Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Academic training

2021 | Experto universitario en investigación cualitativa con ATLAS.ti

2013 | Facultad de Pedagogía, Universitat de Barcelona | Doctorat en Pedagogia

2004 | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Llicenciat en Humanitats

1993 | Universitat Ramon Llull | Postgrau d'infermeria materno-infantil

1986 | Universitat De Barcelona | Diplomat en infermeria

Professional profile

Leadership, management or coordination positions

2018 - Present | Oficina de recerca Facultat de ciències de la Salut | Expert Investigació Qualitativa | Suport a la recerca

Professional background

2021 - Present | COIB | Responsable de transferencia de coneixement | Investigació

1998 - Present | Universidad Ramon LLull | Docent

1991 - 2002 | Hospital de Barcelona | Infermera | Infermera asssitencail

1986 - 1991 | Institut Dexeus | Infermera | Infermera assistencial

1985 - 1986 | Institut Guttmann | Infermera | Infermera assistencial

Recent teaching

Bachelor degrees and double majors

Education and health Degree in Teacher Training for Preschool Education

Extracurricular academic internships 10F. Physiotherapy EHEA Degree

Clinical nursing 1 Nursing EHEA Degree

Nursing throughout life cycle 1 Nursing EHEA Degree

Professionalising seminar 2 Nursing EHEA Degree

End-of-degree project Nursing EHEA Degree

Doctoral and Master's degrees

Research methodology and bioethics applied to health science University Master in Physical Therapeutic Activity for Persons with Chronical Deseases, Aging or Disability

Research methodology and bioethics applied to health science University Master in Neurophysiotherapy

Research groups

Principal investigator | Global Health, Gender and Society Research Group Institut de Rececerca en Salut


Excellence is the future