Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



We prioritize research with social impact that contributes to the improvement of society in areas in which we are experts: health, education, sport, communication and international relations.

We believe that research lays the foundations for university education. Our research groups are recognized by the Government of Catalonia's Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR). We work with academic institutions, government bodies and business sectors, both national and international.

The main lines of research are defined in the Focus Areas established in Aristos Campus Mundus, a project promoted by the Ramon Llull, Deusto and Comillas universities.

These three constitute a Campus of International Excellence and have a cooperation agreement with Georgetown University, Boston College and Fordham University in the United States.


Our research work in figures


during 2021


during 2021


doctoral theses defended
during 2021


research groups
in 2021

Blanquerna and the HRS4R, a commitment to Europe's research and recovery plan

Since 2019, Blanquerna has been accredited under the HRS4R scheme, the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, created by the European Commission, which supports research institutions in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices.

HRS4R logo
innovació educativa i lideratge

The Research Institute for Educational Innovation and Leadership

The Research Institute for Educational Innovation and Leadership carries out research into issues such as educational innovation, the creation of new models of organization and networked educational leadership, new information and communication technologies, socio-educational participation and mediation, the ethics of educational and organizational leadership, intercultural dialogue in our society, and language learning in multilingual contexts.

Psicologia aprenentatge i desenvolupament

Research Institute for Psychology, Learning and Development (Re-Psy)

Studies are preferably carried out as applied research projects. Different areas of psychology are studied, including: personal health and balance, personality and family relationships, identity building, organizational development and learning, and teaching and learning in different contexts.

Salut esport i societat

Research Institute for Sport, Health and Society of Barcelona (Re-Sport)

The Institute offers a holistic view of sport and physical activity in different contexts with a multi-disciplinary approach. It focuses on research into sport, health and genetics, the elderly and chronic diseases, parasport, training, innovation and physical education, social intervention with sport, economic and urban development, active tourism and leisure and public policies, management, psychology and sports history.

Investigació i salut

Health Research Institute

We emphasize the role of research as an essential function of the university and the basis of university teaching. The research carried out at the Institute focuses on wellbeing, pharmacogenetics, health and physical activity, and global health and gender.

Comunicació Relacions Internacionals

The Research Institute for Communication and International Relations

Research focuses primarily on the revolution brought about by ICTs, in the context of globalization, and how this revolution is affecting the lives of individuals and communities, always from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is structured around various technological vectors and lines of digital activity with a desire to serve society.

PhD studies

General Research Plans

The research policies of the Blanquerna schools are defined in their research plans, which detail the measures adopted to promote, support and disseminate the scientific activity of the centers.

General Research Plan for the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

General Research Plan for the School of Health Sciences

The plan is divided into core areas, objectives, lines and instruments. Each core area has specific objectives which lead to lines of action with appropriate instruments.

  • General Research Plan of the School

General Research Plan for the School of Communication and International Relations

Academic journals

Influential publications that bring together academic and scientific articles to publicize research activity in the fields of knowledge of each Blanquerna-URL research institute.

alumnes FCS al laboratori

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Excellence is the future