Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Master in Life-long learning in TV Entertainment Shows Blanquerna - Gestmusic

Pre-enrollment open

Master Gestmusic Programes TV
  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    1 academic year
  • Credits
  • Date
    October 13, 2025
  • Shifts
    Late afternoon/Evening
  • Planning

    Monday to Thursday and occasionally on Fridays.

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Plaça Joan Coromines. 08001 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Communication and International Relations

Who is it for?

Aimed at graduates in Audio-visual Communication, Journalism, and Advertising and Public Relations. Also graduates in other areas of the social and human sciences who want to direct their career towards the creation, production and marketing of television content, and audio-visual media professionals who want to improve their profile.

Tauler plató tv (mesclador)

Master's degree taught in association with...

Great scope for professional growth

The extensive experience of the School's teaching staff and their permanent contact with professional practice have enabled us to constantly update the content of the course.

Professional development in different areas of television entertainment

Training in the creation and production of audio-visual entertainment content

Training in the marketing of audio-visual entertainment products nationally and internationally

Specialization in different aspects of television entertainment genres through the creation and production of television programs

If you choose the Blanquerna - Gestmusic Master's Degree in TV Entertainment Shows, you choose...

A guaranteed future career.

  • Training visits and practical exercises on Gestmusic sets.
  • Internships at exclusive television entertainment producers.
  • Professional teaching staff including directors, producers, editors and technicians working on television and digital entertainment programs.
  • Career guidance at the end of the course and support from the Blanquerna Alumni network.
alumnes escoltant amb projector

Key data


employment rate

(general School data, AQU)


agreements with companies


international university agreements

Academic information

alumnes amb parasol


Module 1. TV Entertainment (8 ECTS)

Current scenario, analysis and discussion forum on classic and current genres and formats based on the experience of program directors and editors.
Trends in entertainment content.

Module 2. Audiences and digital interactivity. Format analysis. (8 ECTS)

Audience study for professionals who want to propose their own ideas to the television market.
Digital business based on audiences and commercial and sponsorship studies. New audio-visual scenarios, new consumption patterns and the revolution in television content on social media.

Module 3. Content creation and format development (8 ECTS)

Content management and writing.
Immersion in the work of professionals who create and develop television formats.
Complete process of content creation for an entertainment format that will serve as a basis and guide for the project the student will work on in module 7.

Module 4. Television content production (8 ECTS)

View of production based on human relations, learning about the way teams work and the production plans for programs on the air today. Executive production of projects and content control. Audio-visual law. The aesthetics, scenery and graphics of programs.

Module 5. Production and technical design (8 ECTS)

Immersion in the technique of television production in all genres. Technical equipment and designs on set for recordings, live broadcasts and streaming. Mobile control units. Post-production and organizing material within a project. The most important aspects of image capture, ingest, post-production and delivery.

Module 6. The production and technical stages in the development of formats (8 ECTS)

Complete production and technical development of an entertainment format that will serve as a basis and guide for the project the student will work on in module 7.

Module 7. Master's degree thesis (8 ECTS)

The most important aspects of image capture, ingest, post-production and delivery. Cameras, sound, graphics and set aesthetics.

Module 8. Internship (12 ECTS)

Internships in companies in the television entertainment sector.

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

The payment of the studies is made in installments and without any type of interest. The payment of the total price will be made as follows: a percentage at the time of enrollment, and a second and third installment in January and March.

Tuition fees for the 2025-2026 academic year

Tuition fee for the entire course
Tuition fee per credit
Aules d'inormàtica

Career path

Based on interviews with students, each academic year we establish new agreements for cooperation with companies and organizations directly related to their professional field. The internship will be customized to the characteristics of each student, taking both academic aspects and availability into account.

fcri stock

Creative directors for TV production companies

Director de programa de TV

Program directors

guió de cinema fcri

Format creators, copywriters, screenwriters, executive producers

disseny de so cine fcri

Technical staff, lighting technicians, filmmakers

Companies that trust our graduates

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation

Members of the Council

Tinet Rubira Castella

Tinet Rubira Castella

Periodista. director General de Gestmusic Endemol. Creador de formats, productor executiu i director de programes d'entreteniment com Operación Triunfo, Tu cara me suena, el Número Uno,...



Sergio Arevalo Gonzalez

Sergio Arevalo Gonzalez

Redactor i sotsdirector de programes d'entreteniment a diverses productores: Gestmusic, Veranda, Zanskar, Triacom, i en equips de programes com OT, Oh Happy day, Planeta Calleja, Persona infiltrada.

Ferran Armengol Barallat

Ferran Armengol Barallat

Ana Boadas Villaseca

Ana Boadas Villaseca

Periodista, guionista i presentadora. Ha treballat en equips de Gestmusic, Warner Bros, Magnolia... i en programes i gales com Operación Triunfo (TVE), Divendres (TV3), La Marató (TV3), Top photo (Neox) i Obrim fil (TVE).

Montserrat Claros Pérez

Montserrat Claros Pérez

Productora executiva i directora de programes del gènere de concurs, a Gestmusic. Especialitzada des de fa anys en formats concursos: Alta Tensión, Atrapa un millón, Ahora caigo, Boom, The Wall...

Mario Daza Bermejo

Mario Daza Bermejo

Productor executiu de programes a TV3. Responsable de les produccions Joc de Cartes, El Foraster, Polònia, Tabús, Preguntes Freqüents, This is Art, Oh Happy Day, Està passant...

Noemi Maria Galera Nebot

Noemi Maria Galera Nebot

Directora del Departament de càsting a Gestmusic. Directora i sotsdirectora de programes i, actualment, Directora de l’Acadèmia de Operación Triunfo en les noves edicions.

Gloria Galiano Gavalda

Gloria Galiano Gavalda

Miguel Garcia Guerrero

Miguel Garcia Guerrero

Enginyer Industrial. Cap del Departament de Ingesta i postproducció a Gestmusic. Responsable de la postproducció a Operación Triunfo, Tu Cara Me Suena, Boom, Ahora Caigo, Top Gamers Academy...

Albert Grau Arribas

Albert Grau Arribas

Productor de grans programes de la televisió a Gestmusic durant més de 20 anys: Crónicas Marcianas, Operación Triunfo, Atrapa un millón, Mira quien baila…. Actualment, productor freelance de projectes diversos.

Gerardo Hausmann Castella

Gerardo Hausmann Castella

Director i editor d'El Club Super 3. Dirigeix un univers infantil de referència: sitcom, canal tv, web, apps, videojocs i l'esdeveniment anual familiar més gran d'Europa. Premis nacionals i internacionals.

Eva Marin Hernandez

Eva Marin Hernandez

Redactora de programes a diverses productores: Lavinia, La Fábrica de la Tele, Producciones del Barrio i Gestmusic. Darrerament, a Veranda Televisió, amb Persona Infiltrada i Oh Happy Day.

Alexander Navarro Ruiz

Alexander Navarro Ruiz

Soci del col·lectiu de guionistes 12 monos. Ha treballat com a guionista a Operación Triunfo 2020, a La Fábrica amb Gabriel Rufián, amb Buenafuente, a El Intermedio, Saber y Ganar, Gales Premis Gaudí, 60 años juntos.

Juan Francisco Pozo Gomez

Juan Francisco Pozo Gomez

Responsable del Departament de so i àudio de Gestmusic Endemol, Cap de so i àudio de programes com Operación Triunfo, Top Gamers Academy, Boom, Ahora Caigo, Mira quién baila...

Pere Prat Bachs

Pere Prat Bachs

Enginyer Industrial. Director del Departament Tècnic de Gestmusic Endemol. Creador de CATVL97 i El 9 Televisió de Cardedeu. Professor de Sistemes de Comunicació a l’Institut del Teatre.

Jordi Rosell Ramentol

Jordi Rosell Ramentol

Productor executiu, director i realitzador. Free-lance per a diverses productores: El Terrat, Zoopa, Shine Iberica, Gestmusic, Magnolia, i en programes com Supervivientes, Masterchef, Top Photo, El Cazador Baby Boom, Mira quien baila...

Carlos Sánchez Verdú

Carlos Sánchez Verdú

Redactor i guionista freelance per a diverses productores: El Terrat, Brutal Media, Gestmusic, i per a diversos programes: El Foraster, Tips, El Intermedio, Likes. Presentador i reporter de televisió.

Jordi Selma Gil

Jordi Selma Gil

Grafista i dissenyador. Cap del Departament d'Infografia i Grafisme de Gestmusic Endemol. Responsable de l’estètica, logos, caretes, infografies, etc... dels programes de Gestmusic.

Carlos Torres Prieto

Carlos Torres Prieto

Guionista, redactor i reporter. Ha treballat per Gestmusic, Goroka, El Terrat, Producciones del Barrio... Últimament, guionista a Salvados amb Jordi Évole i, actualment, a la docusèrie Crims amb Carles Porta.

Application process

To access the master degree and/or university specialization diplomas, you must hold an official Spanish university degree, or a degree from another country in the European Higher Education Area. These studies are also open to students with a degree issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, who do not need to have it approved, provided that the level of training is equivalent to that of an official Spanish degree and that, in the country of origin, the degree gives access to graduate studies. However, admission does not in any case imply the convalidation of the degree or any other type of recognition beyond allowing the student to access master and graduate studies at the University. Furthermore, these courses are open to people who do not have a degree but who, due to their professional or personal background, are considered qualified to take them. In these cases, the degree they will obtain will be a university extension.


Students will pre-enroll online (by accessing Pre-enrollment | Blanquerna or the pre-enrollment option for each course). You can also pre-enroll in person at the School. During the process, the candidate must submit the required documentation:

  • ID card, passport or NIE residence card.
  • CV

There is no charge for this procedure. When the pre-enrollment process has been completed, you will obtain a receipt with pre-enrollment details and a pre-enrollment code (CIB).​


When pre-enrollment has been completed, the candidate will be offered a date for an interview with the director and/or coordinator of the master degree, who will assess their suitability and resolve any doubts they may have about the course for which they are enrolling. For the selection of candidates the following will be taken into account:

  • Academic transcript
  • Personal interview
  • Professional experience

Once the assessment is complete, the student will be informed of the result of the interview and how to enroll, if admitted. Once admission has been confirmed, the candidate will have to pay €100 as a reservation fee, using the same application via which pre-enrollment was processed. This amount will be considered a reservation fee and will be deducted from the total price of enrollment when it is formalized. Payment is by credit or debit card using a secure, confidential process. The amount paid as a reservation fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, unless the course is canceled.


Enrollment is the final step in the procedure to access the master degree. Students will be informed individually of the enrollment date. When enrollment is complete, with payment of the corresponding fee, the student will have definitively secured a place. If the student leaves the course, the enrollment fee will not be refunded in any case. The School reserves the right to cancel any courses for which the required minimum number of enrolled students has not been reached. In this case, the amount paid for enrollment will be refunded in full.

Documentation to be provided:

  • Certified photocopy of the degree certificate or certified photocopy of the university studies completed.
  • Official academic certification (list of subjects studied with their grade).
  • Current account number for direct debit.

When students enroll, they will have two business days to pay the total cost of enrollment, by bank transfer, credit card or barcode. Studies can be paid in installments, without any interest, by bank transfer. If payment by installment is selected, students will have two business days following completion of enrollment to pay 33.3% of the total cost of the enrolled credits, using their chosen form of payment; this payment cannot be made by direct debit. The remaining 66.4% is split into two monthly installments, in January and March, payable by direct debit using the bank account number provided upon enrollment.

Master degrees in Entertainment Television Programs and in Music and Sound for Gestmusic Entertainment Projects can split payment into 5 installments (50% enrollment fee, 15%, 15% and 10%, 10%). The first receipt is paid at the time of enrollment by bank transfer and the rest is paid in installments from November to February by direct debit.

School alumni are given a 15% discount on the enrollment fee (non-cumulative discount). Distinctions obtained in the fourth academic year of the bachelor degree are not eligible for a discount in own master degrees and graduate studies. Prices are updated each academic year. Once enrollment is complete, the amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.​

When a student enrolls, a contract for the provision of teaching services is formalized between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation, which is legally binding from the time of payment. Payment includes the corresponding insurance and, for students under the age of twenty-eight, compulsory academic insurance. If a student declines to take up a place, he/she will lose in full any amount he/she has paid. The student accepts the rules for the use of computer services established by the Blanquerna Foundation. The student's personal data will be included in an automated file under the responsibility of the Blanquerna Foundation, so that this contract can be maintained and fulfilled. Students should note that their data may also be used to inform them about the future activities of the Foundation, or for the institution to send them publications. In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data, students have the right to access their data to update, rectify or cancel them, or object to their use, by sending a letter, indicating which right they want to exercise.

This section is a summary of the general conditions for enrollment. It is only for guidance and therefore has no contractual value. In the event of any discrepancy, the provisions of the general conditions for enrollment specified in the receipt generated at the time of enrollment will prevail; this receipt formalizes the contract between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation; students can consult it on the intranet whenever they wish.

Foreign students

The School reserves the right to ask candidates with qualifications obtained outside the EES for a letter from their university, embassy or consulate to certify that their studies enable them to pursue a master degree or graduate studies. Students are responsible for having all the official documentation necessary for their stay in Spain while studying at the School. Applicants can ask for a pre-acceptance document attached to the pre-enrollment receipt to initiate applications for visas or scholarships or carry out any other administrative procedure. Under no circumstances does this document guarantee a place if all the access and admission requirements are not met. Once applicants have been accepted and enrollment is complete, they can request a letter of admission from the Academic Secretary, if required, by paying the corresponding fees.

Contact us

For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the School's Student Information and Orientation Service.
[email protected]

Master's Degree Thesis

A proposal for a television entertainment format must be conceived, designed, pre-produced and presented to a panel of professionals in the audio-visual sector.

Creation or adaptation and development of an entertainment format for television.

A complete bible for the format must be prepared, including its content and structure and aspects of production, shooting and budget, plus a sales dossier for the final product and details of how it will be pitched to TV channels.

Proposals for the thesis will be based on individual or group ideas and will be presented at the end of the Creativity Workshop in Module 3, where the viability of the ideas and the groups will be assessed (groups of two people recommended).

  • Phase 1: In this phase, the structure and content of the format will be defined.
  • Phase 2: In this phase, production, financial, aesthetic and technical aspects will be studied and a sales pitch for the format will be prepared.
  • The final presentation must include a teaser of the format and a sales dossier, which will be prepared independently during the last weeks of the course.

Each group approved for a thesis must follow the planning and schedule of submissions and activities designed for each phase of the project.

  • Phase 1: There will be sessions with an advisor (one for each project, depending on the genre of the format) to help students develop the ideas, content, format structure, and content ladder.
  • Phase 2: In this phase specific tutorial sessions will be held with teaching staff from each field (commercial and legal, scenery and sets, production criteria, graphics, production planning, budgets, etc.). It includes the preparation of sales dossiers, teasers and pitch rehearsals.

At the end of the course the format must be pitched to a panel of professionals and will be evaluated by them.

For the final master's degree project to be approved, all necessary documents must be submitted, and it must be presented or defended before a panel of professionals constituted for the occasion. Attendance at tutorials and follow-up sessions, along with documents, the presentation or defense of the project, and the program bible, account for 100% of the final grade.

Check the procedure for submitting the master's degree thesis here.

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna

Internships in television entertainment programs

External internships at companies and institutions are a key part of the learning process. Through them, students have direct contact with the professional world, in which they will be able to apply the knowledge acquired at university. Internships provide the student with an overview of the communication and operating dynamics of the medium, company, or institution where they are receiving work experience. The School has agreements with upwards of 1,200 companies in which students are prepared to enter the working world.

An internship environment fully adapted to your interests and your availability

Based on interviews with students, each academic year we establish new agreements for cooperation with companies and organizations directly related to the professional field of the master's degree. The internship will be customized to the characteristics of each student, taking both academic aspects and availability into account.

Objectives of the internship

  • Get to know the main working practices of the specialty by immersing yourself in a real professional environment.
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in the course to real cases.
  • Build a network of contacts in the sector.

Internships at the FCRI

  • The bachelor's degree ensures that each student will be able to do an internship within a company in positions related to their sector.
  • Each student will have a bachelor degree advisor who will ensure they comply with the internship's objectives and make the most of the experience.

Internship companies

Veranda · Incís Films · Fremantle · El Terrat · Lavinia Audiovisual · La Fábrica de la Tele · 8TV · Zeppelin · Shine Iberia · Goroka · Mediaplay · Mediacrest · Visiona TV · E2S Contents


Excellence is the future