Research ethics committees
Ethics in the field of research is fundamental. The Faculty Research Institutes are supported by the opinions of the Research Ethics Committees (CER-URL) to evaluate and rate projects that have ethical implications.
These bodies ensure that research projects in various fields of knowledge meet ethical requirements, especially when research requires the participation of individuals and / or institutions. The committees ensure the integrity and validity of the projects, advise and evaluate the research according to the specific code of ethics in the field in which the research is carried out, taking as fundamental aspects the informed consent of the research and confidentiality. In addition, this body identifies ethical issues on which it is appropriate to train students and makes proposals in this regard.
Due to its specificity in the field of health sciences, the Blanquerna School of Health Sciences has its own Research Ethics Committee (CER) which oversees the ethical nature of research. He is a member of the Research Ethics Committee of Ramon Llull University (CER-URL) and follows its recommendations.
To request an opinion, there is a request procedure, and you must send the TFM document or the document of the research project in question. A number of requirements will be taken into account for the evaluation of projects. In addition, applicants must have two reference documents: informed consent and the structure of the research project.
The CER-FCSB will meet monthly throughout the academic year. At the beginning of the academic year, the calendar of meetings will be made public.
The dates for the year 24-25 are:
September 18
October 14
November 11
December 16
January 20
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 5
June 16
July 7
It is only possible to evaluate the projects sent up to 14 days before the established meeting.
Its functions are:
- To promote the ethical character of the specific research of the School.
- Ensure the ethical integrity of research projects carried out at the School.
- Issue recommendations to guarantee the validity of the research projects to be carried out at the School (TFM, own and others).
- Prepare documentation to guide the School's research in order to guarantee its ethical nature.
- Collaborate with the CER-URL, other ethics committees and the School's Research Support Office.
- Identify aspects of research ethics on which training and support would be appropriate in order to guide research at the different training levels (undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and doctorate), in close collaboration with the Office of Support of the research from the Blanquerna School of Health Sciences.
- Advise on ethical research issues in the School, forming part of the School Research Committee and the OSuRe.
- Evaluate the research projects to be carried out at the School (TFM, own and others) where you work with people, and / or biological samples and / or personal data.
- Competitive calls for projects funded on behalf of Ramon Llull University are not the responsibility of the School's CER and must pass the evaluation of the Ramon Llull University's Research Ethics Committee (CER-URL).
- Prepare reference documents in research ethics for the School: guide to good ethical practices in research, guide to the preparation of information verification sheets, informed consent document, ethical requirements for research in TFG, TFM, theses, etc.
- Collaborate with the CER-URL and other IECs. A member of the CER of the School is part of the CER-URL, reports on the work carried out in the CER of the School and acts as a bridge between the two committees. Where appropriate, each of these two committees may seek advice from the other. And the CER of the School can use the legal services and the Data Protection Officer (DPD) of the CER-URL in case of need. At the formal level, the two secretaries are related.
Composition of the CER of the School of Health Sciences
- President: Maria Giné Garriga (Vice Dean for Research).
- CER Secretary: Xavier Cardona Iguacen (Càtedra Ramon Llull) --Receives requests for opinions, sends them to the rest of the members of the CER of the Faculty, organizes the evaluations to be carried out, manages queries, and is responsible for safeguarding the documents that They are evaluated by the CER and the opinions issued. And by delegation of the presidency, it convenes the meetings, prepares the minutes and sends the CER opinions to the researcher who has requested them.
- Vowels: experts in bioethics from the Ramon Llull Chair, one of whom represents the CER's School at the CER-URL, experts in quantitative and qualitative methodology, nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition and pharmacy, and a representative of doctoral students, if escau.
- Ramon Llull Chair and CER-URL representative: Maria del Mar Rosàs Tosas
- Quantitative methodology: Raimon Milà Villarroel
- Qualitative methodology: Olga Canet Velez
- Physiotherapy: Natàlia Gómara Tolrà and Jordi Vilaró Casamitjana
- Nutrition and Dietetics: Paula Gabriela Jakszyn Philosopher
- Pharmacy: José Antonio Cordero Rigol
- All members meet the confidentiality criteria of meetings, minutes, opinions and deliberation processes.
- In the event that a member of the CER of the School has a conflict of interest, he / she will no longer have a vote in the resolution of the deliberation of the project in question.
- The CER of the School reserves the right, when the case requires it, to convene an external expert who would have a voice, but not a vote, in the opinion of a particular project. It also reserves the right to convene the IP of the project if it is considered appropriate to request clarification.
The Research Ethics Committee is an advisory body to the Blanquerna-URL School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences, which performs the following functions:
- Advise the Management Team in the deployment and evaluation of the General Research Plan of the School, especially in relation to both the quality and methodological rigor of the projects and their adjustment to ethical criteria.
- Evaluate the research projects participating in the competition for the award of grants to research groups and submit to the Management Team the corresponding grant proposal; in the case of groups requesting the renewal of the grant, you can analyze the "Report" that these groups have submitted at the end of the course.
- Advise, in case of possible conflicts related to the deployment of research projects.
- Verify, when deemed appropriate, the results of research groups that have obtained internal funding.
- Evaluate the applications for the constitution, merger, separation or abolition of research groups of the School and submit the corresponding proposal to the Dean.
- Ensuring the research and ethical quality of the groups and research projects of the School.
- To issue, at the request of the Management Team, the corresponding report on the research activity of either a group or a researcher.
- Competitive calls for projects funded on behalf of Ramon Llull University are not the responsibility of the School's CER and must pass the evaluation of the Ramon Llull University's Research Ethics Committee (CER-URL).
Composition of the Research Ethics Committee of the Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences
Composition of the CER in the School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences The CER will be formed by the president and four members:
- The President: Dr. Jordi Riera Secretary: Dra. Sacra MorejónDirector of the Ramon Llull Chair: Dr. Francesc TorralbaTwo researchers of recognized prestige, at least one of them external to the School: Dra. Montserrat Castelló from the Blanquerna-URL School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences; and Dr. Joan Manuel Batista (Esade-URL).
Functioning As an organ of the School, the CER depends on the Dean and will always have an advisory character, its deliberations will always be free and secret, and its agreements may be unanimous or by majority. Each member will be able to state, when the case arises, his particular point of view.
The CER will meet on an ordinary basis twice during the academic year. The meeting shall be convened by the chairman, in writing and with the agenda attached, at least fifteen days in advance. Minutes of each meeting will be issued and approved, or amended as appropriate, at the beginning of the next meeting. A copy of the minutes will be provided to all members.
The Research Ethics Committee (CER) is an advisory body of the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations at Ramon Llull University. Its members are:
President: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu (with casting vote)
Secretary: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Members: Dr. Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre, Dr. Ignasi Boada Sanmartín
The assigned objectives and functions are:
- To advise the Management Team on the development and evaluation of the Faculty's General Research Plan, especially when the projects may be potentially problematic from an ethical and/or deontological perspective.
- To evaluate research projects submitted for review when they involve people or use sensitive data, particularly in the case of minors, vulnerable groups, etc.
- Submit proposals to the Management Team regarding the approval of projects. In the case of groups requesting a renewal of funds, the report they submitted at the end of the academic year may be reviewed.
- To issue ethical compliance reports for the evaluated projects. To carry out the research project submitted for evaluation, a prior favourable report will be required.
- To contribute to the improvement of ethical standards at FCRI in academic activities and practices related to research involving people and the use of personal data, through appropriate activities.
- To provide advice when possible ethical and/or deontological conflicts arise concerning the development of research projects.
- To perform any other functions that, within the current regulations, the Management Team deems appropriate or necessary, considering the limits of CER's scope of action as outlined in this document.
- The communication between CER-FCRI Blanquerna and the Rectorate of the URL will be conducted through the representative of the Blanquerna Foundation, to whom all generated information will be sent, rather than directly.
- As a FCRI body, the CER reports to the Dean and will always have an advisory role. Its deliberations will always be free and confidential, and its decisions may be made unanimously or by majority vote. Each member may record their personal viewpoint if applicable.
- The CER will meet in person four times during the academic year. The meeting will be convened by the president through written communication and with the agenda attached. The meeting will be called with a minimum notice of fifteen days. Minutes of each meeting will be drafted by the secretary and will be approved, or modified if necessary, at the beginning of the following meeting. A copy of the minutes will be provided to all members. In exceptional cases, a virtual meeting may be convened when matters related to the publication of articles or the submission of projects requiring an urgent CER opinion are involved.