
University Master Degree in International Journalism

Official title

Pre-enrollment open

  • Modality
  • Languages
    Spanish, English
  • Duration
    1 academic year
  • Credits
  • Date
    October 13, 2025
  • Shifts
    Late afternoon/Evening
  • Planning

    From 6 pm to 9 pm

  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Plaça Joan Coromines. 08001 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Communication and International Relations

Who is it for?

Journalists and communication professionals interested in expanding their knowledge of international affairs. Graduates in International Relations interested in acquiring skills in journalism and communication. Graduates from any field who want to acquire knowledge of the international situation, journalistic language and communication techniques in the digital and hypermedia environment.

Great scope for professional growth

Information and international current affairs

Work in the field of international information and also learn about today's main international issues

International relations

Become familiar with the basic theoretical principles of international relations in the 21st century

Digital and analog environments

Learn the language of journalism in digital and analog environments

If you choose the Blanquerna master degree in International Journalism, you choose...

A guaranteed future career.

  • Faculty made up of professionals working in the field, specialists in their respective areas, with business and institutional support.
  • Internships at leading companies in the sector.
  • Top level training for researchers and access to the PhD.
  • Career guidance at the end of your course with the support of the Blanquerna Alumni network.
Exterior Facultat Comunicció i Relacions Internacionals

Key data


employment rate (School overall, AQU data)


agreements with companies (general School data)


agreements with international universities (general School data)

Academic information

Professora amb alumnes, seminari FCRI

Training in line with your interests and future career

Students have four options when selecting the 16 credits for the elective subjects:

1- Internships and elective content specific to the master program.

2- Internships and advanced research method elective.

3- Internships and elective content from another master program.

4- Advanced research method elective and three 4-credit electives (non-internship option)


Master's degree project 10
Compulsory 34
Optional 16
Total 60

We make it easy, so you can choose whatever you want to study

Studies can be paid in installments and without any interest. At the time of enrollment, 50% of the total cost of the enrolled credits is paid. The remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments (from October to June) payable by direct debit.

Tuition fee

Complete course
Tuition fee per credit
Aules d'inormàtica

Career path

The master degree in International Journalism opens up a very diverse range of job opportunities.



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Electronic News Gathering (ENG)



FCRI M GlobalCommunication


Estudiants Blanquerna a roda de premsa

Press officer

Digilab: Media, Strategy and Regulation

Content manager or creator

fcri stock

Community manager

Diploma d'especialització universitària en Guió i Realització de programes d'humor per a Ràdio i Televisió

Presenter or producer of radio or television programs

FCRI MU PeriodismeAvançat


Estudis de ràdio

Announcer or commentator

guió de cinema fcri


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Director of communication


International information channels: digital media, press, radio and television.

Foreign delegations of Catalan and Spanish information media: correspondents.

Press and communication departments of entities, institutions and organizations, public or private, linked to international relations

University teaching and research.

Companies that trust our graduates

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation




Iñigo Macias Aymar

Iñigo Macias Aymar

Azucena Tena Micó

Azucena Tena Micó

Global Head of Research and Projects a Sound Diplomacy.

Professorat Col·laborador/Convidat

Alfonso Armada Rodriguez

Director de la revista digital fronteraD. Expresident de Reporters sense Fronteres.

Carlos Bajo Erro

Periodista especialitzat en Àfrica i TIC. Col.laborador d'El País.

Anna Ballesteros Peiro

Doctora en estudis àrabs i islàmics per la UAM. Investigadora sènior del CIDOB.

Monica Maria Bernabe Fernandez

Periodista del diari Ara. Excorresponsal a l'Afganistan.

Anna Maria Bosch Batlle

Periodista i corresponsal a RTVE. forma part de l'equip de En Portada i és corresponsal sènior dels informatius de TVE. Va ser corresponsal a Moscou, Lió, Washington i Londres.

Gemma Cairo Cespedes

Doctora en Economia. Professora d'Economia mundial a la Universitat de Barcelona.

Blanca Camps Febrer

Elisabet Cantenys Doñate

Executive Director at ACOS Alliance

Celia Cernadas Callejo

Periodista i excorresponsal de Catalunya Ràdio a Washington.

Maria del Carme Colomina Saló

Investigadora sènior del CIDOB especialitzada en la Unió Europea.

Daniel Esparza Olivero

Filòsof i professor. Doctor en Religió per la Universitat de Columbia.

Placid Garcia-Planas Marcet

Periodista i reporter internacional a La Vanguardia. Ha estat enviat a diversos fronts, com el dels Balcans i el de Pròxim Orient. També ha cobert guerres d'afaganistan i Ucraïna. És autor de diversos llibres.

Alberto Garrido LLort

Periodista. Col·laborador d'El Periódico de Catalunya.

Gabriel Garroum Plà

Investigador de l'Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). Graduat en Ciències Polítiques i màster sobre el Pròxim Orient per la SOAS de Londres.

Ricard Gonzalez Samaranch

Periodista. Excorresponsal al Magreb. col·laborador del diari Ara.

Jose Antonio Guardiola Sanz

Reporter. Exdirector d'en Portada de TVE.

Georgina-Rosa Higueras y Rumbao

Periodista especialitzada en Àsia.

Maria Isabel Izcue Castellví

Cofundadora i redactora en cap de 5W.

Amadeo-Koichi Jensana Tanehashi

Director del departament d'Economia i Empresa de Casa Àsia. Professor de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions internacionals Blanquerna (URL)

Santiago Justel Vázquez

Doctor en Comunicació per la Universitat Ramon Llull. Professor de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.

Jordi Llaonart Larios

Arabista. Excorresponsal al Pròxim Orient.

Ana Mangas Rodriguez

Codirectora d'esglobal

David Meseguer Mañá

Doctor en Periodisme. Periodista freelance especialitzat en la cobertura de zones en conflicte.

Francesc Millan Ariño

Cap d'internacional del diari Ara.

Andres Missé Ferran

Periodista llicenciat en Dret i director de la publicació Alternativas Económicas.

Agustín Morales Puga

Periodista i director de la revista 5W. Col·labora amb diversos mitjans, entre ells, The New York Times. Reporter especialitzat en la cobertura de migracions. Autor del llibre No som refugiats.

José Emilio Morenati Fernández

Fotògraf. Guanyador i finalista de nombrosos premis com el Pulitzer i Fotopress, ha cobert conflictes armats al Pròxim Orient, Afganistan i Paquistan per a l'agència Associated Press per a la qual treballa des de l 2003.

Daniel Hywel Nicholls

Doctor en Ciència Política. Professor de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions internacionals Blanquerna (URL).

Andrea Noferini

Doctor en Economia. Professor de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions internacionals Blanquerna.

Cristian Oró Martinez

Advocat del Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea a Luxemburg.

Santiago Manuel Palacios Castaño

Periodista i fotògraf.

Juan Carlos Palacios Cívico

Consultor internacional de la Fundació Internacional i per a Iberoamèrica d'Administració i Polítiques Públiques.

Glòria Pallarès Vinyoles

Periodista i analista d'informació sobre desenvolupament global i canvi climàtic.

Gemma Parellada Palau

Periodista i reportera. Corresponsal per a El País, Catalunya Ràdio, CNN espanyola i RFI espanyol. cobreix l'Àfrica subsahariana des de 2007. Guanyadora de diversos guardons, és també cronista en diversos programes de ràdio, i directora del festival de cinema africà de Barcelona.

Francesc Reverter Baquer

Periodista, corresponsal i escriptor. Periodista de la secció d'internacional de TV3.

Sergi Roca Punti

Cap d'internacional a Catalunya Ràdio.

Sebastian Ruiz Cabrera

Doctor en Comunicació. Analista de Relacions internacionals i de l'Àfrica subsahariana.

Gervasio Sanchez Fernandez

Periodista i fotògraf.

Vicenç Sanclemente Garcia

Periodista.Doctor en Comunicació (UPF). Va ser corresponsal de TVE a Mèxic, Amèrica Central , Carib, Beijing, Washington, l'Habana, Londres i Irlanda del Nord. Exdirector de RNE.

Francesc Serra Massansalvador

Doctor en Relacions internacionals per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Carlos Maria Taibo Arias

Escriptor, editor i professor de Ciències Polítiques i de l'Administració a la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Anna Terrón Cusí

Directora de la Fundació internacional i per a Iberoamèrica d'Administració i Polítiques públiques. Exeurodiputada i exsecretària d'Estat per la immigració.

Lluís Uría Massana

Sotsdirector d'Internacional de La Vanguardia.

Nicolás Valle Morea

Reporter internacional de TV3. Especialitzat en la cobertura de zones en conflicte.

Application process

University master degrees are official degrees awarded by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, in accordance with the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the guidelines set out in the Bologna Declaration. To access the official master degree, you must hold an official Spanish university degree, or a degree from another country that is part of the European Higher Education Area. Access to master degree studies is regulated by Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September.
These studies are also open to students with a degree issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, who do not need to have it approved, provided that the level of training is equivalent to that of an official Spanish degree and that, in the country of origin, the degree gives access to graduate studies. However, admission does not in any case imply the convalidation of the degree or any other type of recognition beyond allowing the student to access master and graduate studies at the University.
Students who have a degree in a field other than Communication Sciences (Audio-visual Communication, Journalism or Advertising and Public Relations) will have to complete a supplementary training module equivalent to between 15 and 60 credits, depending on the original degree.

The application process consists of two parts:

  • Pre-enrollment
  • Enrollment


Students can pre-enroll online (by accessing Pre-enrollment | Blanquerna or the pre-enrollment option for each course). You can also pre-enroll in person at the School. During the process, the candidate must submit the required documentation:

  • ID card, passport or NIE residence card
  • Resume

There is no charge for this procedure. When the pre-enrollment process has been completed, you will obtain a receipt with pre-enrollment details and a pre-enrollment code (CIB).​

When pre-enrollment has been completed, the candidate will be offered a date for an interview with the director and/or coordinator of the master degree, who will assess their suitability and resolve any doubts they may have about the course for which they are enrolling. For the selection of candidates the following will be taken into account:

  • Academic record.
  • Personal interview.
  • Professional experience.

Once the assessment is complete, the student will be informed of the result of the interview and how to enroll, if admitted. Once admission has been confirmed, the candidate will have to pay €100 as a reservation fee, using the same application via which pre-enrollment was processed. This amount will be considered a reservation fee and will be deducted from the total price of enrollment when it is formalized. Payment is by credit or debit card using a secure, confidential process. The amount paid as a reservation fee will not be refunded under any circumstances, unless the course is canceled.


Students who are admitted can choose between two options, depending on whether or not they already qualify for university admission:

  1. Conditional enrollment: This option is available to students who have not yet obtained a bachelor degree and who want to study a master degree at the same time. For conditional enrollment, students need to be enrolled for the pending credits in their bachelor degree. This is subject to a maximum of 9 credits and the bachelor degree thesis. The master degree thesis cannot be graded, and the master degree cannot, therefore, be awarded, until the student has completed the bachelor degree. The student must sign a document accepting the terms of conditional enrollment.
  2. Definitive enrollment
    Enrollment is definitive if the student already meets the requirements for admission.

Enrollment is the final step in the procedure to access the master degree. Students will be informed individually of the enrollment date. When enrollment is complete, and the corresponding fee has been paid, the student will have secured a place. Course fees are paid in installments without any interest. When students enrol, they will have two business days to pay 50% of the total cost of the credits for which they have enrolled, by bank transfer or using a barcode at the bank; the remaining 50% is split into nine monthly installments, from October to June, payable by direct debit using the bank account indicated at the time of enrollment.
School alumni are given a 15% discount on the enrollment fee (non-cumulative discount). This discount will only apply to students who enroll full-time for all the credits required in the course. Prices are updated each academic year. Once enrollment is complete, the amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.​

Students must bring the following documentation with them when they enroll:

  • Certified photocopy of the qualification that gives them access to the course or documentary proof that the relevant document has been requested.
  • Original official academic certificate or certified copy of the bachelor degree transcript.
  • Current account number for direct debit (if payment is to be by installments).

When a student enrolls, a contract for the provision of teaching services is formalized between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation, which is legally binding from the time of payment. Payment includes the corresponding insurance and, for students under the age of twenty-eight, compulsory academic insurance. If a student declines to take up a place, he/she will lose in full any amount he/she has paid.
The student accepts the rules for the use of computer services established by the Blanquerna Foundation. The student's personal data will be included in an automated file under the responsibility of the Blanquerna Foundation, so that this contract can be formalized and fulfilled. Students should note that their data may also be used to inform them about the future activities of the Foundation, or for the institution to send them publications. In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data, students have the right to access their data to update, rectify or cancel them, or object to their use, by sending a letter, indicating which right they want to exercise.

This section is a summary of the general conditions for enrollment. It is only for guidance and therefore has no contractual value. In the event of any discrepancy, the provisions of the general conditions for enrollment specified in the receipt generated at the time of enrollment will prevail; this receipt formalizes the contract between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation; students can consult it on the intranet whenever they wish.

Foreign students

The School reserves the right to ask candidates with qualifications obtained outside the EHEA for a letter from their university, embassy or consulate to certify that their studies enable them to pursue a master degree or graduate studies. Students are responsible for having all the official documentation necessary for their stay in Spain while studying at the School. Applicants can ask for a pre-acceptance document attached to the pre-enrollment receipt to initiate applications for visas or scholarships or carry out any other administrative procedure. Under no circumstances does this document guarantee a place if all the access and admission requirements are not met. Once applicants have been accepted and enrollment is complete, they can request a letter of admission from the Academic Secretary, if required, by paying the corresponding fee.

Contact us

For any doubts or queries about the pre-enrollment or enrollment process, please contact the School's Student Information and Orientation Service [email protected]

Master's Degree Thesis

The final master's thesis is a means of verifying the students' ability to integrate the learning acquired during the master program and examine a topic in greater depth.

The topic can deal with any aspect of international current affairs. In the professional track, the topic must meet the standards of professional journalism: interest, topicality, relevance, good documentation from primary and secondary sources, and a good narrative using any of the languages or supports available in the field of journalism.

If the research track is chosen, the scope is much wider: the thesis can deal with any aspect of the essence and practice of international journalism.

The theme of the thesis must be within one of the areas covered in the course syllabus. For the professional track, the paper must consist of an original informative journalistic product in any format and language, and must be the result of research by the student.

For the research track, the study must involve original academic research, applying scientific method and using the methodology required by research, with a hypothesis, fieldwork and conclusions, presented in a reasoned, coherent way.

The thesis is understood as a project which is evolving, under the guidance of the project supervisor. Based on the idea presented by the student, the content is structured, the final product is prepared and it is defended orally before a panel.

The thesis is monitored by means of regular tutorials with the professor supervising it, including final approval of bibliographic research and data collection, discussing the project with the supervisor and writing the text itself.

The thesis grade is given in a single report, although it is calculated in two parts: assessment of the thesis by the supervisor (40% of the grade) and assessment of the thesis by the panel made up of three members, preferably from the master degree teaching staff, as well as possible external experts (60% of the grade).

Check the procedure for submitting the master's degree thesis here.

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna

Internships in International Journalism

External internships at companies and institutions are a key part of the learning process. Through them, students have direct contact with the professional world, in which they will be able to apply the knowledge acquired at university. Internships provide the student with an overview of the communication and operating dynamics of the medium, company, or institution where they are gaining work experience. The School has agreements with upwards of 1,200 companies in which students are prepared to enter the working world.

An internship environment fully adapted to your interests and your availability

Based on interviews with students, each academic year we establish new agreements for cooperation with companies and organizations directly related to the professional field of the master degree. The internship will be customized to the characteristics of each student, taking both academic aspects and availability into account.

Objectives of the internship

  • Direct contact with the professional routines of international journalism.
  • Apply the skills acquired during the course
  • Build a network of contacts in the sector.
  • Learn to work in a team.

Internships at the School

  • The bachelor's degree ensures that each student will be able to do an internship within a company in positions related to their sector.
  • Each student will have a bachelor degree advisor who will ensure they comply with the internship's objectives and make the most of the experience.

Where can you do your internship?

ANUE · BlueGlobe Media · Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA) · La Vanguardia · IEMed · Reporters Without Borders · Alternativas Económicas · Metropolis · Suds · SMEX (Beirut) · La Crónica de Hoy (Mexico) · Amnesty International (Mexico) · PEN Club (London) · ACN Brussels / Paris · Lavínia Brussels · Euronews (Lyon) · Vatican Radio · NTN24 Washington

Committed to quality to ensure an environment of educational excellence

Quality assurance guarantees a learning environment in which program content, learning opportunities, and services and facilities meet established standards.

Gender perspective

As the European Union points out, gender equality is not only a matter of social justice but also affects the results of teaching and research. Promoting gender equality in research and innovation is one of the European Commission's commitments, and it supports the explicit integration of a gender perspective in Horizon 2020 projects. However, this recommendation is often poorly understood and misapplied. Various documents are presented here with a view to contributing to a better understanding and application of the gender perspective in teaching and research.


Excellence is the future