Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



The Blanquerna-URL FPCEE signs a specific agreement with the Abbey of Montserrat to develop educational material as part of the Monastery's Millennium celebrations

December 4, 2023

Dr. Jordi Riera, dean of the Blanquerna-URL FPCEE, and Father Abbot Manel Gasch, president
of the Abbey of Montserrat 2025 Foundation, have both signed
a specific agreement that forms part of a more general agreement between Blanquerna-URL and the Abbey of Montserrat.

This agreement forms part of one of the foremost educational actions that the Abbey of Montserrat has initiated on the occasion of the celebration of the Monastery's 1000th anniversary, in which both institutions will collaborate and work together.

This synergy will take the form of interdisciplinary teaching material relating to various curricular areas such as history, art, language, religion and spirituality, and is intended for primary and secondary school pupils, fully integrated into the new curricular approaches. This material and the corresponding educational advice will be led by the FPCEE's Research Group on Education, Teaching and Learning (GREDA), headed by Dr. Cristina Corcoll.

It is foreseen that these resources will be distributed to schools visiting the Sanctuary. The Abbey has committed to digitalising the material and publicly disseminating the project.


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