Andrea Daza Tapia
Academic training
2017 | Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull | Doctorat en Estudis Avançats en Comunicació
2017 | Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull | Diploma d'Especialització Universitària en Guió i Realització de programes d'humor per a Ràdio i Televisió
2013 | Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull | Màster Universitari en Periodisme avançat. Reporterisme
2005 | Universidad Católica Andrés Bello | Grau en Comunicació Social, menció Periodisme
Professional profile
Professional background
2018 - Present | Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations | Part-time Lecturer | Part-time Lecturer. Humanities departament, Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication and Global Communication Management.
2013 - 2021 | Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations | Press Officer | Design of content and communication strategies. Collaboration with audiovisual department and development of specialized content.
2008 - 2010 | Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, UCAB | Part-time Lecturer | Professor of News Language to students of the fourth semester in Communication Studies (second academic year).
2006 - 2011 | El Mundo Economía y Negocios (daily paper specialized in business and economy) | Staff journalist of the Special Features and Investigation Unit | Production of long-read reports and profiles. Actively involved in the decision-making process within the team.
2002 - 2005 | Exceso Editorial Group | Staff coordinator and journalist | Responsible for writing and planning all aspects of the editorial process
- 2006 | El Nacional (one of the largest newspapers in Venezuela) | Staff writer of the Special Anniversary Edition | Responsible for content production of the anniversary edition titled "Vision and Visionaries".
International experience
2009 - 2009 | Woodrow Wilson Center & The Washington Post | Woodrow Wilson Center-Washington Post Fellowship for Latin American Journalists | Three weeks of reporting at The Post. The fellows were selected from a pool of more than 55 candidates.
Recent teaching
Bachelor degrees and double majors
Extracurricular Practise I 1Cr PER. Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Extracurricular Practise III PER. Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Reputation, Crisis Communication and CSR Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
External Internships Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Radio Genres and Formats Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Seminar V. Skills and Competences for Production I Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Seminar VI. Skills and Competences for Production II Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication
Introduction to Journalism and Corporate Communication Study Plan FCRI / Degree in International Relations / Digital Media Degree
Seminar 2. Narration Study Plan FCRI / Degree in International Relations / Digital Media Degree
Extracurricular Internship IIi DGM. Digital Media Degree
Theory of Communication and Information Digital Media Degree / Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing / Degree in Journalism and Corporate Communication / Degree in Audiovisual Communication
Seminar IV: Professional Communication Skills Study Plan FCRI / Degree in Global Communication Management
Doctoral and Master's degrees
Final Master's Degree Project Official Master in Advanced Journalism
International and Economic Reporting Official Master in Advanced Journalism
Newspaper Reporting Official Master in Advanced Journalism
Final Masters Project Official Master in International Journalism
Own Degrees
The Far East and Latin America Universitary Specialization Diploma in Creation and Leadership of Networks for Educational Success in Highly Complex Contexts / Universitary Expert Diploma in Networking for Educational Success in Highly Complex Contexts
Research groups
Recognised/Established Researcher | Globalization, conflicts, security and development Institut de Recerca en Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals