Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna and the HRS4R

The HRS4R Researcher Human Resources Strategy is an initiative of the European Commission to drive and support institutions in the implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code of the researcher in the their internal practices and procedures.

Blanquerna-URL welcomes and supports the recommendations of the European Commission contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. It also undertakes, in accordance with its internal policies, to develop its human resources strategy, adhering to the recommendations and principles set out in the Charter and the Code and to guarantee transparency, accessibility, equity and the pursuit of excellence in hiring researchers.

Imatge arxiu HRS4R

HRS4R Blanquerna Mentoring Program

Blanquerna is a higher education institution with a solid track record in fundamental and applied research, which makes many of its research groups occupy prominent positions of international leadership. For this reason, the institution is committed to developing synergies and poles of excellence with relevant actors in the administration, industry and academia, while promoting emerging research groups, integrating young researchers and linking research. with training at all academic levels.

With regard to the participation of these stakeholders, Blanquerna bases its strategy on the innovation model of the quadruple propeller, aimed at strengthening collaboration and cooperation, bringing together these relevant actors in different scenarios. This ecosystem allows us to foster knowledge transfer activities to meet the needs of society at large, including current social and economic challenges.

At Blanquerna, we firmly believe that a key priority for research is for citizens to benefit. That's why we have professional research management structures to successfully transfer the knowledge and technology we create, as well as career guidance initiatives to maximize and better guide your students' access to the job market.

In this effort, Blanquerna has recently launched a Mentoring and Professional Development Program to offer graduate students in our research disciplines, personalized support and career guidance beyond academia, strengthening soft skills specific to each professional environment. .

Grup de recerca en Estratègia i Creativitat en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques

Courses and initiatives

OTMR and Professional Career

OTM-R Recruitment Guide

In 2015, the European Research Area Human Resources and Mobility Steering Group developed an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment package (MTO-R) as one of the pillars of the human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R). This toolkit was designed to help research organizations review their procurement processes in order to promote equality, mobility and cooperation across Europe. In an effort to align with European Commission guidelines, Blanquerna has updated its procurement policies with the criteria of the EC Code of Conduct (C&C). Download the Blanquerna recruitment guide here.

Career options

In 2011, the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation defined a "European Framework for Research Careers" with the aim of making research career structures generally comparable across labor sectors and countries. One of the main objectives of this initiative was to achieve [...] a European research area where researchers, scientific knowledge and technology could circulate freely. Following this effort, the EC presented a paper describing "Research Career Profiles" at European level.

The European Framework for Research Careers (2011) distinguishes four broad profiles on the career development of researchers, who are independent of any particular sector (universities, research institutes, funding agencies, companies or NGOs). According to this framework, professional development in research involves moving towards a fully independent position as a researcher.

The classification is established according to the career stage of the researcher from R1 to R4.

  • R1: First Phase Researcher (Up to the point of doctorate)
  • R2: Recognized researcher (PhDs or equivalent who are not yet fully independent)
  • R3: Established researcher (Researchers who have developed a level of independence)
  • R4: Leading researcher (Researchers who lead their area or field of research).

In line with this framework, and to help young researchers at the beginning of their careers to obtain advice on career planning in order to achieve their professional goals, Blanquerna has prepared an informative document on "Career Options "professional career" that describes international or industry opportunities in professional development that can be addressed especially from the perspective of a researcher.

It includes all the information on the EC criteria for the different career profiles of researchers, as well as the European initiatives and tools that offer support to researchers who want to pursue their research career in Europe or who want to continue to be involved in research activities. research in Europe

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Euraxess portal

This portal is a guide for researchers where you can find information and support to come and do research in Catalonia.


Excellence is the future