
Acte de graduació 2023 màsters i postgraus

Dr. Arturo Goicoechea, godfather of the Graduation Ceremony of master's and postgraduate degrees of the School of Health Sciences

July 5, 2023

Tomorrow, 6th of June, at 19.30h, we will celebrate the Graduation Ceremony of master's and postgraduate degrees of the School of Health Sciences at the FCRI Auditorium (C/ Valldonzella 12).

The Graduation Ceremony of the Master's and Postgraduate degrees of the School of Health Sciences will begin at 19.30 in the FCRI Auditorium with the speeches by the members of the presidential table.

The presidential table will be made up of the general director of Blanquerna Dr. Giorgia Miotto, the dean Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles, the academic vice-dean Dr. Juanjo García-Gil and the godfather of the promotion Dr. Arturo Goicoechea.

This year's godfather, Dr Arturo Goicoechea, is a nationally renowened neurologist in the field of pain. He is passionate about knowledge and is constantly searching for the answers and knowledge that the clinical reality poses. His lectures, conferences, collaborations in YouTube channels, blogs and master classes never leave anyone indifferent. He proposes a constant reflection and innovative approach when dealing with patients who suffer from persistent pain.

At our School of Health Sciences, he is a professor of the master's degree in Neurophysiotherapy and in the University Expert Certificate degree in Maxillofacial Physiotherapy, showing the application of Neuroscience in the field of Neurology, especially regarding migraine and chronic pain.

We cannot wait to see you all at the Graduation Ceremony!


Excellence is the future