Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

Official title

Pre-enrollment open

Classe infermeria
  • Modality
  • Languages
    Catalan, Spanish
  • Duration
    4 academic years
  • Credits
  • Date
    September 2024
  • Planning

    Morning session: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Afternoon session: 11.30 a.m. to 5.50 p.m.

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Bachelor's degree with occupational quality

Bachelor's degree with a high Employment Quality Index (67.60%), above the average for the bachelor's degree in Nursing (65.50%)

The Employment Quality Index (EQI) takes values from 0 to 100 and is built based on four indicators: contract, job satisfaction, remuneration and adequacy. The higher the values, the better the employment quality (greater stability, satisfaction, remuneration or suitability).

AQU Catalunya data:

Who is it for?

If you are interested in the field of health, healthcare, hospital or primary care, the bachelor's degree in Nursing is the one for you. You will be trained to acquire the knowledge and skills required to care for people and to accompany them, whether they are sick or in order to foster health in the community.

Great scope for professional growth


You will acquire the skills and knowledge to care for people and work towards their recovery - both in hospitals, primary care and social-health centers.


You will be trained to lead and coordinate health teams, manage resources and care services, and design improvements in health policies.


The bachelor's degree in nursing introduces you to the area of research and innovation in health, and teaches you the core aspects for the nursing profession.


You will gain the knowledge that will enable you to gain a foothold in health education. This is one of the key tasks conducted by nurses with the groups of citizens who require it.

If you choose the Blanquerna Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, you choose...

Caring for people is the most important challenge you can take on, and that is what we as nurses do

  • High demand for specific jobs
  • Bachelor's degree designed to educate professionals to adapt to the challenges of today's society
  • A high employment offering in the public and private health sector
  • 2,300 hours of internships and agreements with upwards of 300 health and social centers
  • Clinical simulations in small groups
Alumnes a l'entrada de la FCS

Key data


agreements with renowned internship centers


of students would take the degree again


job placement


hours in simulation classrooms

A unique methodology based on personalized learning.

The Blanquerna-URL methodology is based on seminars, a core element in order to achieve personalized and qualitative learning and holistic training that entails academic and professional skills, but also personal and human ones.

Personalized education

Seminars with small groups of 10-12 students facilitate interdisciplinary learning, intellectual and professional reflection, and customized learning. The faculty tutors and collaborates in students' academic, personal and vocational orientation.

Simulation classrooms

The 150 clinical simulation hours offer students guided practice that reproduces professional reality.

Internships, the key to make the leap into the world of work

Students do professional internships. The professional internships are experienced on the front line and in highly diverse fields in order to acquire the necessary experience and knowledge to make the best decisions.

Internationalization of studies

Blanquerna-URL gives access to several exchange programs, providing experience abroad. It also enables students to learn about the health sector globally, both at universities and in European healthcare centers.


FPCEE Entrada

Study for a double major

Study for two majors simultaneously, consecutively or following a track tailored to you

Academic information

Professor i estudiants FCS


The Curriculum of the bachelor's degree in Nursing at Blanquerna-URL blends theory subjects with professional-building courses to ensure the high adaptability of our graduates.


Final degree project 10 10
Core curriculum 36 24 60
Internships 11 11 17 41 80
Compulsory 13 25 40 6 84
Optional 3 3 6
Total 60 60 60 60 240

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
First semester
Anatomy-physiology 1 6Core curriculum
Biology 6Core curriculum
Document research and scientific communication 6Core curriculum
Nursing basics 5Compulsory
Clinical simulations 1 3Compulsory
Second semester
Anatomy-physiology 2 6Core curriculum
Psychsocial sciences 6Core curriculum
Community nursing 1 5Compulsory
Health sciences seminar 6Core curriculum
Clinical placement 1 11Practicum

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Third semester
Clinical nursing 1 4Compulsory
Physiopathology 6Core curriculum
English in Health Sciences 6Core curriculum
Clinical seminar 3Compulsory
Clinical pharmacology 6Compulsory
Fourth semester
Clinical nursing 2 5Compulsory
Biostatistics 6Core curriculum
Anthropology 6Core curriculum
Clinical placement 2 11Practicum
Clinical simulations 2 7Compulsory

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Seventh semester
Leadership in nursing 3Compulsory
Professionalising seminar 2 3Compulsory
Option 2. Choose from one the following 4 options: 3Optional
Nursing of the surgical area
Palliative care
ENG/Cuidados integrales de las personas con heridas complejas
Innovation in oncology
Clinical placement 4 13Practicum
Eighth semester
Clinical placement 5 13Practicum
Clinical placement 6 15Practicum
End-of-degree project 10Compulsory


Final degree project 10 10
Core curriculum 36 24 60
Internships 9 18 21 32 80
Compulsory 15 18 39 12 84
Optional 6 6
Total 60 60 60 60 240

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Third semester
Clinical nursing 1 6Compulsory
Physiopathology 6Core curriculum
Pharmacology 6Compulsory
English 1 6Core curriculum
Fourth semester
Clinical nursing 2 6Compulsory
Statistics 6Core curriculum
Hospitalising practices 1 6Practicum
Professionalising seminar 1 12Practicum
Anthropology 6Core curriculum

SubjectCreditsAcademic type
Seventh semester
Leadership in nursing 3Compulsory
Professionalising seminar 3 6Compulsory
Public healthcare 3Compulsory
Palliative treatment 3Optional
Nursing and multi-culture 3Optional
Complementary therapies 3Optional
E-health 3Optional
End-of-degree practice 1 7Practicum
Eighth semester
End-of-degree practice 2 12Practicum
End-of-degree practice 3 13Practicum
End-of-course project 10Final degree project

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

Course fees are paid in installments without any interest. At the time of enrollment, 50% of the total cost of the credits for which the student is enrolled must be paid*; the remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments (from October to June) payable by direct debit.

The tuition fee / credit of degrees is regularized each academic year for all courses.

Tuition fee per credit

Tuition fee per credit
Total first-year tuition fees for 2025-26

Discounts for bachelor's degrees from Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University

Fundació Blanquerna discounts on the total number of credits the student enrolls per academic year:

  • Single payment of 100% of the total tuition fee: 2% discount.

In addition, the student can also enjoy one of these other discounts (not cumulative with each other):

  • Student member of a large or single-parent family: 5% discount.
  • Student with disability >33%: 5% discount.
  • Blanquerna family (student, child, sibling or partner, student): 5% discount. Anyone who has completed an official degree will be considered an Alumni.

In order to apply the discount, you must prove it with the corresponding document. Students must bring the original document in person to the Academic Secretariat, together with their identification document, for validation and application of the corresponding discount.

The deadline for submitting the supporting documentation for the 2024-2025 academic year is December 16, 2024.

And the deadline for submitting the supporting documentation for the 2025-2026 academic year is October 31, 2025.

Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS

Proximity, professionalism and humanism

The Bachelor's Degree in Nursing qualifies students to work in the field of health and enables them to practice the profession in different sectors: care, teaching, research or management. Nursing can be practiced on an independent basis, by freely exercising the profession, or in public or private institutions.

Classe infermeria simulació

Hospital care

Being on care teams in hospitalization units or specific services, social-health centers, residences, etc.


Primary care

Follow-up of chronic patients, health fostering campaigns, health policy design, etc.


Research and innovation

Being on health research teams.

Professor i alumnes FCS


Training of students in educational centers.

Companies that trust our graduates

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation




Admissions calendar

The admissions process for the 2025-2026 academic year begins on November 4, 2024. After the closing date, pre-enrollment will remain open for those bachelor's degrees that have places available.

Admission pathways to the School's bachelor's degree studies

There are a number of different pathways for students to access a bachelor's degree at the School:

  • Successfully completed High School Diploma and University Entrance Exams. Students can access all the bachelor's degrees at the School from any of the High School Diploma options.
  • Higher education courses. Be in possession of a vocational training advanced technician diploma for access to university studies. Students who have completed an advanced training course in an area of knowledge related to the bachelor's degree can apply for credits: Recognition of credits for bachelor degrees in Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Human Nutrition and Dietetics, for students from higher education training courses.
  • Mature student access for over 25s. People over the age of 25 who do not hold any academic qualification that qualifies them for access to university through other routes, may access degree studies with the admission test of the Interuniversity Council of the Generalitat de Catalunya. All people who are or have been 25 years old before October 1 of the calendar year in which the Interuniversity Council of the Generalitat de Catalunya the admission test is held can apply.
  • Mature student access for over 45s. Persons over 45 years of age who do not hold an academic qualification that allows them to apply to the university through other pathways can access bachelor's degree studies through this pathway of the Inter-university Council of the Government of Catalonia..
  • University degree (studies started or completed). If you are already a graduate or degree or diploma holder; or if you have passed a minimum of 30 ECTS credits, you can apply for admission to the bachelor's degree underway. To prepare the admissions list, the available places, a minimum credit recognition, and a personal interview are taken into account. If a minimum of 30 ECTS credits is not recognized or the student is not admitted via credits, they will be able to access the admission test with the admission conditions of the first academic year. In the case of foreign students who have not convalidated their qualification in Spain, the Rector of the university will determine whether their qualification is accepted, provided that the requirements set out in the previous section are met.
  • Foreign baccalaureate degree or high school diploma with the UNED credential. Students from education systems within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), or countries with whom the Spanish State has an agreement, and international baccalaureate degree holders, must apply to the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) to obtain the credential certifying that they meet the requirements to access university studies within the state education system. They do not have to sit the University Entrance Exams (PAU); however, without the credential they will not be able to enroll in our bachelor's degrees. The education systems that can be accessed through this pathway are: Germany, Andorra, Austria, European Schools (European Baccalaureate), International Baccalaureate, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, China and Cyprus.
  • Convalidation of foreign Baccalaureate. Students from education systems in countries outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that do not have an agreement with the Spanish State will be able to access our bachelor's degrees by presenting the convalidation of their Baccalaureate degree by the Ministry of Education of the Spanish State or the duly authorized Autonomous Communities, as is the case of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Proof of application for convalidation will be sufficient for students to enroll and begin taking a bachelor's degree course, however full enrollment is conditional on convalidation being confirmed. Bear in mind that convalidating studies can take more than three months to complete, so this process should be done in parallel with the admissions process to our bachelor's degrees. If the convalidation resolution is not obtained in the terms requested by the interested party, the results of any exams taken, or the enrollment made as a result thereof, are rendered null and void. Candidates who are nationals of a European Union country, or resident in Spain, and who come from non-European education systems that have not signed a reciprocity agreement with Spain, should contact the department the academic secretary: [email protected]

Stages of the admission process

The admission process for bachelor's degree studies at the School is carried out in 4 stages:


Admission test

Admission resolution



Pre-enrollment entitles you to take part in the admission process and can be done virtually or in person.

Online pre-enrollment can be accessed from the pre-enrollment button on each bachelor's degree web page:

  1. Sign up on the unique registration system and create a username (if not previously obtained) and follow the instructions to completion.
  2. Make a payment of €50 (non-refundable fee for pre-enrollment rights and processing) can be made by credit or debit card, through a secure and confidential BBVA process.
  3. Upload the documentation, through the document repository, before the end date of the pre-enrollment process:
  • ID card (both sides)
  • Final grades of Bachillerato or CFGS. And the university access document (PAU, CFGS...) if available at the time of pre-enrollment.

Upon pre-enrollment, the applicant will be given a pre-enrollment receipt stating the day, time and location of the admission test. It is not possible to choose/change the date of the admission test. Any change implies the cancellation of the Pre-registration. If you want to Pre-register again, it will be done manually from the faculty at zero cost, and this new pre-registration date is the one that will count for the registration order.

The foreign student non-Catalan speakers and/or non-Spanish speakers, must demonstrate an overall B1 level of Catalan and/or Spanish to be admitted. If you have the Accrediting Certificate, it must be uploaded to the Document Depository. Otherwise, a specific level test will be held on the day and time to be determined.

Note: For courses with more than one timetable option, admission is granted by order of pre-enrollment payment.

Admission test

The Blanquerna School of Health Sciences has its own admission tests suitable for the degrees offered and these are held once pre-enrollment is completed. Applicants who pass the admission tests will be able to access enrollment, which remains conditional upon passing the University Entrance Exams (PAU) or completing their higher education training course. The test will be online.

The planned schedule of admission tests for the 2024-2025 academic year is:

- Dilluns 03/02/25, 16h
- Dilluns 10/03/25, 16h
- Dijous 10/04/25, 9h30
- Dijous 15/05/25, 9h30

After this date, in the event that there are places available in any bachelor's degree course, new admission tests will be scheduled. The date of this test is assigned upon pre-enrollment and is recorded on the corresponding pre-enrollment receipt, which students can always consult in their document repository.

The test consists of two instruments that aim to establish a numerical order of students according to an admission process aimed at their future studies, and can never be understood as a test that measures the intellectual capacity of prospective students. It is a question of having an individual profile of some cognitive functions, professional interests and preferences, personal characteristics and aptitudes to carry out the task corresponding to the chosen degree, and of the motivations of the candidate to pursue our studies.

Test 1: Questionnaire on personal values, goals and objectives, order and method, practicality, and decision-making.
Test 2: Expression and creation. Test 2 aims to assess the student's written communication skills (ability to analyze, synthesize, essay write...), and so they are given a number of topics to develop.

The prospective student must log in to take the online admission test on the date and time assigned at the time of pre-enrollment, and must show their ID card as identification. The approximate duration of the tests is 1 - 1.30 hrs. In the event that special educational adaptations are required (dyslexia, ADHD...), this must be stated at pre-enrollment, on the statistical data screen, and supporting documentation must be provided.

Admission resolution

  • Bachelor's Degree in Nursing

A few days after taking the admission test, you will receive an email informing you of the admission decision

The criterion used to call students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) isby order of pre-enrollment payment.

The place will be confirmed when the student submits the documentation with the university access pathway: the university entrance exam certificate or the certificate of higher technical studies for access to university studies; and completes the final enrollment.

A few days after taking the admission test, you will receive an email informing you that you have been approved to continue the admission process.

You must upload your Baccalaureate or CFGS grade point average in the document repository as soon as you have it. Failure to submit the documentation will result in your exclusion from the admission process.

Between the end of May and the end of June, the allocation of places will begin based on the weighting obtained from the Baccalaureate or CFGS grades, and the admission test.

Admitted students will receive an email to enroll with instructions on when and how to do so.

The criterion used to call admitted students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) is by order of pre-enrollment payment.

The place will be confirmed when the student submits the documentation with the university access pathway: the university entrance exam certificate or the certificate of higher technical studies for access to university studies; and completes the final enrollment.

Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy and bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics


Persons admitted for enrollment can choose between two options, depending on whether or not they already have a university admission pathway:

  1. Conditional enrollment
    Possibility to enroll in the degree, before having passed the PAU or the CFGS.
    Enrollment will be conditional on the presentation of the corresponding admission pathway.
    This option secures the place and allows the student to choose their timetable, in the case of courses with morning and afternoon options, while places are available.
    In the event that the student does not secure the admission pathway, the enrollment fee is refunded, and they lose their place and timetable selection. If places remain available, applicants can stay on the waiting list until September and their enrollment fee will be held, but they will no longer have a preferential timetable choice.
    If a student does not obtain the admission pathway, the fee paid will be refunded.
  2. Definitive enrollment
    Enrollment is definitive if the student already meets the requirements for admission.
    Upon enrollment, students may secure the places and timetable options available.


1. The criterion used to call admitted students for enrollment in the two enrollment periods (conditional and final) is by order of pre-enrollment payment.

2. Before enrolling, it is very important that you watch the video with the instructions and have the documentation that you will be asked for ready to submit, since once the process has started, the timetable option is consolidated at the moment you complete the enrollment process.

3. Admission will be confirmed as final once the student submits the necessary documentation with their university admission test, entrance exam or CFGS, and completes final enrollment.

4. The required documentation must be uploaded through the document repository if you have a verification code. If you do not have a verification code, the original must be submitted to the Academic Secretary.

  • ID (both sides). Foreign students: NIE (Foreign Identification Number) and Passport.
  • Certification of University access qualifications (PAU, CFGS...) if available at the time of registration.
  • NUSS (Social Security Number). In application of Royal Decree Law 2/2023, it is mandatory to include in the Social Security System all students who carry out external training or academic practices included in the training programs. Therefore, it is essential that students have the NUSS to be able to carry out the practices. Foreign students must have a valid passport and process the NIE and when they have it, they must obtain their NUSS. The NIE can be requested at the Oficina Consular of the student's place of residence.
  • Declaration of documentation linked to the External Practices, completed and signed electronically.

Studies can be paid upfront and/or in interest-free installments. If payment by installment is selected, upon enrollment the student will have two business days to pay 50% of the total cost of the enrolled credits, using their chosen form of payment; this payment will not be taken by direct debit. The remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments, from October to June, payable by direct debit using the bank account number provided upon enrollment. Prices are updated each academic year.

Here you can find the general enrollment conditions for studies at the School of Health Sciences.

Once payment is made, the corresponding receipt of enrollment can be viewed in the student's document repository and via the Intranet-SCALA.

Contact us

For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the Prospective Students Department.

[email protected]

The bachelor's degree thesis, the step prior to the labor market

The bachelor's degree thesis is a project that marks the end of the bachelor studies stage. It must be a complete and relevant work, enabling students to integrate the competences, knowledge and skills acquired during their bachelor's degree learning and must be applicable to the professional sphere in any of its aspects.

It is an individual, tutored project, with defense, assessment and grading according to established regulations, in which the student is responsible for their own learning process.

The thesis will consist of the completion and presentation by the student of an unpublished work that is included in one of the areas of knowledge proposed by each degree program. The possible types of thesis project are:

  • Research project protocol (quantitative and/or qualitative)
  • Systematic review protocol
  • Education for health program

The follow-up of the thesis is structured on the basis of the formation of groups of 12 students (approximately) accompanied by 2 tutors, who will work in one of the established areas of knowledge. There are four group sessions and the rest of the follow-up is individualized.

The final grade of the thesis will be the weighted average of three grades:

25% follow-up, 40% written work, 35% defense.

Grup d'alumnes amb professora a la FCS

We help you pay for your studies. A future within everyone's reach.

Find the help that best suits your needs between Blanquerna scholarships and grants, public and private grants or funding grants.
Blanquerna-URL is waiting for you!

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna

Public aid


Internships, an experience to introduce you to the labor market

At Blanquerna, we emphasize the importance of internships at external centers. That is why we have agreements with more than a thousand organizations and entities where you can apply your theoretical knowledge to the professional world and start focusing on your professional future based on the reality of the sector.

  • 2,300 hours of internship, distributed across the 4 courses of the degree.
  • Clinical setting in hospitals, clinics and primary care centers.
  • During the internship, students have a clinical advisor and an academic advisor in order to ensure the best learning process.
  • Throughout the 4 courses, the internships evolve in complexity and duration of the clinical stays.
  • Clinical internships in specialty areas such as mental health, maternal and child health and critical patients.
  • Possibility of doing internships abroad if the students wish to do so.
  • Possibility of doing internships in areas of innovation linked to digital health.

  • Ability to adapt to new situations.

  • Working as a team, fostering effective and plural communication.

  • Establishing an empathetic and responsible relationship with the patient and family.

  • Guaranteeing the right to dignified health care, upholding privacy, intimacy and confidentiality.

Where can you do your internship?

Catalan Public Health Agency · European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. Hospital de la Cerdanya · Centre Integral de Salut Cotxeres · Centre Geriàtric Catite · Centre Mèdic Atlàntida · Centre Mèdic Teknon · Centre Residencial L'Ametlla del Vallès · Centre Sociosanitari Can Torres · Centre Sociosanitari Dolors Putget · Centre Sociosanitari Frederica Montseny · Centre Sociosanitari El Carme · Centre Sociosanitari Mutuam Güell · Centre Sociosanitari Palau · Centres Assistencials Dr. Emili Mira · Clínica Corachán · Clínica del Remei · Clínica Diagonal, S.L. · Clínica Llúria · Clínica Nostra Senyora de Guadalupe · Clínica Sant Antoni · Col·legi d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona · Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona. Centre Fòrum · Consorci Mar Parc de Salut de Barcelona. Hospital del Mar · Consorci Sanitari de l'Anoia · Consorci Sanitari del Garraf · Consorci Sanitari de l'Alt Penedès · Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa. Hospital de Terrassa · Consorci Sanitari del Maresme. Hospital de Mataró · Corporació de Salut del Maresme i la Selva · EBA Vallcarca SLP · Fundació Hospital Asil de Granollers · Fundació Hospital de l´Esperit Sant · Fundació Privada Institut de Neurorehabilitació Guttmann · Fundació Puigvert · Fundació Santa Eulàlia · Fundació Sociosanitària de Barcelona · Vallparadís Foundation · Fundació Vella Terra · Fundació Viure i Conviure. Llar Sant Jordi · Geriàtric Aragó, S.L. · Grup Mutuam · Hèstia Duran i Reynals · Hèstia Mataró · Hèstia Gràcia · Hospital de Girona Dr Josep Trueta · Hospital Dos de Maig · Hospital de Sant Celoni · Hospital de Mollet · Hospital Universitari de la Vall · Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa · Hospital Asepeyo de Sant Cugat · Hospital Comarcal de l’Alt Penedès · Hospital de Granollers · Hospital de Nens de Barcelona · Hospital de Sant Jaume · Hospital de Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi · Hospital de Sant Rafael · Hospital Evangèlic · Hospital General de l'Hospitalet · Hospital General de Catalunya · Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol · ITA Barcelona · ITA Maresme · Lepant Residencial · Orpea Ibérica · Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili · Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu · Residència d'avis l'Estada · Residència Geriàtrica d'Horta · Residència Geriàtrica El Mil·lenari · Residència Jaume Nualart · Residència La Creueta · Residència La Salut · Residència Las Acacias · Residència Los Sauces · Residència Los Tilos · Residència Onze de Setembre · Residència Porta · Residència Privada Pere Relats · Residència Roca i Pi. Fundació Privada Llegat Roca i Pi · Residencial Augusta Park · Residencial Sitges Park · Sanitas Residencial · Sar Quavitae. Residencial Claret · Vitalia Bilbilis, S.L.

Degree verified by the AQU (Quality Assurance Agency)


Information from the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT)

Reports by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU Catalunya)

Gender perspective

As the European Union points out, gender equality is not only a matter of social justice but also affects the results of teaching and research. Promoting gender equality in research and innovation is one of the European Commission's commitments, and it supports the explicit integration of a gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, this recommendation is often poorly understood and misapplied. Various documents are presented here with a view to contributing to a better understanding and application of the gender perspective in teaching and research.


Excellence is the future