Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Occasional grants Blanquerna

Blanquerna-URL, a non-profit institution

Blanquerna-URL also has special grants on a one-off basis for students already enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year who live in a situation of change that affects the family economy and that seriously hinders the continuity of the academic year. Students who are in these circumstances can contact the Financial Aid Service directly ([email protected] / 93 253 31 81) or through the SIOE / Faculty Secretary at any time of the year. In the case of 1st year students, it must be proven that the situation described has changed with respect to the one presented at the time of formalizing the registration.

The duly completed application form must be submitted, together with the documentation to be submitted (specified below). Access to the website with your SCALA username and password.

The Scholarship Service reserves the right to conduct an interview, if it deems it appropriate.

The Financial Aid Commission, after examining each application, will determine the award or refusal of the aid.

The resolution of the grant will be communicated by e-mail specifying the amount allocated. Acceptance of the grant acceptance must be given.

Note: this type of aid is subject to the student's difficulty in the current course. The grant will be paid through a monthly discount from the date of the grant until the end of the academic year. The grant is not renewable. However, if the situation persists, the application process can be restarted in the following courses.

1. Be enrolled in one of the degrees of the Blanquerna-URL Faculties and have passed 80% of the credits taken in the previous year.
2. Not to exceed 16,000 euros gross per year per member of the family unit. Income from the return on movable and / or immovable capital will also be taken into account, as well as assets.
3. Special situations of the family unit will be valued (large family, special large family, single parent, illnesses, deaths, job instability ...); however, these situations will not represent the direct and automatic award of the grant.
4. Be aware of the financial obligations with the Faculty (payment of monthly fees and tuition fee).
5. The submission of an application for a public scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training or AGAUR, as well as scholarships from other Autonomous Communities, will be valued.

1. Scholarship application: Duly completed scholarship application form.
2. Coexistence flyer of the census in which all the people who live / reside with the applicant are listed, with a maximum date of three months.
3. Income statement: If you have made the income tax return in the last year, a complete copy of the applicant's 2022 income tax return and all the people who live with the student. In the event of separation or divorce, and with homeland and power shared by the spouses, the income tax returns of both parties must be filed.
4. If you do not have to file your income tax return, you must provide:

  • Certificate that the income tax return has not been submitted
  • Working life certificate.
  • Certificate of income and withholdings of all members of the active family unit.

5. Payroll. Photocopy of the last two (most recent) payrolls of the applicant and of the relatives (father, mother, siblings, partner ...) who are active and who live with the student.
6. Documentation of employers or self-employed workers: Employers or self-employed workers must attach a document accrediting the results of their activities (corporation tax or personal income tax for economic activities of the last year, the last four quarterly VAT returns, the annual VAT return. ..) and of the investee companies.
7. Benefits: Certification of the income of the family unit from unemployment and pensions (disability, widowhood, orphanhood ...) or justification of non-receipt of these benefits, if applicable. Also, a copy of the period granted for unemployment or any other benefit, if applicable.
8. Separation or divorce judgment and regulatory agreement, if applicable.
9. Other documents: Any other document proving the situation described in the application form.

Note: the Financial Aid Commission will not assess applications that do not provide all the requested documentation of all members of the family unit. If necessary for the final assessment, the Financial Aid Service reserves the right to request further documentation.

You can upload the documentation here.

Informació bàsica sobre protecció de dades

Informem que les dades personals seran tractats per Fundació Blanquerna com a Responsable del tractament, amb la finalitat de gestionar i tramitar ajudes econòmiques. Les dades sobre la base del seu consentiment i es tracten en compliment d'una obligació legal i de missió d'interès públic. Es poden comunicar les dades personals a organismes públics per a la tramitació i justificació de beques i ajudes oficials. Les dades es conservaran durant tres anys per a acreditar la correcta realització del procés de valoració i atorgament o denegació de l'ajuda corresponent. Es poden exercir els drets d'accés, rectificació, supressió, oposició en el tractament i sol·licitud de la limitació del tractament, dirigint-se a la Fundació Blanquerna (Passeig Sant Gervasi, 47, 08022 Barcelona, 93 253 30 00 o [email protected]). Es pot consultar informació addicional i detallada sobre el tractament de dades i l'exercici de drets en


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