Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Honor roll scholarships

Promotion of academic excellence

The academic regulations of each Blanquerna-URL school provides for the free enrollment for a certain number of credits in the next enrollment for students who obtained an honor roll grade in any subject, except in the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, which is governed by different regulations.

Honor roll regulations

During the bachelor's degree course, students who obtained an honor roll grade in any module will be entitled, in the next academic year, to enroll free of charge for the equivalent number of credits of the module in which they obtained this grade, up to a maximum of three credits per module or subject.

Students in the final year of their degree will be able to obtain this benefit if, in the following academic year, they enroll for another official Blanquerna-URL bachelor's degree or university master's degree at any of the schools, except for the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, which is governed by different regulations.

Students who obtain an honor roll grade in any module of the master's degree will be entitled, for the next academic year only, to free enrollment for three credits.

Students who obtain an honor roll grade in any subject will be entitled, for the next academic year, to free enrollment for the equivalent number of credits of the subject in which they obtained this grade, up to a maximum of three credits per subject.

Students in the final year of their degree will be able to obtain this benefit if, in the following year, they enroll for another official Blanquerna-URL bachelor's degree or university master's degree, except for the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, which is governed by different regulations.

Students who obtain an honor roll grade in a subject will be exempt from payment of the equivalent number of credits in another subject, up to a maximum of three credits per subject.

Students who obtain an honor roll grade in a subject in the final year of the course before graduation may be able to obtain exemption from payment of credits (up to three per subject) in bachelor's degrees or graduate studies at this school or other Blanquerna-URL schools, provided they enroll in the following academic year, except for the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, which is governed by different regulations.


Excellence is the future