
El sector de la comunicació es llança  a la utilització del Big Data

Communication sector focused on the use of Big Data

April 11, 2019

Big Data consolidates itself as the main source of innovation in the communication sector in Catalonia. This is one of the conclusions of the Outlook Blanquerna 2019 study, that was presented at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona.

The report is led by the Research Institute of the School of Communication and International Relations Blanquerna of Ramon Llull University and is supported by "la Caixa" Welfare Projects.

The professionals who were surveyed are optimistic about the evolution of the economy during this year, 2019 and say that the companies in which they work will continue to create employment, although the rate will be slightly lower than it was last year. For the implementation of Outlook Blanquerna, the responses of 470 professionals from advertising, marketing, journalism, corporate communication, television and the audiovisual sector have been taken into account. Alumni Blanquerna and those associated to the Association of Journalists, the Advertising and Public Relations Association and the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia have also participated.

The implementation of Big Data has encouraged most of the companies in which the respondents work, to consider that their main challenges are the creation of new products and services more appropriate to the demands of consumers, as well as the creation of new models of business adapted to their specific needs. The economic evolution, the technological innovations and the alteration of the competition are the critical elements that will mark this year as the evolution of the communication sector in Catalonia.

Advertising companies are the ones that are planning to create more employment during 2019. The most popular profiles in the sector are previous professional experienced people, which has increased by five points compared to 2018 and young people with digital profiles. The demand for people willing to work for low salaries has dropped.

enlightenedOutlook Blanquerna presents their findings for the second time this year and they are keen to continue following the evolution of the sector in Catalonia. You can check Outlook Blanquerna 2018 here.


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