
Two Official Master's degrees in the "top five", according to the El Mundo ranking

Two Official Master's degrees in the "top five", according to the El Mundo ranking

June 29, 2021

The Official Master's degree in Advertising Strategy and Creativity and the Official Master's degree in Advanced Journalism are in fourth position in the El Mundo 250 Master's degree ranking, a selection of the five best postgraduate programs of fifty specialties.

With the aim of identifying the best degrees and offering information, their professional opportunities, the internships they offer and the duration of the programs, this year's edition of the El Mundo ranking highlighted these two official master's degrees with a long history in the School.

The guide compiles the 250 best postgraduate programs and the ranking includes 50 specialties and the five best entities where they are taught after a detailed study. The classification is the result of the analysis of 25 criteria, the opinion of 800 professors and experts, former students and collaborating companies.


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