Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


PhD in Communication

Official title

Pre-enrollment open

  • Modality
  • Languages
    Catalan, Spanish, English
  • Duration
    4 years full time
  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer de Tallers, 77. 08001 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Communication and International Relations

Objectives of the program

Training qualified researchers in the field of communication, as well as competitive professionals.

Making the knowledge of researchers available to society

Contributing to improving professional communication environments through innovation

Consolidating and strengthening the links between university and business

The PhD program seeks to develop the necessary skills and competences to train high-level researchers who can conduct solid research activity in the field of Communication

Who is it for?

Spanish or foreign students, preferably with a background in the field of social sciences and humanities. Priority will be given to candidates who hold qualifications in the field of communication: journalism, audio-visual communication, film, television, advertising, public relations, and other related areas.

Estudiants a la biblioteca de la Facultat de Comunicació

Exit profile

University doctoral faculty and researcher in the disciplines of Communication and Humanities

Consultant and advisor in communication in communication offices, large corporations, public and private institutions

Communication professional

Tutorial assignment procedure and thesis supervision

Once admitted to the PhD program, the ACDP (Academic Committee of the PhD Program) will assign the PhD student a thesis advisor, who must belong to the faculty of the PhD program. The appointment of the advisor may be modified by the ACDP at any time, provided that the PhD student states justified reasons in his or her request.

Lines of research

Sociology of communication

It includes the study of social conflict, the media treatment and social perception of violence, the digital divide and intergenerational conflicts, as well as the representation of the other in the new media, in addition to others.

Business communication

It includes a broad range of subjects: communication audits, the role of communication strategies to bring about change in organizations, corporate communication strategies, new trends in branding, public relations and corporate culture, advertising creativity and planning, issue management and using new technologies in political communication.

Cinema and television

Politics and cultural identity through media, audio-visual and transmedia narratives, identity in cinema, television and transmedia. The convergence between cultural citizenship and television and new forms of film exhibition in the digital age.

Technology and communication

It includes subjects such as studying the impact of technology on journalistic and communicative practices, media convergence, journalistic responsibility and ethics, technology and communication policies, as well as technology and media regulation.

Journalism, politics and democracy

Research projects are being undertaken in relation to political engagement, media and citizenship, international communication, professional journalism, participation and active audiences in the digital public setting, in addition to others.

International relations

This includes the study and research of the field of international affairs, ranging from the historical, political, economic, cultural, legal, sociological and communication perspectives of globalization. Research projects on the commitment of various social actors in globalization are being undertaken at this school.

Research Hub FCRI

Mobility (International Relations)

The School's priority is the internationalization of research and the training of doctoral students, and the communication PhD program is expected to promote research training placements and mobility for students. The broad network of agreements with national and foreign universities mean that these actions can be sustained and increased, both as one-off training activities and as part of the Strategic Research Plan, particularly for full-time PhD students.

Key data


employment rate (AQU)


average satisfaction with the training received that has improved skills for professional activity (AQU)


average satisfaction with the prospects for improvement and promotion pursuant to data from the labor market insertion study Vice-Dean's Office for Business and Innovation

Student follow-up

Regular and direct tutoring thanks to the coordination and secretariat of the PhD Program, with an advisor and director


Modeling of schedule of the Communication PhD Program

When is it carried out? What is evaluated? Person responsible for preparing it Evidence from follow-up supervision Who assesses it?
6 months Research plan (RP) Student Director's/Advisor's assessment ACPD
Second year Research Plan + Doctoral Activities Document (DAD) Student Student Confidential Report (ICDnd/a) + Director/Advisor Confidential Report (ICDr/a) ACPD
Third year Research Plan + Doctoral Activities Document (DAD) Student (ICDnd/a) + (ICDr/a) ACPD

Annual schedule of the degree

Admission, enrollment and assessment Pre-enrollment ACPD admission Enrollment Assessments
Newly accessed PhD students Research Plan Delivery
Second year PhD students and successive

*Delivery Student Confidential Report and Director Confidential Report

Academic information


Biblioteca per dins Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals


The PhD program does not have a curriculum as such, rather it is structured based on the training activities of the PhD students and the specific training courses of the program itself. In short, focused on methodological tools for research. These courses are specified throughout each of the training and thesis writing years.

All the facilities for you to access the PhD program

Candidates admitted to the PhD program who have to take Supplementary Training or the Research Methodology module will have to enroll in these modules.

Students who apply for a loan to finance their studies with the banks collaborating with Blanquerna-URL must communicate this when enrolling, so that the Secretariat can provide them with the document that must be presented to the corresponding bank.

Tuition fee for one academic year
Aules d'inormàtica

Career paths from the PhD

Aula a la biblioteca de la FCRI

University teaching and research

fcri stock

University doctoral faculty and researcher in the disciplines of Communication and Humanities

fcri stock

Consultant and advisor in communication in communication offices, large corporations, public and private institutions

Institutions and companies that trust our PhD students

Ramon Llull University · Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) · Government of Catalonia · International University of Catalonia · Parliament of Catalonia

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation

Admission to the School of Communication and International Relations PhD program

The legal basis for access to doctoral studies is regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011, with modification (RD 576/2023, of July 4), ratified by the Governing Board of the URL on June 13, 2024. In compliance with RD 99/2011, of January 28, in general, and amendment 576/2023, of July 4, to access the doctoral program one of the following requirements must be met:

  1. In general, to access an official PhD program, you must hold an official Spanish bachelor degree, or equivalent, and a university master degree, or equivalent, and have earned at least 300 ECTS credits in the two courses combined.
  2. Hold an official Spanish university degree, or one from another country that is part of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies you for access to a master degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, and have earned a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master degree level.
  3. Hold an official Spanish degree, equivalent to at least 300 ECTS credits, according to the specifications of Community law. These graduates must complete the supplementary training referred to in Article 7.2 of these regulations, unless the curriculum for their degree includes research training credits, equivalent in value to the research credits in master degree studies.
  4. Hold a degree obtained in accordance with the requirements of foreign education systems, without the need for convalidation, if it has been previously verified by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to an official Spanish university master degree and that it qualifies the student to undertake PhD studies in the country of issue. Such admission will not imply, in any case, the convalidation of the degree already held by the student or its recognition for purposes other than access to PhD studies.
  5. Hold another Spanish PhD degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.
  6. Graduates who have obtained a certificate of research proficiency or a Diploma in Advanced Studies in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 185/1985, of 23 January, and Royal Decree 778/1998, of 30 April, respectively.
  7. PhD students who have started the doctorate program in accordance with previous university regulations, will be able to access the PhD program, if previously admitted by the university, taking into account the general requirements of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, the general rules for the organization of PhD studies at Ramon Llull University and the specific requirements of the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations Academic Committee for the Doctoral Program (CAPD).

Applicant's profile

Spanish or foreign students, preferably with a background in the field of social sciences and humanities. Priority will be given to candidates who hold qualifications in the field of communication: journalism, audio-visual communication, film, television, advertising, public relations, and other related areas.

Selection process

Consideration will be given to aspects of candidates' profiles that provide reasonable evidence that they are potential researchers:

  • Academic record and qualifications (45%).
  • Previous research experience (5%).
  • Professional experience in areas related to the PhD (5%).
  • Relevance of the doctoral thesis project to the research lines of the groups linked to the PhD program (15%).
  • Command of Catalan, Spanish and English, the working languages for the program (5%).
  • Personal interview (25%).
  • If necessary, up to 3 letters of recommendation may be requested from the candidate.

It is the responsibility of the Academic Committee for the Doctoral Program (CAPD) to decide whether or not to admit candidates, in accordance with the selection criteria described. Students with degrees in the field of communication who have completed a master degree at an institution other than the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations must prove that subjects dealing with research methodology account for at least 10 ECTS in the course. If this is not the case, they must take the Introduction to Research Methodology Module of any of the university master degrees offered by the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations.

Candidates with profiles other than those considered priority may be admitted to the PhD program, but are required to undertake the supplementary training specified, up to a maximum of 20 ECTS. The Academic Committee for the Doctoral Program will evaluate each case individually to determine the courses to be taken.

Students applying for the part-time PhD program are subject to the same admission requirements as other students.

How to apply

You need to fill in the form that you will find when you click on the pre-enrollment option for the PhD in Communication program and follow the instructions given there. During the process you will have to upload the documentation requested and you will be assigned a day and time for an interview with the program coordinator. There is no charge for this procedure.

When the pre-enrollment process has been completed, you will obtain a receipt with your pre-enrollment details and code (CIB).

When your documentation and suitability have been assessed, you will receive an email with the PhD program coordinator's decision on your application and, if successful, the information you need to enroll.

Once admission has been confirmed, the candidate will have to pay €100 as a reservation fee, using the same application via which pre-enrollment was processed. This amount will be considered a reservation fee and will be deducted from the total price of enrollment when it is formalized. Payment is by credit or debit card using a secure, confidential process. The amount paid as a reservation fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, unless the course is canceled.

Payment is due at the time of enrollment. The student must pay the full amount outstanding during the next two business days. Prices are updated each academic year. In accordance with the conditions established, once enrollment has been formalized, the amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
General conditions for enrollment

  1. Through acceptance of the clauses contained in the enrollment form, a contract for the provision of teaching services is formalized between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation, subject to the payment agreed and in compliance with university entrance regulations (Organic Law 2/2006) and those of the Blanquerna Foundation.
  2. As stipulated in point 2.2 of the general conditions for enrollment, if a student declines to take up a place, he/she will lose in full any amount he/she has paid.
  3. The student accepts the rules for the use of computer services established by the Blanquerna Foundation.
  4. The student's personal data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and enrollment conditions.

This section is a summary of the general conditions for enrollment. It is only for guidance and therefore has no contractual value. In the event of a discrepancy, the provisions of the “General Conditions for Enrollment" specified in the receipt generated at the time of enrollment will prevail; this receipt is a formal record of the contract between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation, and students can consult it on the intranet whenever they wish:

Download PDF with calendar for access, admission, enrollment and assessment.


For more information, please contact us:

Dr. Jaume Radigales

[email protected]

Dra. Elena Yeste Piquer

[email protected]

PhD thesis

Academic development of a project from a hypothesis based on a methodological soundness

General Rules for the Organization of PhD Studies at Ramon Llull University

List of defended theses from the different PhD programs of the School

Títol: Els estudis d’audiència i els espais de comunicació. L’impacte de les institucions de mesurament d’audiències en els mitjans locals. Estudi del cas català
Doctorand: Joan Sabaté Salazar
Directors: Josep Ll. Micó Sanz i Albert Sáez Casas
Tutor: Josep Ll. Micó Sanz
Data de defensa: 09/01/2025
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent

Títol: Driving Success in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry: Innovation Dynamics
Doctoranda: Alba Ramírez Pagès
Directors: Marc Polo López i María Belén Derqui Zaragoza
Tutor: Joan Cuenca Fontbona
Data de defensa: 16/12/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent Cum Laude

Títol: Complejidad de la oferta comercial en líneas de producción de automóviles: Análisis del Segmento 2 en la fábrica de SEAT Martorell
Doctorand: Sergio Álvarez Martínez
Director: Josep A. Rom
Tutor: Josep A. Rom
Data de defensa: 18/11/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent Cum Laude

Títol: L'Aha del Ha-ha: Activació empàtica en formats breus d'humor audiovisual. Proposta de 91 estratègies pràctiques de guió
Doctorand: Joan Josep Tharrats Pascual
Directors: Sue Aran i Pol Urrutia
Tutor: Sue Aran
Data de defensa: 25/10/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent Cum Laude

Títol: Lack of Freedom of Speech: The Case of Turkish Media
Doctorand: Filiz Kip
Director: Marçal Sintes
Tutor: Marçal Sintes
Data de defensa: 08/10/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent

Títol: La comunicación institucional del Congreso de los Diputados y el Senado durante el período 1977-2023
Doctorand: Josep López de Lerma
Director: Josep Maria Carbonell Abelló
Tutor: Josep Maria Carbonell Abelló
Data de defensa: 13/05/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent Cum Laude

Títol: Comunicación del modelo Smart City. El portal web como canal de comunicación y promoción de la participación ciudadana en los modelos Barcelona Ciudad Digital, Málaga Smart y Smart City Valencia
Doctorand: Mariana Roldán Mascareño
Director/s: Josep A. Rom i Alfons Medina
Tutor: Josep A. Rom
Data de defensa: 04/03/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent

Títol: Seeking a Sustainable Business Model in the Digital Environment. An analysis of the Role of Web Analytics and Social Media in Modern Media Strategies
Doctorand: Valentina Laferrara
Director/s: Josep Ll. Micó i Santiago Justel
Tutor: Josep Ll. Micó
Data de defensa: 01/03/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent Cum Laude

Títol: Reconstruir l'Europa jueva després de la caiguda del comunisme, 1989-2000: un cas de circulació transnacional de narracions, recursos i coneixement
Doctorand: Marcelo David Dimentstein
Director/s: Ferran Sàez i Miriam Díez
Tutor: Ferran Sàez
Data de defensa: 12/07/2024
Qual·lificació: Excel·lent

Title: The communication strategies of cultural organisations and their effect on audience's behaviour in cultural consumption. The case of Onassis Cultural Centre
PhD candidate: Chrysoula Bousiouta
Director: Sue Aran i Jaume Suau
Tutor: Sue Aran
Date of defense: 13/12/2023
Qualification: Excellent

Title: Neuromarketing en la empresa española. Factores incentivadores y desincentivadores (2015-2023)
PhD candidate: Pilar Navarro
Director: Joan Cuenca i Marc Polo
Tutor: Joan Cuenca
Date of defense: 18/12/2023
Qualification: Notable

Title: Extramism and Hate Speech in Arabic-Speaking Media
PhD candidate: Lana Kazkak
Director: Míriam Díez Bosch
Tutor: Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 20/12/2023
Qualification: Excellent Cum Laude

Title: The impact of foreign policy on the conformation of party identities in Spain (2003-2019).
PhD candidate: Jordi Xuclà Costa
Director: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
Date of defense: 27/01/2023

Title: The Communication of Local Authorities in the Democratic Transition: The Catalan Association of Local Government Informers and its contributions to the Organization, development and management of Municipal Media Offices between 1980 and 1996
PhD candidate: Tomàs Vidal Lanza
Director: Jordi Busquet
Data of defense: 28/04/2023

Title: La Pantalla Fija. Entre lo fotográfico y lo cinematográfico. El caso de 'Sentimental Journey' de Nobuyoshi Araki.
PhD candidate: Daniel Seco de Herrera
Director: Fernando de Felipe
Date of defense: 19/05/2023

Title: Dar crédito a la ficción jugada. El personaje jugador como agente multidimensional generador de verosimilitud en el videojuego narrativo.
PhD Student: Àngel Colom Pons
Directors: Jaume Radigales i Lluís Anyó
Date of defense: 06/06/2023

Title: The political and mediàtic elites on Twitter. An analysis of the accounts that the Spanish media, journalists, and membres of the parliament started following.
Student: Verónica Israel Turim
Directors: Josep Lluís Micó i Alfons Medina Cambron
Tutor: Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 21/12/2022

Title: The American and British Press Coverage of Reforms in Saudi Arabia and the Peersonality of Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (The Washington Post and The Guardian as Examples).
Student: Rasha Abdallah Salameh Salameh
Director: Elena Yeste Piquer
Date of defense: 20/12/2022

Títol: Cultural Sustainability and the SDGs in the European Union and Andorran cultural policie

Doctoranda: Susanna Ferran Vila

Director/s: Dr. Josep Rom i Dra. Giorgia Miotto

Data defensa: 09/09/2022

Title: Ciudadanos: del Parlamento de Cataluña al Congreso de los Diputados. Evolución estratégica y comunicativa (2006-2019).
Student: Adriana Mayo Fuentes
Director: Dr. Ferran Sàez Mateu
Date of defense: 13/05/2022

Title: The use of infotainment and Twitter in television sports journalism in Spain. The cases of Estudio Estadio, El Club de la Mitjanit, Deportes Cuatro and El Chiringuito de Jugones
Student: David Puertas Graell
Director: Dr. Jaume Suau Martínez
Advisor: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Date of defense: 08/03/2022

Title: Barcelona Ciutat Digital i Amsterdam Smart City. Estratègies i canals de comunicació i participació ciutadana: webs i Twitter
Student: Nina Surinyac Carandell
Directors: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez and Dr. Alfons Medina Cambron
Advisor: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 07/03/2022

Title: 2010-2020. Brecha digital, ecografía de una sociedad quebrada: cuando los milenials entraron en la secundaria española
Student: Javier Sastre Freixa
Director: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Advisor: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Date of defense: 04/03/2022

Title: Facebook Advertising likeability factors in Pakistan: As a way to understand the relationship between Pakistan’s Culture and Advertising.
Student: Sohail Riaz
Directors: Dr. Josep A. Rom Rodríguez and Dr. Enric Ordeix Rigo
Date of defense: 23/02/2022

Title: La recerca de l'estil cinematogràfic: La influència de les arts visuals en la composició del pla
Student: Judith Colell
Director: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Advisor: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Date of defense: 01/18/2022

Title: Política en l'era digital: l'impacte de les noves pautes comunicatives en la política catalana durant la crisi institucional de 2017
Student: Marta Pascal Capdevila
Director: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
Advisor: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
Date of defense: 12/17/2021

Title: Sports Data Journalism: Data driven journalistic practices in Spanish newspapers
Student: Zehila Isil Vural
Director: Dr. Pere Masip
Advisor: Dr. Pere Masip
Date of defense: 07/23/2021

Title: Audiovisual representations of Artificial Intelligence in Dystopian Tech Societies: Scaremongering or Reality? The Cases of Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, 2011). Ex Machina (Alex Garland. 2017) and Her (Spike Jonze 2014)
Student: Goksu Akkan
Directors: Dr. Klaus Zilles and Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Advisor: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Date of defense: 05/27/2021

Title: La automatización de estrategias transmedia. Una herramienta de comunicación para el discurso de la obra de arte contemporáneo a partir de lo interactivo
Student: Laia Vidal Morata
Directors: Dr. Jaume Radigales and Dr. Arnau Guifreu
Advisor: Dr. Jaume Radigales​​​​​​​
Date of defense: 06/28/2021

Title: Nuevas maneras de ver la televisión, nuevas maneras de anunciarse. El impacto de los cambios en los hábitos de consumo audiovisual en la relación de las marcas con su audiencia
Student: Josep M Picola
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez​​​​​​​
Advisor: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 06/29/2021

Title: La crítica televisiva en la era de la hiperconectividad: Los Bad Fans" de Breaking Bad según Emily Nussbaum
Student: Clàudia Vives-Fierro
Director: Dr. Fernando de Felipe
Date of defense: 04/09/2021

Title: Las marcas públicas de calidad en alimentación. Claves para conseguir marcas regionales fuertes
Student: Marta Salvat Benlloch
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Codirector: Dr. Pilar Buil Gazol
Date of defense: 12/18/2020

Title: El rol de los medios de comunicación en la exclusión de los pueblos indígenas del Perú en tiempos de globalización. El comercio y su perspectiva sobre el Baguazo
Student: Vania Illarec Távara Palacios
Director: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Date of defense: 12/14/2020

Title: El treball per projectes en els ensenyaments superiors en disseny de producte
Student: Guillem Ferran Masip
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Codirector: Dr. Alfons Medina Cambron
Date of defense: 09/29/2020

Title: Neo-Distopia: una aproximació històrica i genèrica a la distopia audiovisual dels segle XXI
Student: Roger González Mercader
Director: Dr. Fermando de Felipe Allué
Date of defense: 09/09/2020.

Title: Estrategias de comunicación y comunidades virtuales. Evaluación y análisis de sitios web de educación medioambiental en Colombia, Costa Rica y Brasil
Student:Sonia Herminia Roa Trujillo
Directors: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez and Dr. Joan F Fondevila
Advisor: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 01/30/2020

Title: I think therefore I am...? An exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) marketing practitioner perceptions and practices
Student:Timothy Edward Bant Breen
Director: Dr. Pere Masip
Advisor: Dr. Pere Masip
Date of defense: 03/10/2020

Title: El fantàstic en mons ordinaris: Shyamalan o la segona generació de Storytellers fantàstics
Student:Anna Tarragó
Director: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott​​​​​
Advisor: Dr. Sue Aran Ramspott
Date of defense: 04/23/2020

Title: Slow Media and Religion. The New Digital Journalism as an Agora for Understanding
Student: Alba Sabaté
Directors: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó and Dr. Míriam Díez
Advisor: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 04/24/2020

Title: Cultura, organització i resistència mediàtica
Student: Eloi Aymerich Casas
Directors: Dr. Albert Sáez Casas and Dr. Joan Subirats
Date of defense: 11/18/2019
Tutor: Dr. Albert Sáez Casas
Qualification: Excelllent Cum Laude

Title: La comunicación ritual. El caso de la ceremonia inaugural de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona'92
Student: Marta Ribot Blázquez
Director: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Date of defense: 07/09/2019

Title: Los Fundamentos estéticos y artísticos de la dirección de arte en publicidad
Student: Claudia Inés Vélez Ochoa
Directors: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez and Dr. Omar Muñoz Sánchez
Date of defense: 07/18/2019

Title: Estrategias de comunicación en la nueva economía: relaciones públicas y publicidad en la era digital. Los casos de estudio de Wallapop, Westwing y Fotocasa
Student: Patricia Coll Rubio
Director: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 03/19/2018

Title: The Use of New Media and ICT by Social Movements in Contemporary Processes of Political Activism
Student: Marc Perelló Sobrepere
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 12/21/2018

Title: Copia y pega. Cómo las multinacionales construyen las noticias. Los breves de empresa en los diarios "La Vanguardia" y "El Mundo de Catalunya". Estudio de similitud entre los breves y las notas de prensa
Student: Martínez Fernández, Jesús
Directors: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó and Dr. Francesc Pozo Montero
Date of defense: 01/10/2017

Title: La estrategia de comunicación del patrimonio desde la comunicación corporativa y las relaciones públicas. Análisis de un caso: el Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO en España
Student: Marc Compte Pujol
Directors: Dr. Albert Sáez Casas and Dr. Kathy Matilla Serrano
Date of defense: 02/10/2017

Title: El poder de las marcas del distribuidor. El caso Bosque Verde (de Mercadona) en la categoría Detergentes para Ropa en España
Student: Ester Almenar Taya
Director: Dr. Pere Masip
Date of defense: 01/08/2016

Title: Els estudis en Periodisme i Comunicació en relació a la indústria informativa: Una anàlisi des de la perspectiva de les habilitats, les competències, les plataformes i els formats. Els casos de la UPF, la URL i la UOC
Student: Alex Araujo Batlle
Director: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 01/11/2016

Title: La Democracia Digital y sus Artefactos: Implementación de las Aplicaciones de Asesoramiento al Voto (VAAs) en España, Chile y la Unión Europea
Student: Ana Cinthya Uribe Sandoval
Director: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Date of defense: 01/12/2016

Title: La eficacia de las palancas comerciales y la promoción en el punto de venta
Student: Antonio Solanilla Pascau
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 01/13/2016

Title: Els assassins d’El Capitán Trueno. La censura de les publicacions infantils i juvenils durant el franquisme. Estudi de l'evolució del marc legal i del seu impacte en els continguts publicats (1936-1982)
Student: Josep Vicent Sanchis Llàcer
Director: Dr. Albert Sáez Casas
Date of defense: 01/14/2016

Title: Comunicación de marca para vender. Los resultados de la construcción valor de marca desde la comunicación. Análisis de los Premios Eficacia
Student: Iolanda Casalà Surribas
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 01/15/2016

Title: Miguel Gila: Un equívoc humor blanc. Entre Franco i l'antifranquisme
Student: Marc Lobato Guembe
Director: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
Date of defense: 01/20/2016

Title: La enseñanza universitaria de la Ética y Deontología periodísticas y los desafíos morales de los informadores. Encuentros y desencuentros entre la academia y la profesión en la transición al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
Student: Eva Jiménez Gómez
Director: Dr. Carlos Miguel Ruiz Caballero
Date of defense: 01/21/2016

Title: Creación y posicionamiento de la Barcelona postolímpica como marca ciudad
Student: Consolidación Morillo Palomo
Directors: Dr. Joan Sabaté López and Dr. Isabel Solanas García
Date of defense: 01/22/2016

Title: Els esdeveniments mediàtics en l'era digital. La Via Catalana cap a la Independència
Student: Ismael Peracaula Juanola
Director: Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
Date of defense: 01/26/2016

Title: Diseño gráfico y arte. Hacia una historia integrada. Las tensiones entre la historia del diseño gráfico y el arte: orígenes, límites e incidencias en los estudios superiores de diseño gráfico en España
Student: Maider Zulueta Yoldi
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 01/28/2016

Title: ECOSOCIALISME, Comunicació política i societat postmoderna a la Catalunya democràtica. Teoria i història de l'ecosocialisme com a corrent de pensament en la Posmodernitat (1980-2015) a través de la seva representació política i mediàtica
Student: Jaume Risquete Sánchez
Directors: Dr. Manuel Parés Maicas and Dr. Albert Sáez Casas
Date of defense: 01/29/2016

Title: Memòria, veritat i justícia a Sud-àfrica: la Comissió Veritat i Reconciliació i el seu llegat
Student: Maria Dolors Genovés Morales
Directors: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu and Dr. Magdalena Sellés
Date of defense: 02/02/2016

Title: Redes sociales y comunicación publicitaria. La metodología SETAL para la obtención de insights publicitarios
Student: Xavier Duran Muñoz
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 02/02/2016

Title: Ethics and Photojournalism: the visual representation for reality
Student: Miguel Franquet dos Santos Silva
Director: Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
Date of defense: 02/04/2016

Title: El papel de las marcas de moda en la construcción de la identidad personal
Student: Jordi Iglesias Martínez
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 02/04/2016

Title: Atributs clau de la contemporaneïtat: Actius inspiracionals en els processos creatius, estímuls revulsius en les estratègies de marca
Student: Marta Marín Anglada
Director: Dr. Miquel Tresserras Majó
Date of defense: 02/05/2016

Title: Individuo, sociedad y cultura en la recepción mediática de la diáspora hispanoamericana
Student: Luis Gilberto Concepción Sepúlveda
Director: Dr. Alfons Medina Cambrón
Date of defense: 02/05/2016

Title: El endorsement de los celebrities y su influencia en el consumidor
Student: Míriam Julià Rich
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 02/09/2016

Title: Traduciendo la mirada. Sobre la práctica del montaje en los remakes norteamericanos de las películas de terror japonesas contemporáneas
Student: Sandra Sánchez Lopera
Director: Dr. Fernando Felipe Allué
Date of defense: 02/09/2016

Title: Límites jurídicos de la publicidad en España. Marco normativo, anàlisis jurisprudencial y gestión profesional
Student: Sandra Vilajoana Alejandre
Director: Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 02/10/2016

Title: Francesc Maspons i Anglasell: Polític, jurista, periodista (1872-1967)
Student: Jose Manuel García Izquierdo
Directors: Dr. Josep Maria Figueres Artigues and Dr. Carles Ruíz Caballero
Date of defense: 02/10/2016

Title: Usos periodísticos de Twitter. Una comparativa entre redacciones tradicionales y digitales en Catalunya y Bélgica
Student: Susana Pérez-Soler
Director: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 03/03/2016

Title: El caso Netflix 2012-2015. Nuevas formas de pensar la producción, distribución y consumo de series dramáticas
Student: Josefina Cornejo Stewart
Directors: Dr. Iván Gómez García and Dr. Fernando de Felipe Allué
Date of defense: 06/07/2016

Title: Evolution of the media market and its legal framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the independence: special focus on defamation
Student: Kristina Cendic
Directors: Dr. Carles Ruíz Caballero and Dr. Joan Barata i Mir
Date of defense: 11/04/2016

Title: La Tercera Edat Dorada de la Televisión. Battlestar Galactica y las Nuevas Formas de Pensar, Hacer y Consumir el Drama Televisivo Norteamericano
Student: Noor Yasmina Benchichah López
Directors: Dr. Fernando de Felipe Allué and Dr. Iván Gómez García
Date of defense: 01/13/2015

Title: El debate epistemológico en el periodismo informativo. Realidad y verdad en la información
Student: Pablo Capilla García
Director: Dr. Albert Sáez Casas
Date of defense: 03/19/2015

Title: Citizens and online media participation. Attitudes and motivations towards participatory journalism and other practices in London and Barcelona
Student: Jaume Suau Martínez
Director: Dr. Pere Masip
Date of defense: 04/08/2015

Title: La polivalència periodística a les agències de notícies: Un estudi comparatiu entre els perfils professionals de l'ACN, EFE i Europa Press
Student: Guillem Sánchez Marin
Director: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 04/09/2015

Title: ¿Interés público o interés público? Periodismo, mercado y democracia en la era de la analítica web
Student: Santiago Javier Justel Vázquez
Director: Dr. Josep Lluís Micó
Date of defense: 04/08/2015

Title: La influencia de Rafael Roldós Viñolas en el nacimiento y desarrollo de la actividad publicitaria en España: su obra y su legado (1857-1957)
Student: Carolina Serra Folch
Director: Dr. Joan Sabaté López
Date of defense: 06/15/2015

Title: Jim Jarmusch desde la postmodernidad. Las teorías posmodernas como fuente de análisis de las películas de Jim jarmusch
Student: Raúl Martínez Torres
Directors: Dr. Jaume Radigales and Dr. Klaus Zilles
Date of defense: 06/29/2015

Title: La batalla de la persuasió durant la Guerra Civil. El cas del Comissariat de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya (1936-1939)
Student: Ester Boquera Diago
Director: Enric Marín Otto
Date of defense: 07/16/2015

Title: El branding made in Spain: la marca España en la internacionalización de las marcas de calzado y moda
Student: Sylviane Leca
Director: Josep Rom
Date of defense: 07/20/2015

Title: Música i intel·ligència espiritual a través de l'audiovisual
Student: Maria Assumpta Montserrat Rull
Directors: Dr. Jaume Radigales and Dr. Francesc Torralba
Date of defense: 01/12/2015

Title: Repensar la Indagación Apreciativa desde la perspectiva de su plasticidad
Student: Damas Basté García
Director: Ceferí Soler
Date of defense: 15/12/2015

Title: El sector de l'exhibició cinematrogràfica a Catalunya en l'era de la digitalització (2000-2013). Evolució i anàlisi. Formes d'exhibició alternatives als cinemes independents. El cas del Cinema Truffaut de Girona
Student: Francesc Xavier Vilallonga Montañá
Director: Dr. Alfons Medina Cambrón
Date of defense: 12/17/2015

Title: Constructing The Social Personality in Organizations: Essentials of Managing the Social Commitment According to the Parameters Reached by the Study "Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management”
Student: Enric Ordeix
Director: Josep A. Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 01/24/2014

Title: Estructura y políticas públicas ante los nuevos retos de la distribución y consumo digital de contenido audiovisual. Los proyectos de vídeo bajo demanda de cine filmin y universciné
Student: Judith Clarés Gavilán
Directors: Alfons Medina and Miquel Salvador
Date of defense: 07/08/2014

Title: Marketing Viral: claves creativas de la viralidad publicitaria
Student: Sílvia Sivera Bello
Directors: Dr. Joan Sabaté López and Dr. Isabel Jiménez
Date of defense: 07/10/2014

Title: La música clásica preexistente en el cine ambientado en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Usos estéticos, tópicos y anacronismos
Student: Yaiza Bermúdez Cubas
Director: Dr. Jaume Radigales
Date of defense: 07/21/2014

Title: Las campañas de crowdfunding. Su eficacia en proyectos lucrativos y causas sociales
Student: Judit Mata Monforte
Directors: Dr. Pere Masip and Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez
Date of defense: 10/01/2014


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Quality assurance guarantees a learning environment in which program content, learning opportunities, and services and facilities meet established standards.

Gender perspective

As the European Union points out, gender equality is not only a matter of social justice but also affects the results of teaching and research. Promoting gender equality in research and innovation is one of the European Commission's commitments, and it supports the explicit integration of a gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, this recommendation is often poorly understood and misapplied. Various documents are presented here with a view to contributing to a better understanding and application of the gender perspective in teaching and research.


Excellence is the future