Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



Since its inception, Blanquerna-URL has demonstrated its commitment to ensuring the quality and excellence of the studies it imparts.

The new European and national legislative framework, through the LOU, establishes that universities must ensure that their actions meet the objectives associated with the courses they teach and pursue their continuous improvement. As a result, these centers must implement policies, formally established and publicly disseminated, that guarantee internal quality.

To this end, the Schools have developed the Internal Quality Assurance System, assessed within the framework of the AUDIT program and with a favorable rating by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU Catalunya).

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Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull in figures


specific employment rate of Blanquerna graduates
(AQU Catalunya)


university bachelor and master degree students


bachelor degrees and double majors from the training program




internship agreements


international university agreements


amount allocated to scholarships and grants


recognized research groups

Blanquerna-URL in the rankings

logo ranking

THE World University Rankings (2025)

La Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) se situa entre les millors universitats del món en els estudis dels àmbits de Business and Economics, Psychology, Education Studies, Social Sciences, Medical and Health i Engineering.


Young University Rankings (2024)

Ramon Llull University (URL) has been ranked in the world ranking of universities under 50 years old - THE Young University Rankings - with very good results. It has achieved the 194th place worldwide and the 5th place in Spain.

Among private universities in Spain, URL is in the 1st position.

ranquing shangai

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 of the Shanghai Ranking

The Psychology degree of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna is located in the range 401-500.


Quality technical units and quality spaces of the schools

The role of the quality technical units of each school is to guide, lead and supervise the fulfillment of the general objectives of the Internal Quality Assurance System. They ensure the fulfillment of policies, strategies and action plans aimed at the quality and excellence of their degrees and teaching, research and management activities.

Façana FPCEE

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Vice-Dean for Quality, Students, and Employability: Dr. Ignasi Cifre,
Head of the quality technical unit: Dr. Josep Maria Vila

Technical on quality issues: Sra. Anna Redondo

Sra. Anna Redondo

Façana edifici Padilla FCS

School of Health Sciences

Head of teaching quality at the technical quality unit: Dra. Maria Dolores Zomeño Fajardo
Quality coordinator at the center's quality technical unit: Lic. Montserrat Ricart

entrada facultat

Quality technical unit of the School of Communication and International Relations

Head of the quality technical unit: Dr. Alfons Medina,
Deputy of the quality technical unit: Dr. Sònia Ballano

Useful links


Excellence is the future