Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Work with us

Work with us

Would you like to work at Blanquerna-URL? Find out about the job offers we have and send us your resume!

The Blanquerna-URL Foundation regularly publishes job offers in different departments. Check them all out, and apply for the one that best fits your professional profile.
You will find all the information you need to submit your application below.

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Working at Blanquerna

Blanquerna-URL aspires to ensure that everyone who forms part of the institution has a solid human and relational nature, a high level of skills in their field and, at the same time, acts responsibly and consistently in relation to the style, values and project of the organization. For Blanquerna-URL, each employee's career must foster their development. It must be said, however, that the human resource policy has certain restrictions given the uniqueness, specificity and demands of professional practice in the university environment. The institution basically welcomes two profiles:

  • Faculty: There are a significant number of members working full-time on the university's own tasks - teaching, research and transfer. There are also professors who combine their careers with teaching in order to link the teaching-learning process of students with the professional sector.
  • Administrative and Service Staff: This is a group with a significant mix of profiles and areas of activity. Blanquerna-URL has had a specific labor agreement since 2003.

Recruitment at Blanquerna

The job offers at the Blanquerna Foundation include all the points described in the Open, transparent and merit-based hiring criteria:

  • They describe the profile of the position offered, professional category, name of the position, and number of places offered, including the name of the school/center and area.
  • Description of tasks to be performed by the candidate.
  • Name of the position offered, language, and expected start date.
  • Employment conditions offered: type of contract, working hours, expected duration of the position, conditions of the position.
  • Final date for admission of applications or indicate whether the offer will remain open until the desired candidate is found.
  • Instructions on the procedure for sending the application, which can be done online.

Applications must be sent by e-mail to the address given in the offer. After being selected in the process, candidates must submit the original documentation for verification. The final decision will be made public once the call has ended and the candidates will be informed. The person ultimately selected must confirm acceptance of the assigned place.

The person in charge of the process selects the candidate and proposes them to the dean or head of the center for approval. The candidate will be called for an interview with the dean or head of the center and for a second interview with the General Director.

Candidates will be selected by jointly assessing their merits associated with the criteria indicated in the general and specific scales defined for each job offer.

During candidate assessment, and depending on the job opportunity, other parameters may be favorably considered, such as management and work in private companies, institutions or administrations that give the candidate a multidimensional view of their area of knowledge. Whenever possible, a wide range of selection activities should be used, such as personal interviews. Once the place has been appointed, the decision is communicated.

Once the candidate has been selected, the Human Resources Department of the Blanquerna Foundation starts the recruitment process and the Dean's Secretarial Office begins and follows up on the Reception Plan to ensure the new employee is correctly integrated into the institution and covers labor and organizational aspects.

At this point, the corresponding coordinators of each school or center will monitor the reception and follow-up process of the new recruit. In addition, the school or center provides everyone forming part of the workforce, via the virtual campus, with the Reception and Consultation Manual, addressed to all Blanquerna-URL collaborators; this provides reference information on the institution, the centers, and specific aspects related to the field of social and labor relations: regulatory framework, social benefits, occupational risk prevention plan, action in the event of an emergency, data protection, etc.

Job offers


Excellence is the future