Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Master Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training, Vocational Training and Language Teaching

Official title

Academic year closed

formacio professorat
  • Modality
    Hybrid learning format
  • Languages
  • Duration
    1 year full time (60 ECTS). It can be taken in two years subject to acceptance by the master degree coordinators
  • Credits
  • Date
    october 2024
  • Planning

    from Monday to Friday, 6pm to 9pm (2 or 3 days of class depending on the specialty and semester).

  • Places
  • Location

    La Salle-URL - Carrer de Sant Joan de la Salle, 42. 08022 Barcelona

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona

    Complex Esportiu Hospitalet Nord - Avinguda de Manuel Azaña, 21. 08906 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

Who is it for?

The master degree is aimed at people who have passed a diploma, a bachelor degree or degree studies and who wish to teach at secondary education level or vocational training. The teaching specialty that can be accessed depends on the qualification required by the regulations for admission to the teaching profession:

Secondary education teaching staff, official language school teaching staff and art and design teaching staff: PhD qualification, engineering, architecture, bachelor degree, or equivalent for teaching purposes.

Teaching staff for technical vocational training and teaching staff for arts and design workshops: diploma qualification, technical architecture, technical engineering, or equivalent for teaching purposes.

Master's degree taught in association with...

Logo La Salle

Improve your qualifications

This master's degree accredits the pedagogical and instructional training required by’Order ECI/3858/2007, of December 27, qualifying’students for the teaching professions of’Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training, Vocational Training and Language’Teaching. It’is taught at the School of Psychology,’Education and’Sports Sciences at Blanquerna-URL and La Salle-URL and provides the necessary tools for classroom management’and the management of conflicting situations arising, with a view to foster values and attitudes of cooperation, tolerance and effort between’students and to accompany and guide young people in their continuing education and job placement.

Acquire knowledge in the field of psychology, pedagogy and didactics so that, at the end of the master degree, students can competently perform teaching functions in a context of diversity.

- Know the curricular content of the subjects related to the corresponding teaching specialization and also the body of didactic knowledge on the respective teaching and learning processes. For vocational training, knowledge of the respective professions must be included. - Plan, develop and assess the teaching and learning process by promoting educational processes that facilitate the acquisition of the skills specific to the corresponding teaching, taking into account the level, prior training and guidance of students, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals at the center. - Search, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia), transform it into knowledge and apply it to the teaching and learning processes in the subjects of the specialization studied. - Specify the curriculum’to be’implemented in a teaching center, participating in its collective planning; develop and apply didactic methodologies, both group and personalized, adapted to the diversity of the student body. - Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, emotional and values education, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, citizen training and respect for human rights that foster life in society, decision-making and building a sustainable future. - Acquire strategies to stimulate the student's effort and promote their ability to learn for themselves and with others, and develop thinking and decision-making skills that facilitate personal autonomy, confidence and initiative. - Know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, to master the skills and social abilities necessary to encourage learning and coexistence in the classroom, and to address problems of discipline and conflict resolution. - Design and carry out formal and informal activities that contribute to making the center a place of participation and culture in its local environment; to develop the functions of student tutoring and guidance in a collaborative and coordinated manner, to participate in the assessment, research and innovation of the teaching and learning processes. - Know the regulations and the’institutional organization of the education system and the models of quality improvement applicable to educational centers. - Know and analyze the historical characteristics of the teaching profession, its current situation and the perspectives of’interrelation with the social reality of each time period. - Inform and advise families on the teaching and learning process and on the personal, academic and professional guidance of their children.

Great scope for professional growth

The master degree has three tracks:


Physical education


When you choose the Master Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teacher Training, Vocational Training and Language Teaching you're choosing

A guaranteed future career

  • Large number of hours of internship in the Blanquerna network of schools and centers
  • Faculty with 14 years of experience teaching the master degree
  • A master degree with an excellent position in the ranking of master degrees in Education
  • Competence training aimed at quality teaching practice in schools
Informació acadèmica

Key data


hours of curricular internship


in Catalonia, according to the El Mundo ranking


in all of Spain, according to the El Mundo ranking


in employability rate, according to EUC.

A unique methodology based on personalized learning

According to Royal Decree 1393/2007, graduate studies must provide the student with both basic and sufficient academic training for professional practice and qualify them to continue studying and pursue a master degree. Master degree studies include advanced specialized and multidisciplinary training, the aim of which will be academic and professional specialization or embarking on research activities. Master degrees are required to access PhD studies, which are aimed at providing advanced training in the field of research and lead to preparing a PhD thesis and obtaining a PhD qualification. The master degrees have been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and are structured in ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System), which make it possible to share a compatible credit system, comparable criteria and methodologies and a duration similar to that of European qualifications, with the aim of facilitating and promoting the mobility and incorporation of students into the European workforce. Master degree studies have a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 120 credits. This equates to one to two academic years. ECTS credits are characterized by being student-centered to ensure the student leads their own learning process. Each credit is equivalent to 25 hours of training and is used to count class hours (theoretical and practical), personal study, participation in seminars, assignments, external internships and assessment tests. During an academic year, a student can get a maximum of 60 full-time credits and 30 if they have a part-time job. The master degrees at Blanquerna-URL School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences are aimed at diploma and bachelor degree holders and graduates, as well as professionals in need of continuing education. Our master degrees are geared towards professionalization and address subjects and materials that require specialized treatment. Our School's master degrees feature:


Made up of researchers and professors, both from the School and from other universities in the State, and by active professionals of recognized prestige. All teachers are practicing experts in the field of study.


With institutional and business support, coordinated by renowned researchers and professionals.

Limited number of students per program

To guarantee the quality of the teaching, participation and personalized treatment. Agreements and contracts with institutions and companies that guarantee internships or opportunities for professional development and research.

Agreements and contracts

With institutions and companies that guarantee internships or opportunities for professional development and research.

Academic information

Informació acadèmica

Training in line with your interests and future career

Acquire knowledge in the field of psychology, pedagogy and didactics so that, at the end of the master degree, students can competently perform teaching functions in a context of diversity.


Compulsory 35
Optional 25
Total 60


Compulsory 35
Optional 25
Total 60


Compulsory 35
Optional 25
Total 60

We’make it easy for you to access the studies you want

Course fees are paid in installments without any interest. At the time of enrollment, 50% of the total cost of the credits for which the student is enrolled must be paid*; the remaining 50% is split into monthly installments payable by direct debit.

Price per credit for the 2024-25 academic year in the three specialties
€ 118.71

Career path

At the end of the master degree, students will be able to:

fpcee stock

Competently carry out the teaching functions of secondary school teachers in a context of diversity.

fpcee stock

Doctoral studies. Students who have gained 60 ECTS credits can’access PhD studies. The Department of Education’determines the relationship between the specialties of the master degree, the teaching specialties and the qualifications’required to be able to teach a specific course.

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation


Xavier Canaleta Llampallas

Xavier Canaleta Llampallas


Admission to the Master Degree in Teacher Training

The process of applying for a place and enrolling in this degree is different from the other processes for this school's university master degrees. All the information on the steps to follow can be found on the official website of the master degree.

For the academic year 2024-2025

  • Pre-registration: from July 24th to September 6th (both dates inclusive)
  • Assignment of places: September 17th
  • Enrollment: directly at the assigned center, from September 18th to 23rd

The Master Degree Thesis, a prelude to entering the labor market

Students will’have to prepare and deliver a project that will be overseen by a professor of the master's degree within the framework of the Practicum Seminar and the Master Degree Thesis carried out in the second semester. This project will be publicly defended before’an assessment’panel made up of faculty members from the master's degree program. It is recommended that one of the members of the panel be from outside the master degree course, but they must be a member of’a graduate studies program at the School of Psychology,’Education and’Sport Science at Blanquerna-URL.

The’student will have ten minutes to defend the project. They will have to prioritize the issues they consider most relevant to the work and summarize them in a clear, precise, and complete manner.After the arguments’are presented, the’student will have to respond to observations, comments, and questions made by the members of the panel. The master's degree project’will be written in Catalan, however, with’a prior written request from the director, the master degree academic management team (EGA) may authorize it to be presented in another language. In this case, a summary of the project will be required in Catalan.

The Final Master Degree Thesis is worth 6 ECTS within the Master Degree in Teacher Training overall, which means a dedication of between 150 and 180 hours of student’work.

The Master's Degree Thesis is open choice and the aim is for’students to present an original and innovative proposal related to the educational areas in question (Secondary Education, baccalaureate or vocational training). Seminar tutors can guide, profile and advise on the proposals received or make possible thesis suggestions. Through the module "Internship and the Final Master Degree Thesis" all the competencies and contents included in the Generic Module and in the Specific Module will be listed to correlate them to the action-reflection contextualized in real practice in the case of the Internship, and with an informed reflection, in the case of the master degree thesis, with the support of qualified and experienced professionals who will perform the duties of advisor.

The assessment criteria for the master's degree thesis are concerned with the competences consolidated during the preparation process,’the final written document and the defense of the thesis’itself. The final grade will thus be the result of various partial assessments:

  • Competences consolidated while the thesis is being’prepared: grades will be given for persistence and consistency in the different stages of the project preparation, and progression in the’acquisition of the skills and attitudes necessary for the research and intervention. This assessment will be performed by the project advisor.
  • End product: aspects that are normally taken into account in scientific publications will be assessed to ensure the coherence and quality of the paper on’research or’intervention. The project director and the members of the Assessment’Panel will issue a report prior to the defense, which will be released to the Graduate Studies Committee.
  • Skills achieved in the defense of the thesis: the clarity, accuracy,’originality and quality of the’presentation will be assessed according to the requirements for the oral presentation of a project before’an assessment’panel. The final grade for the project will be issued by the Assessment’Panel’according to the competences’specified in Study’Plan.

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna

Internships, an experience to introduce you to the labor market

The master's degree students will do internships at the centers selected by the Department of’Education, and will be distributed preferably by criteria of territorial proximity and in morning or afternoon shifts, taking into account the interests or needs of the student as much as possible.

The internship schedule and calendar will be agreed with each training center and will cover two periods: From the last week of November to mid-December and between the months of January and May. Students who are already working as teachers (in public or private schools) will not be able to do the internship at their center and another’center will be found for them to do the master's degree internship.

  • The’student carries out 210 on-site hours of internship in a classroom (or department) of’an accredited collaborating center of the master degree. These internships are overseen by a supervising teacher.
  • Along with the in-person sessions at the center, the master degree seminar is held at the School, with a minimum of 20 hours of group work per semester, facilitated by a professor-advisor. The task is complemented by conferences and specific complementary seminars that are’offered each academic year.
  • Finally, the’corresponding 14 credits are completed with the preparation of the internship report and the Master Degree Thesis.

The MA’Curriculum gives internships a central role in the training of students. The’general objective of the Internship is to obtain direct knowledge of professional practice and obtain the skills for its correct development.

a) In-person work in the classroom:

  1. Seminars. Case study, problem-solving.
  2. Practical class. Internships in the classroom.

b) Supervised work outside the classroom: External internships, tutoring and supervised work.

c) Independent work by the student: Individual study and independent work, project-oriented learning.

Master's degree accredited by the AQU (Quality Assurance Agency)

Segell AQU Màster universitari en Formació del Professorat d'ESO i Batxillerat, FP i Ensenyament d'Idiomes (especialitat Educació Física)

Gender perspective

As the European Union points out, gender equality is not only a matter of social justice but also affects the results of teaching and research. Promoting gender equality in research and innovation is one of the European Commission's commitments, and it supports the explicit integration of a gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, this recommendation is often poorly understood and misapplied. Various documents are presented here with a view to contributing to a better understanding and application of the gender perspective in teaching and research.


Excellence is the future