachelor's degree studies at the School is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Pre-enrollment
  2. Admission test
  3. Admission resolution
  4. Enrollment


Pre-enrollment entitles you to take part in the admission process and can be done virtually or in person.

Online pre-enrollment can be accessed from the pre-enrollment button on each bachelor's degree web page, or directly from here. You need to:

  1. Sign up on the unique registration system and create a username (if not previously obtained) and follow the instructions to completion.
  2. Make a payment of €100 (non-refundable fee for pre-enrollment rights and processing) can be made by credit or debit card, through a secure and confidential BBVA process.
  3. Upload the documentation, through the document repository, before the end date of the pre-enrollment process:
  • ID card (both sides)
  • Certificate of university admission test (PAU, CFGS, International Baccalaureate Diploma...) if available at the time of pre-enrollment.

Note: For courses with more than one timetable option, admission is granted by order of conditional enrollment and persons completing enrollment in July, if a timetable choice is still available, must bear in mind that enrollment will be carried out by order of pre-enrollment.

In-person pre-enrollment can be done on-site at the School, by visiting the Student Information and Orientation Service (SIOE) and submitting the following:

  1. Provide the following documentation:
  2. Photocopy of ID card (both sides), passport or NIE residence card.
  3. Photocopy of the certificate of university admission test (PAU, CFGS...) if available at the time of pre-enrollment.
  4. Make a payment of €100 (non-refundable fee for pre-enrollment rights and processing) in cash or by credit/debit card, through a secure and confidential BBVA process.

Admission test

The Blanquerna School of Communication has its own admission tests suitable for the degrees offered and these are held once pre-enrollment is completed. Applicants who pass the admission tests will be able to access enrollment, which remains conditional upon passing the University Entrance Exams (PAU) or completing their higher education training course. The test will be in-person. It will only be taken online if the prospective student resides abroad or in another autonomous community of Spain.

The planned schedule of admission tests is:

  • Admission test Wednesday, February 26 at 5 p.m., Saturday, April 26 at 10 a.m.

After this date, in the event that there are places available in any bachelor's degree course, new admission tests will be scheduled. The date of this test is assigned upon pre-enrollment and is recorded on the corresponding pre-enrollment receipt, which students can always consult in their document repository. Students who reside outside Catalonia and Andorra and have proven difficulties in taking the test in person on the assigned day may change the date or request to do so online.

The admission test for bachelor's degrees in Communication comprises:

  • Text comprehension exercise.
  • Writing test. Spelling mistakes and expression will be assessed.

The admission test for the bachelor's degree in International Relations, the bachelor's degree in Global Communication Management and the double bachelor's degree in Journalism and International Relations comprises:

  • International current and basic knowledge test.
  • Subject writing in English.
  • Grammar test.
  • An oral interview regarding the candidate's experiences, academic interests and general knowledge.

All this joint information determines whether or not the candidate is admitted to the degree. The student must demonstrate an overall English level of B2 in order to be admitted to the degree in International Relations (or the double degree in Journalism) and the degree in Global Communication Management.

For bachelor's degrees in Communication, it comprises:

  • An interview (which will be recorded with the candidate's explicit consent) and a comprehension and writing exercise.

At the start of the academic year, admitted students will have to take an English level test for the degrees in Communication, which will be in-person and will serve to assign the group of the compulsory subject.

For the bachelor's degree in International Relations, the bachelor's degree in Global Communication Management and the double bachelor's degree in Journalism and International Relations, the test comprises:

  • The candidate is given an interview with a language teacher by video conference. The interview is recorded (with the candidate's explicit consent) to be reviewed later by another member of the department or by the degree coordination team, where applicable.

The interview comprises three sections:

  • In the first section, the candidate has the opportunity to provide information about themselves, such as their academic interests, knowledge of languages, activities and future goals.
  • The second section enables the interviewer to gain an understanding of the candidate's level of English and thus ensure that they have the necessary skills to conduct all the activities and tasks that comprise a university degree that is taught entirely in English.
  • The last section examines the candidate's knowledge of current affairs and internationally important events, and the reasons for studying the degree.

All this information determines whether or not the candidate is admitted to the degree. The student must demonstrate an overall English level of B2 in order to be admitted to the degree in International Relations (or the double degree in Journalism). Subsequently, students admitted through the online test who enroll in the degree will be invited to Barcelona to complete the written part of the entrance test and to finish assigning them the corresponding level of English for the first semester. The grades for the compulsory English subjects from which a student is exempt are also derived from the entrance test. Together with the written part of the English test, they also take the current affairs test to assess their knowledge of internationally important events.

Admission resolution

A few days after taking the admission test, students will be informed, via email, of the admission resolution (suitable or not suitable). In the case of being deemed suitable for admission, in the same email students will be invited to enroll during the next enrollment call according to the places available, and instructions on when and how to enroll will be provided.
The criterion used to call admitted students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) is by order of pre-enrollment. It is important to bear in mind one timetable option may fill up during the (conditional) enrollment period. Admission will be confirmed as final if the student delivers the necessary documentation with their university admission test, entrance exam or CFGS, and completes final enrollment.


Persons admitted for enrollment can choose between two options, depending on whether or not they already have an admission pathway:

  1. Conditional enrollment
    Possibility to enroll in the degree, before having passed the PAU or the CFGS.
    Enrollment will be conditional on the presentation of the corresponding admission pathway.
    This option secures the place and allows the student to choose their timetable, in the case of courses with morning and afternoon options, while places are available.
    In the event that the student does not secure the admission pathway, the enrollment fee is refunded, and they lose their place and timetable selection. If places remain available, applicants can stay on the waiting list until September and their enrollment fee will be held, but they will no longer have a preferential timetable choice.
    If a student does not obtain the admission pathway, the fee paid will be refunded.
  2. Definitive enrollment
    Enrollment is definitive if the student already meets the requirements for admission.
    Upon enrollment, students may secure the places and timetable options available.

Note: The criterion used to call admitted students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) is by order of pre-enrollment. It is important to bear in mind one timetable option may fill up during the (conditional) enrollment period. Admission will be confirmed as final if the student delivers the necessary documentation with their university admission test, entrance exam or CFGS, and completes final enrollment in July.
Note: The required documentation must be uploaded through the document repository.

Studies can be paid upfront and/or in interest-free installments. If payment by installment is selected, upon enrollment the student will have two business days to pay 50% of the total cost of the enrolled credits, using their chosen form of payment; this payment will not be taken by direct debit. The remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments, from October to June, payable by direct debit using the bank account number provided upon enrollment. Prices are updated each academic year.

Here you can find the general enrollment conditions for studies at the FCRI.

Once payment is made, the corresponding receipt of enrollment can be viewed in the student's document repository and via the student's portal.

Foreign students

For the foreign student admission process, the following considerations and requirements must be taken into account in accordance with the prevailing regulations.

Students must apply to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) to obtain the credential certifying that they meet the requirements to access university studies within the state education system (UNED Credential). They do not have to sit the University Entrance Exams; however, without the credential they will not be able to enroll in our bachelor's degrees.
The education systems that can be accessed through this pathway are: Germany, Andorra, Austria, European Schools (European Baccalaureate), International Baccalaureate, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, China and Cyprus.

Can access our bachelor's degrees by presenting the convalidation of their Baccalaureate qualification by the Ministry of Education of the Spanish State or the duly authorized Autonomous Communities, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Proof of application for convalidation will be sufficient for students to enroll and begin taking a bachelor's degree course, however full enrollment is conditional on convalidation being confirmed. Bear in mind that convalidating studies can take more than three months to complete, so this process should be done in parallel with the admissions process to our bachelor's degrees. If the convalidation resolution is not obtained in the terms requested by the interested party, the results of any exams taken, or the enrollment made as a result thereof, are rendered null and void. For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the admissions department/academic secretary: [email protected]

Contact us

For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the School's Student Information and Orientation Service: [email protected].


Excellence is the future