Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Companies and institutions

Empreses i institucions

El nostre objectiu és ajudar a desenvolupar el talent de les noves generacions de professionals i la nostra metodologia es fonamenta en la pràctica, el treball sobre casos pràctics, la col·laboració de les empreses i les institucions en la docència i l'aprenentatge en grups reduïts. La nostra missió és impulsar el talent dels estudiants.

Un talent preparat per a respondre als reptes de les empreses i les institucions d'avui. La nostra funció social passa pel compromís de mantenir vincles constants amb empreses, entitats i institucions del nostre entorn per a impulsar el talent professional.

Mantenir una relació constant amb les empreses en el sector on es desenvoluparan els nostres estudiants és cabdal per oferir-los una formació òptima i actualitzada. Per això, fomentem les sinergies universitat-empresa a través de vies com les pràctiques, la borsa de treball o la captació de talent. A més, les empreses o institucions que ho desitgin trobaran formació continuada en diversos sectors i lloguer d'espais per a actes, reunions o esdeveniments puntuals.

Companies and institutions

Our goal is to help develop the talent of new generations of professionals and our methodology relies on practice, work on practical cases, the involvement of companies and institutions in teaching and learning in small groups. Our mission is to drive students' talent.

Talent that is ready to meet the challenges of today's companies and institutions. Our social function is based on our commitment to foster professional talent by upholding constant links with companies, organizations and institutions in our environment.

Upholding a constant relationship with the companies in the sector where our students will be developing is crucial in order to offer them optimal and updated training. This is why we foster university-entrepreneur synergies through internships, job placement and talent recruitment.
Furthermore, companies or institutions that so desire will find continuing education in a variety of sectors and space rental for ceremonies, meetings or specific events.

Capture new talent, Blanquerna talent

We foster our students' talents and offer them personalized learning so that they can make the most of their abilities and get the most out of their time at university. We are aware of the ever-changing professional environment, so we base a major part of our methodology on internships in companies in order to be in constant contact with the working world and to adapt our studies to the new needs and demands of professionals.

Grow the talent of your professionals

Do you want to train your professionals in the fields of knowledge of Blanquerna-URL? We offer courses tailored to suit the needs of companies or institutions.

They have already placed their trust in us

Knowledge transfer

Discover all the services offered by our research groups, ranging from project advice, to consultancy services and training of working professionals.

We foster research activity as a basis for university knowledge. We prioritize research projects with a social impact; projects that contribute to improving the world with social, cultural and economic benefits, and which help to advance and improve in our areas of expertise: health, education, sport, communication and international relations.

Aules d'inormàtica

Do you want to collaborate with us?

The Blanquerna Foundation allocates 2 million euros in scholarships. The fund is open to donations from individuals or companies wishing to contribute to helping students gain access to our degrees or to promoting research projects in our schools.

ràdio fcri

Space rental

State-of-the-art equipment at your service

Discover the auditoriums, set and classrooms equipped with the latest technology.

Blanquerna-URL in the rankings

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THE World University Rankings (2025)

La Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) se situa entre les millors universitats del món en els estudis dels àmbits de Business and Economics, Psychology, Education Studies, Social Sciences, Medical and Health i Engineering.


Young University Rankings (2024)

Ramon Llull University (URL) has been ranked in the world ranking of universities under 50 years old - THE Young University Rankings - with very good results. It has achieved the 194th place worldwide and the 5th place in Spain.

Among private universities in Spain, URL is in the 1st position.

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Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 of the Shanghai Ranking

The Psychology degree of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences Blanquerna is located in the range 401-500.

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Excellence is the future