Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy

Official title

Pre-enrollment open

  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    5 academic years
  • Credits
  • Date
    September 2024
  • Planning

    1st academic year:

    Monday to Thursday from 2.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

    Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Places
  • Location

    IQS-URL - Via Augusta, 390. 08017 Barcelona

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences


Access to resources for students and Teaching and Research Staff

Here you can access Moodle and Sigma.

If you are interested in biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, physics, computer science and technology and have a motivation for caring for people, the bachelor's degree in Pharmacy is your best option. It is aimed at those people with great intellectual curiosity and who want to acquire solid training on medication in all its stages, from its obtaining to the effects it produces on the body.

Who is it for?

If you are interested in biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, physics, computer science and technology and have a motivation for caring for people, the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy is your best option. It is aimed at those people with great intellectual curiosity and who want to acquire solid training on medication in all its stages, from its obtaining to the effects it produces on the body.

If you choose the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, you choose…

Training in small groups of students (seminars), innovative methodologies (simulations), comprehensive training

  • 6 months of supervised internships at two different times and centers.
  • 3 months of additional internships linked to the major chosen by the student.
  • More than 1,000 hours of laboratory practice, courses with their own laboratory credits.
  • Different compulsory courses: Pharmacogenetics, registration in the pharmaceutical industry, advanced drug delivery systems.

Alumnes a una classe

More than 1,000 hours of laboratory practice and 9 months of external internships


The bachelor's degree in Pharmacy at Blanquerna-URL trains you in any of the four specializations of these studies: food and nutrition, hospital pharmacy, drug design and production, or pharmaceutical management and marketing.

Food and nutrition

Food industry Internship for 3 months in institutions, consultancy firms, companies or research centers.

Hospital pharmacy

Care orientation and clinical research. Internships for 3 months in care centers, health management or research centers.

Drug design and production

Orientation in industry and R&D. Internships for 3 months in companies or research centers.

Pharmaceutical management and marketing

Orientation in the pharmaceutical industry. Internships for 3 months in companies.

Key data


Laboratory and simulation hours


of students would take the degree again


Months of internship in a pharmacy office and/or hospital pharmacy


Months of internship in the pharmaceutical industry.

A unique methodology based on personalized learning.

The Blanquerna-URL methodology is based on seminars, a core element in order to achieve personalized and qualitative learning. Also in holistic training that entails academic and professional skills, but also personal and human ones.

Personalized education

Seminars with small groups of 10-12 students facilitate interdisciplinary learning, intellectual and professional reflection, and customized learning. The faculty advisor collaborates in students' academic, personal and vocational orientation.

More than 1,000 laboratory hours

Experience is a key aspect of our methodology. The facilities allow for real laboratory scenarios to be recreated, in which the students can put their knowledge into practice.

Internships, the key to make the leap into the world of work

From the 4th academic year onwards, students do 6 months of supervised compulsory internships and 3 months of major-oriented internships. The School has around 700 internship agreements to offer the best option for each student.

Internationalization of studies

We offer you the chance of participating in various exchange and mobility programs for experience abroad and for a global insight into the sector. In addition, 20% of the courses are taught in English (the language of reference in the field of science).

Specific characteristics of the School

Seminari a la FCS

Seminars held in reduced groups for tailored learning

Classe FCS

Innovative teaching methodology

Alumnes de la FCS

Studies taken abroad to give students an enriching experience

FPCEE Entrada

Study for a double major

Study for two majors simultaneously, consecutively or following a track tailored to you

Academic regulations

The academic regulations of the IQS-Blanquerna Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy contain the information related to:

  1. Full-time and part-time studies
  2. Mandatory attendance
  3. First year of the degree Continuation and access to the second year
  4. Ordinary convocations from the second year of the degree Progression of studies
  5. Extraordinary convocations from the second year of the degree
  6. Pass by compensation
  7. Special subjects: Supervised internships, specialty-related internships and thesis
  8. Incompatibilities
  9. Modifications to enrollment and subject lists
  10. Students enrolled to take an exam (ordinary and extraordinary exams)
  11. Disciplinary regime for exams
  12. Correction of exams, publication of grades, review and appeal
  13. Absence from a final exam for justified cause
  14. Overlapping of exams
  15. Withdrawals
  16. Simultaneity of studies

Academic Regulations

First year








Second year










Third year









Fourth year












Fifth year






Training itineraries

You will be able to choose one of the four curricular itineraries that will enable you to finish the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy.

  • Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics
  • Food Hygiene, Safety and Quality
  • Nutraceuticals and Food Supplements
  • Specialty-Focused Internship

  • Molecular Design
  • Advanced Synthesis
  • Process Chemistry
  • Integrated Laboratory
  • Specialty-related internships

  • Technical Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Logistics and Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Pharmaceutical Marketing
  • Economic and Financial Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Specialty-related internships

  • Management and Organization of Community Pharmacy Services
  • Pharmaceutical Care for Chronic Diseases
  • Quality and Safety in the Use of Medications
  • Evidence-Based Clinical Pharmacy
  • Specialty-related internships

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

Studies can be paid for in a single payment or in installments.

In the event of payment in installments, after deducting the pre-enrollment fee, the remaining 50% will be paid by 9 direct debit bills due from the 5th to the 10th of each month.

The first due date will be in October and the deferral of payments does not entail any surcharge on the deferred amount.

Tuition fee per credit

Tuition fee per credit
Total first-year tuition fees for 2025-26
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS

More than 50 different career opportunities

Pharmacists have more than 50 different career opportunities, ranging from healthcare level (pharmacy office, hospital pharmacy or primary care), industry (chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food), service companies (CRO) to health administration (public health), clinical analysis, teaching, research and innovation (R&D+I).

The bachelor's degree in Pharmacy trains experts with a wide range of career opportunities. Its employment rate is one of the highest, which places it in the ranking of the fifty bachelor's degrees most in demand in Spain.

farmacèutica atenent en un local

Healthcare level

Pharmacy offices, hospital pharmacy or primary care.

alumne al laboratori de Farmàcia

Industrial level

Chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or food industry.

Pràctica seminari Nutrició

Business environment

Service companies (CRO).

Grup de seminari al laboratori de Farmàcia

Public health

Health administration within the public health sector.

Alumna mirant a través d'un microscopi


Activities related to clinical analysis, clinical biochemistry, microbiology and immunology.

Laboratori IQS-Blanquerna

Teaching and research

Continue your professional career in the field of teaching, research and innovation (R&D+I).

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation



The admission process is open

Start pre-enrollment


Admission process and enrollment:

In order to apply for admission to our bachelor's degree programs, we need a series of documents so that your admission can be assessed. Create an account and log in here. You need to save and remember your username and password in order to continue the process once started.

Documentation to upload

  • Valid national ID / Passport
  • Passport photo in color on white background in jpg format (176 x 220 pixels).

  • Qualifications of 1st year of Baccalaureate course and assessments completed to date in 2nd year Baccalaureate.
  • University Access Test (PAU) scores (if you have the results).
  • Higher education courses (CGFS): updated academic record.
  • If you have started a degree program at another university: academic record.

  • Grades for the last two academic years prior to admission to the university.
  • Spanish university access credential issued by UNEDasiss or resolution of homologation of the last studies prior to university access.

Admission test

The ONLINE admission test is a psycho-technical test. It also involves an English level test that you will have to take regardless of whether you have a language certificate or not.

The admission tests will be sent by e-mail at 15:30 on the chosen date. The test is approximately 3 hours long, and you have 24 hours to take it; from 15:30 on the day of the test until 15:30 the following day.

More information

The bachelor's degree thesis, the step prior to the labor market

The bachelor's degree thesis consists of the completion, presentation and defense of an individual project by the future graduate that will include innovative elements of research or healthcare or industrial application, which represent an approach to professional practice.

The work to be produced must be previously defined as a project that details the topic to be studied, its relevance, the objectives set, and the methodology to be used. It must also include elements of research, innovation or technology application. Only bibliographic works will not be accepted.

The thesis will provide future graduates with the capacity to understand knowledge and apply advanced technologies and tools in their area to meet the set objectives. The project should preferably be of a multidisciplinary nature, within the field of pharmacy, in which the skills acquired through the bachelor's degree are encapsulated and integrated.

The work will be done under the direction of a bachelor's degree professor - a professor from IQS or the School of Health Sciences - who has the authorization of the academic director of the area. The student will join the research team of the professor-director. With the same academic guarantees, and under the tutelage of a bachelor's degree professor, the thesis may be completed in other national or foreign institutions, public or private care or research centers, industries or companies from the chemical or biotechnological sectors, etc. The thesis is, therefore, a tutored assignment in which the student is responsible for their learning process.

At this stage, the student will have tutored sessions related to the follow-up of the project, as well as formal and methodological issues necessary to produce, write and defend the work.

The thesis will culminate with the drafting of a report and its presentation and defense before a jury.

alumna al laboratori

Financial aid for Pharmacy students

IQS Centre d’Ensenyament Tècnic Superior Fundació Privada and Fundació Blanquerna are two not-for-profit institutions that devote —for students enrolling for the first time in the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy— a limited fund to grant financial aid to finance part of the cost of the studies. Students who receive it can renew it each academic year provided they meet the established criteria. The grant is paid by means of a discount on the monthly payments to be paid by the student starting from October. In no case does the aid does cover the amount paid at the time of enrollment.

This aid is compatible with other public and private scholarships or financial aid, whenever these are available.

Note: The total amount of the Fundació Blanquerna grant and that granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (applicable to the management of the AGAUR) as an "exemption from public prices for academic services" may not exceed the total cost laid down by Fundació Blanquerna for each academic year.

  1. The application form (pdf format) must be filled in from the moment you complete the pre-enrollment. This form can be downloaded from the web page Application form.
  2. Delivery of the duly formalized application along with the documentation to be submitted by email to: [email protected](see the section below Documentation to be submitted for aid assessment).
  3. An interview with the student requesting financial aid is important in order to better assess all the elements of the situation. If the student is not interviewed, the Financial Aid Service may request further documentation and, where applicable, will contact the student by email.
  4. After studying each application, the IQS-Blanquerna Grant Committee of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy will decide whether to grant or deny the aid. The Committee's decision will be communicated to each of the scholarship recipients. As a guideline, the scholarships will be resolved in a first resolution on June 30 and in an extraordinary resolution on July 25, 2025. The aid granted will be effective provided that the student passes the tests and conditions of access to the pre-enrolled bachelor's degree and that he/she enrolls in the IQS-Blanquerna Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy (payment of 50% of the cost of the course).

Deadlines: The interview request for the financial aid assessment begins at the start of the pre-enrollment campaign and will end on June 16, 2025 for the first resolution and on July 11, 2025 for the extraordinary resolution. No applications will be accepted after the established deadlines.

The granting or rejection of the aid depends on economic, social and academic criteria. Several aspects are taken into consideration in the assessment: the economic earnings of all eligible members living in the family unit, the number of family members, problems related to health and job instability, possibility of external support, academic curriculum, etc.

  1. Being pre-enrolled in the IQS-Blanquerna Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy.
  2. Not exceeding 17,000 euros per year per member of the family unit.
  3. Submitting the application form correctly filled out, attaching the requested documentation, sent to the email address [email protected]
  4. The evaluation will take into account the presentation of the application for the public scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, or AGAUR, as well as scholarships from other autonomous communities.

Note: Merely satisfying these conditions does not guarantee the awarding of the grant.

  1. Grant application: Application form duly filled in.
  2. Cohabitation certificate of empadronamiento (Residents Register) showing all the people living/residing with the applicant, dating back no more than 6 months.
  3. Income tax return: In the event of having filed an income tax return in the past year, a complete copy of the 2023 income tax return of the applicant and all persons living with the student. As of June 2025 it will be imperative to submit the income tax return for the year 2024. In case of separation or divorce, and with shared guardianship and custody by the spouses, the income tax returns of both parties must be submitted.
  4. In the event of not having to present an income tax return, it is necessary to provide:
    a) A certificate stating that the income tax return has not been filed,
    b) A working life certificate
    c) A certificate of income and withholdings of all the members of the family unit actively working.
  5. Pay slips: A photocopy of the last two pay slips (the most recent) of the applicant and of the family members (father, mother, siblings, partner, etc.) who are actively working and who live with the student.
  6. Documentation for entrepreneurs and self-employed: Entrepreneurs or self-employed persons will have to attach a document accrediting the results of their activities (last year's corporate income tax or personal income tax for economic activities, the last four quarterly VAT returns, the annual VAT return, etc.) and of the companies in which they have an interest.
  7. Benefits: Certification of the income of the family unit from unemployment and pensions (disability, widowhood, orphanhood, etc.) or proof of non-receipt of these benefits, where applicable. Also, a copy of the period of unemployment or any other benefit, where applicable.
  8. Judgment of separation or divorce and regulatory agreement, where applicable.
  9. Other documents: Any other document accrediting the situation described in the application form.

Note: The Financial Aid Committee will not assess the applications that do not provide all the requested documentation of all the members of the family unit. If necessary for the final assessment, the Financial Aid Service reserves the right to request additional documentation.

In order to renew the financial aid of the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, the student must uphold the initial conditions for which it was granted, in addition to having passed 70% of the credits enrolled in the previous year and not having passed the limit of missed classes in any of the subjects of the course.

Students who meet the conditions to renew the financial aid will have to submit the application and all the updated documentation before July 1, 2025 to the following e-mail address ([email protected]).

Each scholarship recipient will be notified of the resolution of the application by letter sent to the student's email address by July 25, 2025 at the latest.

Special financial aid is also available for students already enrolled who are in a situation adversely affecting their family finances, making it seriously difficult for them to continue the academic year. Students in these circumstances may contact the Financial Aid Service at any time during the academic year.

The student must fill in theapplication form stating the specific reason for the request. The application form must be submitted to the e-mail address: [email protected] An interview will be arranged and, once the situation has been studied by the relevant committee, the student will be informed of the answer by email.

Note: This type of aid is subject to the student's situation of difficulty. The aid will be effective through a discount in the monthly payments from the date it is granted and during the current academic year. The aid is not renewable.

  1. Being enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy and having passed 70% of the credits taken in the previous year.
  2. Not exceeding 17,000 euros gross per year per member of the family unit. Furthermore, income from movable capital and/or real estate, together with assets, will also be taken into account.
  3. Submitting the application form correctly filled out, attaching the requested documentation.
  4. The evaluation will take into account the presentation of the application for the public scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, or AGAUR, as well as scholarships from other autonomous communities.
  5. Be up-to-date with the economic obligations with the School.

Note: merely satisfying these conditions does not guarantee the awarding of the grant.

  1. Grant application: Application form duly filled in.
  2. Cohabitation certificate of empadronamiento (Residents Register) showing all the people living/residing with the applicant, dating back no more than 6 months.
  3. Income tax return: In the event of having filed an income tax return in the past year, a complete copy of the 2024 income tax return of the applicant and all persons living with the student. In case of separation or divorce, and with shared guardianship and custody by the spouses, the income tax returns of both parties must be submitted.
  4. In the event of not having to present an income tax return, it is necessary to provide:
    a) A certificate stating that the income tax return has not been filed,
    b) A working life certificate
    c) A certificate of income and withholdings of all the members of the family unit actively working.
  5. Pay slips: A photocopy of the last two pay slips (the most recent) of the applicant and of the family members (father, mother, siblings, partner, etc.) who are actively working and who live with the student.
  6. Documentation for entrepreneurs and self-employed: Entrepreneurs or self-employed persons will have to attach a document accrediting the results of their activities (last year's corporate income tax or personal income tax for economic activities, the last four quarterly VAT returns, the annual VAT return, etc.) and of the companies in which they have an interest.
  7. Benefits: Certification of the income of the family unit from unemployment and pensions (disability, widowhood, orphanhood, etc.) or proof of non-receipt of these benefits, where applicable. Also, a copy of the period of unemployment or any other benefit, where applicable.
  8. Judgment of separation or divorce and regulatory agreement, where applicable.
  9. Other documents: Any other document accrediting the situation described in the application form.

Note: The Financial Aid Committee will not assess the applications that do not provide all the requested documentation of all the members of the family unit. If necessary for the final assessment, the Financial Aid Service reserves the right to request additional documentation.

Financial Aid Service
Pg. Sant Gervasi, 47. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 3108
[email protected]

Internships, an experience to introduce you to the labor market

Internships are an essential part of our methodology. We deem it a first step towards the working world that brings students closer to the reality of the sector and gives them a professional outlook. Therefore, we have agreements with a broad variety of companies, organizations, centers and entities in order to meet the needs and preferences of each student.

  • As of the first academic year in the IQS-Blanquerna bachelor's degree in Pharmacy, students log more than a thousand hours of laboratory practice.
  • the specific activities of their profession in the field of hospital pharmacy.
  • Specific internships for the chosen major.

  • Integration of knowledge of theoretical courses.
  • Carrying out the specific activities of their profession in the field of hospital pharmacy.
  • Put into practice the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired during the bachelor's degree and in the chosen major.

Where can you do your internship?

AGC, Malgrat Pharma · Almirall SA · Asphalion SL · Beautyge SL (Revlon) · Boehringer Ingelheim España SA · Center For Intelligent Research in Crystal Engineering SL · Centre Mèdic Tecknon (BCN) · Chemir SA · Clínica Corachan · Clínica Girona · Clínica Sabadell · Clínica Sabadell (Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor) · Clínica Sagrada Família (BCN) · Concep Arquitectura y Diseño de Farmacias · Consell de Col·legis Farmacèutics de Catalunya · Consorci Sanitari Alt Penedès-Garraf (Hospital Residència Sant Camil) · Consorci Sanitari Alt Penedès-Garraf (Hospital Sant Camil)· Consorci Sanitari del Maresme (Hospital de Mataró) · Consorci Sanitari Integral (Hospital Dos de Maig) · Cosmética Cosbar SL · Coty · CST-Hospital de Terrassa · CSV Experts SL · Draconis Pharma SL · DTU (Denmark) · Esencias Moles SA · Eurofragance SL · Euromed SA · Europastry SA · Fedefarma · Federació Farmacèutica SCCL · Ferrer Internacional · Fundació de gestiò sanitària-Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau · Fundació Hospital de la Santa Creu de Vic · Fundació Hospital de Sant Pau i Santa Tecla (Hospital del Vendrell) · Fundació Institut Català d’Investigació Química · Fundació Privada Hospital Asil de Granollers-Hospital de Granollers · Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca-Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau · Fundació Puigvert · Galenicum Special Ingredients SL · Gestió de Serveis Sanitaris-Hospital Universitari Santa Maria (Lleida) · Grupo J Uriach SL · Hartmann · Henkel Ibérica SA · Hospital Comarcal Alt Penedès · Hospital Comarcal Mora d’Ebre · Hospital de Manacor · Hospital de Palamós · Hospital de Santa Caterina (Salt) · Hospital d’Igualada · Hospital Sant Joan de Reus · Hospital Trueta (Girona) · ICO-Hospital Duran i Reynals · Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) · Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) · Instituto de Investigación Biomédica (IRB) · Interquim SA · Ipsos · Iqvia Information SA · Isdin SA · Kernpharma · Keyser & Mackay CV (Spanish branch) · Laboratorio Aldo-Union SL · Laboratorio de Complementos Nutricionales 1955 SL · Laboratorios Entema SL · Laboratorios Ern SA · Laboratorios Esteve · Laboratorios Gebro Pharma SA · Laboratorios Grifols SA · Laboratorios Medicamentos Internacionales SA · Laboratorios Reig Jofre SA · Laboratorios Roche · Leti Pharma · LGAI Technological Center SA · Medichem · Mútua de Terrassa-MPS a Prima Fixa · Novartis · Nupharm · Ofice SL-Laboratorio de Investigación Cerealista · Panreac Química SLU · Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (Sant Boi de Llobregat) · Proteodesign SL · Qualigen SL · Quirón Salud-IDCQ · Hospitales y Sanidad SL (Hospital General de Catalunya) · Quirón Salud-IDCQ Hospitales y Sanidad SL (Hospital QuirónSalud Barcelona) · Sandoz Industrial Products SA · Sanofi Aventis SA · SCIAS Hospital de Barcelona · SFH Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén · Synlab Italia SRL · TU Delft · Autonomous University of Barcelona-School of Pharmacy · University of Calabria (Phytopharmacy laboratory) · University of Santiago de Compostela-CIMUS-Unique Center for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases · Viube Food SL (Mikshochips)


Excellence is the future