
Governing bodies

Collaboration, transparency and support

The main bodies that govern life in our educational community are, on the one hand, the board of trustees, the directors and management of Blanquerna, which are governed by established bylaws, in addition to the deanery and management team of each of the schools. Furthermore, the Foundation Bylaws are at your disposal because we want to share their content with the entire educational community.

Learn more about how they work.

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Board of Trustees

Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell i Abelló


Fr. Josep M. Turull Garriga


Mr. Jaume Solé Janer


Mr. Josep Ramon Serrat Crespo


Sr. Consol Muñoz Sanjuán
(Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception)

Board member

Sr. Elisabeth Forns Santacana (Carmelite Sisters of Charity)

Board member

Fr. Enric Puiggròs Llavinés
(Company of Jesus)

Board member

Fr. Francesc Riu Rovira de Villar
(Don Bosco Salesians)

Board member

Dr. Elías Campo Güerri

Board member

Ms. Cori Casanova Barberà

Board member

Mr. Ignasi Fernández de Senespleda

Board member

Mr. Lluís Foix Carnicé

Board member

Ms. Begoña Guerrero Gilabert

Board member

Mr. Jaume Lanaspa Gatnau

Board member

Dr. Albert Soler Llopart

Board member

Executive Committee

Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell i Abelló

Mr. Jaume Solé Janer

Mr. Josep Ramon Serrat Crespo

Board of Directors

Dr. Jordi Riera i Romaní

General Director

Dr. Marc Franco

Dean of the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

Dr. Concepció Mestres Miralles

Dean of the School of Health Sciences

Dr. Marc Polo López

Dean of the School of Communication and International Relations

Dr. Enric Xicoy

Secretary General


Excellence is the future