
Methodological Advisory Service (SAM)

Do you need guidance or support on your research project? The Methodological Advisory Service (SAM) offers you a series of procedures to guide you in your work process in the field of research.

The SAM is offered to research groups, professors and doctoral students of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences, but it can also be accessed by people outside the faculty, assuming the cost established for this service. This service is a support to the project and not a body that assumes any decision or acts beyond its advisory role.

Servei de suport a la recerca

Operation of the SAM

The SAM is aimed at teaching and research staff, specifically:

  • Research groups of the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences.
  • Professors of the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences.
  • Students enrolled in a doctoral program at the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences (They will be able to make an inquiry at the suggestion of their thesis director).
  • People outside the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences.

Users of the service can request advice on:

  • Design and planning of a research
  • Guidance on qualitative data analysis
  • Guidance on quantitative data analysis
  • Advice on the design and analysis of questionnaires
  • Advice on the use of specific analysis software
  • Guidance on presentation of results (scientific publications).

The advice will be carried out through the programs available at the Faculty for which the University has a license to use. It should be noted that this is an advisory group and therefore SAM will not take any decision or task that exceeds its research support role. That is why no tasks will be performed that go beyond those mentioned above, such as:

  • Transcript of interviews
  • Complete analysis and interpretation of data
  • Digitization of quantitative data
  • Data debugging
  • Data mining
  • Writing scientific reports

First consultation:

  • FPCEE Blanquerna PhD students: € 100 (subsidized).
  • PDI FPCEE Blanquerna and project with competitive aid: € 100 (subsidized).
  • PDI FPCEE Blanquerna without project with competitive aid: € 100.
  • External applicants to the Blanquerna FPCEE: € 100.

Next queries: € 75.
Data analysis query: 45 € x hour.
These rates will be increased by the legally applicable VAT rate in the event of external billing.

Users who request the service through the corresponding procedure must prepare the following documentation for the first interview with the service advisor. (Depending on the order).

The request for the service will be made through the Research Office in accordance with the procedure detailed below.

  • Fill in the application form that users can download here and send it via email to the search office.
  • First interview with the advisor. The Research Institute will manage the applications and, depending on the characteristics and subject matter of the research work, an advisor will be assigned. The first interview will take place during the service hours established in the service. If the applicant is a doctoral student, the presence of the thesis supervisor will be required for this first interview.
  • Tracking. If necessary, the advisor and users of the service will establish future research follow-up meetings.

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