
SCIR UMD academic information on Academic regulation

Academic regulations

1.1. Students starting studies must enroll for the first full academic year, except as indicated in Point 1.5.

1.2. Students must enroll for the credits of pending courses during the 1st and 2nd year. From the 3rd year onwards, enrolling for the pending courses is not obligatory, although it is advisable.

1.3. From the second academic year onwards, students must enroll for a minimum of 40 ECTS credits and a maximum of 75 ECTS credits each academic year, except as indicated in Point 1.5. The enrollment of a lower or higher number of credits can only be formalized with the prior authorization of the Academic Secretary of the School. Prior to enrollment, and at the request of the student, the School will set the indicative number of credits required to enroll in each academic year and achieve the bachelor degree in four years.

1.4. The tuition fee for enrollment in an academic year will be calculated according to the number of credits enrolled, taking into account the courses for which recognition is sought or for which recognition has been obtained. Courses recognized once the academic year has started are paid for. Recognized courses that are used to access the bachelor degree started, up to a maximum of 120 credits, do not have to be paid for. Use of self-study classrooms, English classes and access to the library are considered general services, are included in enrollment, and are non-refundable.

1.5. When a student enrolls in a course (core, compulsory or elective), they will not be able to make any changes and this course must be passed in order to close the file. Only when a course is no longer offered will the option of taking another equivalent be studied.

1.6. Part-time studies. The School offers the possibility for students to study the bachelor degree program part-time so that they can balance academic life with work or family life, or with any other duly reasoned and/or documented circumstance. If this possibility is chosen, the student must enroll in a minimum of 30 ECTS credits per academic year. In all cases, the student must prove the need by applying to the Academic Secretary and, once authorized, will be given personalized orientation and follow-up through an advisor who will ensure the correct fulfillment of his/her part-time plan. In these cases, the adaptation of internships and the presentation of the final degree project is also foreseen.


2.1. Students coming from another university wishing to transfer their file to the Blanquerna School of Communication must fill in an application to transfer the file.
Applications for file transfer will be made between June 15 and July 15. If file transfer is accepted, the student will be notified of the remaining courses pending from the corresponding studies.

2.2. Students who have not passed all the courses in the first academic year at the School of origin must apply for a place and adhere to the selection criteria of the School for students entering the first academic year.

3.1. Undergraduate, graduate or diploma students or those with an initial cycle completed will have their core subjects automatically recognized, provided they are from a degree in the same branch of knowledge as our studies. Recognition of other subjects will be studied.

3.1. Students may only apply once, having enrolled in the School, for recognition of the studies they have completed and passed at other universities and in a different area to those they wish to take at the School. In this case, it is not possible to re-apply for the recognition of credits already recognized in order to access the bachelor degree started.
The application must be accompanied by a certified photocopy of the academic transcript or a certificate of studies stating the qualifications obtained in each course passed, as well as the programs -with the stamp of the center- for the courses taken, with the number of credits and/or class hours. All documentation must be submitted to the Secretary's office.

3.2. The application for recognition of credits will be formalized before October 5.

3.3. The Credit Recognition Committee will study each application, studying the programs of the courses and the skills obtained, and will send the proposal to the Ramon Llull University Recognition Committee for validation, which will be final and will be communicated to the applicant.

3.4. The qualification of the recognized subject will be the same as that of the center of origin, or proportional depending on the credits recognized.

3.5. Courses recognized once the academic year has started are not entitled to any type of reimbursement, except for those that have been recognized as an access route and up to a maximum of 120 credits.

Blanquerna students wishing to study at the same time at another center of Ramon Llull University, or at another university, must apply to the center they wish to join and to the dean of the School of Communication and International Relations. Students from another center of Ramon Llull University or from another university wishing to study at the same time in Blanquerna must apply to the Dean.

Students will be able to obtain academic recognition in credits for participating in several academic activities. More specifically, they may obtain one credit per academic year but may not accumulate more than four during their studies at the School. In order to obtain these credits, students must meet their obligations and submit a report at the end of the academic year that reflects all the activity completed, as indicated in Point 14 of these regulations.

The participation of students in Blanquerna Solidarity Action activities, Blanquerna Sports, Theater Classroom, URL Summer University or any other university activity, may lead to credits. In all cases, the School will establish the necessary requirements for each academic year and will publicize them. The maximum number of credits that can be obtained for such activities is 6, and they will be counted as optional credits.

Students must pass at least 25% of the credits enrolled in each academic year. Where students fail to reach this minimum limit, their case will be analyzed by the Academic Secretary and, following a prior interview with the student, a decision will be made as to whether they can continue studying at our Center.

7.1. The payment of enrollment for a course of the curriculum entitles students to two assessment calls in accordance with the enrollment form and the program of the course. In the case of a seminar course, depending on its academic singularities, enrollment will entitle students to repeat this course once during the following academic year.

7.2. Students who fail a course in July or are assessed as a Not Sat during the first examination sitting must repeat the entire course.

7.3. During the first two academic years, students must enroll for the pending courses in groups compatible with their 2nd year schedule, preferably at completely different times.

7.4. 3rd and 4th year students must enroll in all pending courses from the first two academic years.

7.5. No student may enroll for the 3rd year if they have more than 29 ECTS credits pending from the first two academic years.
For these purposes, not having passed the fourth level of English or any other level of this subject is equivalent to a pending course.

8.1. Students have an undefined number of examination sittings to pass the enrolled courses.
Students' academic records include the number of the examination sitting when the course is passed.

8.2. Students who, having completed all the corresponding academic years, have a maximum of three courses pending in order to complete their studies, will be entitled to an extraordinary examination sitting in February for the June courses, and must apply to the Secretary's office before November 30th.

8.3. Students are entitled to information on the programs, the basic bibliography, and the assessment criteria and systems for each course during the enrollment period. They are also entitled to information on the exam schedule at least one month in advance.

8.4. Students with provable disabilities may ask the corresponding department for a type of assessment that adapts to their physical possibilities when the modality generally chosen for the test involves some type of completion difficulty.

8.5. Exam questions will be given in writing, even if the exam is oral. The professor must deposit a copy of the exam questions with the School Secretary's office at least 24 hours before the exam date. The professor of each course must keep the assignments, exams and other assessment exercises of the students for one academic year.

8.6. Students must come to the exams with a document proving their identity. This can be their School student card or their ID card, passport, or driving license. The professor must verify the identity of all students taking the test. Any irregularity in this identification or in the sitting of the examination will be considered serious misconduct. The school Disciplinary Committee will assess the penalties corresponding to this offense.

8.7. If, for any reason of force majeure, the exam has not started 45 minutes after the time established in the exam schedule, it will be held on the date set by the Academic Secretary and the Director of the Bachelor Degree to which the course corresponds, once the delegates of the affected students have been heard. Any disagreement with the new date will be settled by the Dean.

8.8. Once the exam has started, no one can enter the classroom. Students will be able to ask the professor for a written receipt proving they have taken the exam.

8.9. If a student speaks, copies or uses any other means not authorized by the professor during the exam, they will be expelled from the classroom and will be considered to have failed the corresponding sitting. Students improperly attributed with authorship of the work required for the assessment will also be suspended. In these cases, the student may be subject to a penalty following the start of disciplinary action.

8.10. When, due to a very serious reason, a student has been unable to sit the exam on the official date, they may apply to the Academic Secretary to request a new date for an individual assessment test. This application can only be submitted within the exam period. If the application is accepted, the professor of the course, in agreement with the director of the Bachelor Degree, will set a new date for the exam, which will be final.

8.11. If the exams are oral, the professor of the course must be accompanied by at least one other professor from their Bachelor Degree.

8.12. Students are entitled to the review of the exam, which must be individualized. Along with the notification of grades, the professor will indicate the place, date and times of the review at least 24 hours in advance, which must be conducted at the same time as the course is taught.

8.13 The Academic Secretary will inform the professors of the deadline for closing the minutes of each exam sitting. Professors must go through the Secretary's office to close the minutes no later than this deadline. Once the minutes have been closed, no changes can be made. Any modification of the minutes after the scheduled closing date, except for those in which an extension is established, such as those involving Internships, must be requested in advance from the Dean. Non-compliance with the deadlines for the closure of minutes will be considered a minor offense, as set out in Article 36 a).5 of the collective bargaining agreement. A second offense of this nature will be considered a serious offense, as set out in Article 36 b).4.

8.14. As of the second exam sitting for the same course, and once the review has been completed, students may file a complaint with the Director of the Bachelor Degree if they are dissatisfied with the grade obtained for any of the following reasons:
—Inconsistency between the contents of the exam and the teaching program.
—Use of assessment criteria and procedures other than those established.

8.15. Once the student's complaint has been received, the Director of the Bachelor Degree will decide whether it corresponds to the assumptions established in the previous article. If the claim is accepted, a committee formed by three professors of the same Bachelor Degree, excluding the professor who assessed the student, will review the exam and issue a decision within 15 working days. The committee will listen to the student and the professor beforehand. Where the decision involves changing the grade initially awarded, a record will be made in this regard in the minutes of the course, which will be signed by the Dean.

8.16. The assignments given by the professor of a course must be submitted in the manner and time indicated by that professor. Assignments that do not meet these requirements will not be assessed and will be considered not submitted. Assignments completed and submitted for grading will be the intellectual property of the students listed as authors. Professors may only use these assignments with the express consent of the author.

8.17. Students who, according to what is indicated in the program of the course, have been assessed as Not Sat, must repeat the course the following academic year.

8.18 Students who have only one course left to complete their studies may apply for a pass by compensation when at least six exam periods have been sat, or three for the seminars, for plans adapted to the EHEA. In the case of old plans, when all the exam periods to which they are entitled have been sat. To apply, students must have a minimum grade of 4 on a scale of 0-10, with a 5 as a pass, in the course that has yet to be passed. Where either the grading system follows a different scale than the one presented or the average marks for that course in the entire group is lower than the one approved (5 or equivalent), the body responsible for the assessment by compensation may consider passing the course with a lower grade that is statistically equivalent to 4 (on a scale of 0-10 with a pass of 5). The Academic Secretary and the director of the bachelor degree of the course will study the application taking into account the student's entire file and their evolution in the studies, and will assess the curriculum and may make the decision to pass the course in question on the merits of the student and the special situation. This approval, when it occurs, will be called "by compensation" and will be recorded in the student's file. The numerical equivalence will be 5. In the case of a negative decision, the student will be able to enroll and retake the course that has been assessed in the new curriculum.

8.19 Students who only have one level of English remaining to obtain the degree may apply for recognition of this course by presenting an official certificate proving that they have passed the Cambridge First Certificate or higher. Only certificates that are still in force (2 years) will be accepted.

8.20 Students with a maximum of 8 ECTS remaining, with a maximum of 2 courses, to graduate after having completed 4 academic years and who are unable to attend the in-person classes for justified and proven reasons (work, academics or for a change of address outside Catalonia, etc.) in the 5th year may request a non in-person assessment system from the director of the bachelor degree, with the obligation of sitting the final exam when appropriate.

9.1. Honor roll students in a course will be exempt from payment of the equivalent of the number of credits in another course, up to a maximum of 6 per course.

9.2. Honor roll students in a course during the last academic year before graduating will be able to obtain exemption from payment of credits, up to a maximum of 6 per course, in bachelor degree or graduate studies at the school, provided they enroll in the following academic year.

10.1. Students have the right to review exams under the terms and conditions set by each professor at the time of the sitting. In the event that the student wishes to appeal this decision of the professor, they must do so within fifteen days of the release of the grades, by submitting an application to the academic secretary of the School.
An application can only be made to the review committee as of the second exam sitting and after the favorable report by the head of department. Appeals can only be requested during the same academic year.

10.2. For appeals of a purely financial nature, students must submit a written request, specifying the facts and grounds of the claim, and address it to the Head of Academic Management within fifteen calendar days as of the event giving rise thereto.

10.3. The competent body will also settle and explain the grounds for any of these appeals in writing within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt thereof.

For bachelor degrees in Communication, English is a subject in the curriculum structured over four levels equivalent to a B2. Each level passed is equivalent to obtaining 3 credits. In the case of the Bachelor Degree in International Relations, English is not only compulsory but an entry requirement.

In the case of bachelor degrees in communication, when entering the School students will take an English test that will place them at the corresponding level in line with their prior knowledge. The credits corresponding to the levels students enrolled beyond level 1 have passed will be recognized, with the grade they obtained in this previous exam. These recognized credits are not entitled to any reimbursement. The School will offer students who have passed level 4 the possibility of taking two more levels, equivalent to C1 with the option of obtaining optional credits.

12.1. Candidates for entry to the first year of the three bachelor degrees of the Blanquerna School of Communication must formalize their pre-enrollment with the secretary's office of the School within the period established for each call.

12.2. The assignment of class times for the first academic year (morning or afternoon) will depend exclusively on the order of enrollment that will be established based on the order of pre-enrollment. When one of the two class times is complete, the student will be automatically assigned the class time for which there are vacancies.

12.3. The admission pathways to the first year of the four bachelor degrees of the School are those established by law: high school and entrance test (PAU); and the modules and other vocational training studies approved by the Generalitat, the list of which can be consulted at the School Secretary's office.

12.4. On the last day of the pre-enrollment process, candidates will take the School entrance for admission as first-year students. This test, which will be carried out in three sittings - two in the morning and one in the afternoon - will account for 45% for high school and PAU students, and 100% for students from regulated vocational training studies. For candidates following the first pathway, the average grade of high school and PAU will account for the remaining 55%.

12.5. Students with a GCSE, high school and PAU grade of 7 or higher will be given direct access, dependent on the places available according to the order of pre-enrollment. The specific PAU tests are not taken into account.

12.6. The entrance test consists of two parts: an aptitude test with current affairs and general culture questions, and a second part with a textual comprehension and a writing exercise. In the case of the Bachelor Degree in International Relations, the level of English will also be an entry requirement.

12.7. The week following the entrance test, the list of students admitted to the School will be made public in line with the criteria established in Rule 4. The School will establish a review period for the entrance test, which will be announced on the same day that the lists of admitted students are made public.

12.8. Student who are already graduates, or a degree or diploma holder; or who have passed a minimum of 30 ECTS credits, can apply for admission to the bachelor degree that has already started. To prepare the admissions list, the available places, a minimum credit recognition, and a personal interview are taken into account. If a minimum of 30 ECTS credits is not recognized or the student is not admitted via credits, they will be able to access the admission test with the admission conditions of the first academic year.

12.9. Admitted students must formalize their enrollment in the corresponding studies during the month of July at the School Secretary's office. They will be informed of the date and time of enrollment by letter, which will also be publicly displayed at the School site as of the date on which the admitted students are announced. Failure to formalize the corresponding enrollment on the date and time established by the School will result in the automatic waiver of the student's place. In this case, the right arising from passing the entrance exams is rendered null and void and is not valid for subsequent calls. On the same day that students complete their enrollment, they must take an English test that will place them at the corresponding level of this compulsory first year course.

13.1 The School guarantees that students with special educational needs will have the necessary means to ensure the follow-up of classes and the adaptation, where necessary, of assignments and exams. Your seminar advisor will be in charge of bringing the case to the attention of the Academic Secretary.

13.2 According to the provisions of RD 971/2007 of July 13, in order to ensure studies are compatible with the preparation activity or sports activity of high-level or high-performance athletes, the School will adapt the teaching and assessment activities of students with this recognition.
These criteria will be established in each particular case between the student's advisor, the director of the bachelor degree, and the academic secretary. Students must prove that they are part of this group and the certification of the sports or competitive activities in which they participate. This adaptation will also apply to foreign students who can prove similar recognition in their home country.

The Board of Delegates is the body representing the students in relation to the School management. It is the space for sharing the complaints, queries and suggestions needed to improve the academic quality and overall functioning of the School. They include the delegates of the groups of each academic year of each Bachelor Degree and class time (morning and afternoon), university Master degrees and PhDs, for the students, the Vice-dean of the Faculty and Students, and the Vice-dean of Equipment and Technology, as well as the Academic Secretary, for the School management. The Board holds four regular and extraordinary meetings throughout the academic year, whenever half of the delegates request as such or at the request of the School Management Team. The Academic Secretary will draw up minutes of each meeting and will send a copy to each member of the Board. The Board of Delegates elects the student representative of the School in the representative bodies of Ramon Llull University.

Recognition of credits
The recognition of credits is set forth for Bachelor Degree delegates in accordance with Article 12.8 of RD 1393/2007 of October 29.
The student appointed as a delegate may, if requested by the Secretary, be recognized for his/her work in the form of academic credits. For students of the old curriculum, recognition will be for elective credits. For students of the Bologna curriculum, recognition will be for credits from voluntary courses. Students can apply for one credit per academic year, up to a maximum of four. For the credit to be recognized, the student must meet the requirements for the fulfillment of duties that are also essential for a student to be able to repeat as a delegate.
Fulfillment of duties

  1. Attendance at both ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the board of delegates is compulsory. Any student who is unable to attend a meeting provide justification for their absence. The student must attend a minimum of 75% of the meetings convened.
  2. The delegate must inform the students from their group of the decisions or notifications of the board of delegates. Systematic non-compliance with this point may also be grounds for the student not to be recognized for academic credit.
  3. The delegate must proceed as specified in the complaints regulations. Remember, therefore, that the delegate conveys the complaint to the coordinator of the module or of the university Master degree in 3rd instance, and if their answer does not satisfy the complaint, the delegate will be entitled to submit it to the Vice-Dean of the Faculty and Students, through the procedure established in bLink. Systematic non-compliance with this procedure in the event of complaints may also be grounds for the student not being recognized for academic credit.
  4. At the end of the academic year, the student must submit a report of the work carried out to the Academic Secretary. This report must contain at least the following points:
    • Number and balance of attendance to the board of delegates.
    • Number and balance of attendance to extraordinary meetings.
    • Number and balance of communications to students.
    • Number, type and balance of settlement of complaints received.
    • Final balance of the academic year in general and of the work of the delegate in particular.

A student who does not submit this report or who systematically fails to perform these duties as a delegate will not be granted credit and will not be able to repeat as a delegate.

15.1. Complaints about the field of education, in the relationship between a student and the professor of a course:
a) Individually:
1st instance: the student must speak to the professor.
2nd instance: the student must inform the seminar advisor of the complaint, who checks that the student has spoken with the professor and gauges whether the problem is significant enough. If so, the advisor requests information from the module coordinator and conveys the response to the student.
If the student persists in their complaint, they must inform the class delegate, who will continue the procedure.

b) Through the delegate:
3rd instance: the module coordinator only accepts the complaint if it is made by the corresponding delegate. The coordinator prepares a short report and informs the director of the Bachelor Degree or Department of the complaint, who settles it.
4th instance: and if their answer does not satisfy the complaint, the delegate will be entitled to submit it to the Vice-Dean of the Faculty and Students, through the procedure established in bLink. In this case, the director of the Bachelor Degree or Department sends the Vice-Dean a written report on the complaint, enclosing a copy of the coordinator's report.
5th instance: The Vice Dean of the Faculty and Students, in agreement with the Dean, will ultimately settle the complaint.

15.2. On any other non-educational aspect, the justified complaint will be submitted directly to the Vice-Dean of the Faculty and Students, via bLink.

These disciplinary regulations, developed in accordance with Law 3/2022 of February 24, on University Coexistence, shall apply to all students of the Blanquerna Foundation.

Blanquerna School of Communication - URL

1.- Based on the provisions of Royal Decree 1707/2011 of November 18 and the bachelor degree and graduate studies reports, the School establishes the following internship regulations.

2.- There will be two types of external internships, curricular and extracurricular. Curricular internships are those that form part of our curriculum and, therefore, are Compulsory in the 3rd year and Elective in the 4th year. of the Bachelor Degree, and Compulsory and/or elective in graduate studies (official Master degrees and own qualifications). Extracurricular internships are all others that the student can do electively outside the curriculum, although they also have an exclusively training and teaching purpose and will therefore be included in the European Diploma Supplement (EDS). In all cases, the internship must be compatible with the student's class hours.

3.- The School guarantees that all students will have the opportunity to spend time in companies (internships) in the field of communication during the 2nd year. Semester of 3rd year and graduate studies. These internships are understood as part of the academic training of students, and is a compulsory activity worth 12 ECTS credits, closely linked to seminars V and VI, in the case of the bachelor degree. In the case of graduate studies, credits depend on the academic year. Exceptionally, the option of extending the compulsory bachelor degree internships during the summer is offered, provided the Internship Coordinator has places available and the internship center so requests. In this case, they will be considered extracurricular internships.

2.- In the first semester of the 4th year, the School offers Elective Internships that are equivalent to an Elective course of 6 ECTS credits. You must have passed the Compulsory internships in order to take the electives. Elective internships may be taken during graduate studies, if they are provided for.

3.- The School also offers the possibility of new extracurricular internships. In this case, students must enroll in these internships which, in the case of a bachelor degree, will continue to account for 6 ECTS, but which will not form part of the credit for obtaining the degree and which will cost 25% of the price of the credit. It will be up to the Internship Coordinator and the graduate studies coordinator to assign these places if they are in companies outside Blanquerna, and the Dean if they are within the Institution itself, always prioritizing the prior assignment of curricular internships. Preferably, curricular internships must have been completed and approved in advance in order to be eligible for extracurricular internships. The number and duration of these will be limited and will not exceed 50% of the academic year, except in cases in which an extension agreed between the student, the School and the internship center is requested.

4.- Internships that can be completed in some of the departments of the School are considered extracurricular given their academic and educational nature. They will be assigned for an entire academic year and are renewable the following year. Students must also enroll for the corresponding extracurricular credits. Each student will be informed of their cost.

5.- The criteria for the awarding of internships are as follows:
a) Be enrolled in the 3rd or 4th year. Bachelor degree or year corresponding to graduate studies.
b) Enroll for the credits corresponding to the type of internship.
c) The Internship advisor and/or the Internship or graduate studies Coordinator will assign the student's place according to different complementing criteria, including:

  • Availability of internship places.
  • A schedule compatible with that proposed by the company.
    • Comments from the advisor and/or internship or graduate studies coordinator.
    • Student preferences.
    • Adhere as much as possible to the professional profile requested by the internship center.
    • Academic record.

6.- The Internship advisor and/or the Internship or graduate studies Coordinator will personally inform the student of the location of the internship at least one week in advance of joining the company, provided the situation of the place so allows.

7.- Where a student rejects the position assigned by the School once it has been officially communicated, the School does not guarantee the allocation of a new place in another communication company. If, for reasons not attributable to the student, a change in internship assignment is required, the School guarantees the assignment of a new place that may not coincide with the conditions of the first assignment.

8.- Unilateral abandonment by the student of an internship place is equivalent to a fail. If this occurs in compulsory 3rd year internships, it also means failing Seminar VI.

9.- Students can only request the recognition of compulsory internships. Therefore, a written request must be submitted to the Internship Committee, in the case of a bachelor degree, formed by the three coordinators, requesting the matching of internships, attaching a certificate and/or contract of employment from the company that proves that the student has been working for at least one year in a center of conditions similar to those of the internship centers. Previous jobs or internships will not be accepted. In the case of graduate studies, this request must be submitted to the graduate studies coordinator. This recognition must be approved by the URL Recognition Committee.

10.- When starting at the internship center, students agree in writing (the student document, attached to the agreement) to the conditions established in the academic collaboration agreement signed between the internship center and the School. Students must sign three copies of this document before commencing at the center (one for them, one for the center, and one for the School). All these procedures are centralized by the Internship Secretary.

11.- Completing an internship under no circumstances constitutes establishing an employment relationship with the internship center or the obligation to register the student in the Social Security System. Students may not be hired by the center where they complete their internships, except for cases in which, on studying the case, it is deemed compatible by Internship Coordination. At the place of the internship, students will be covered by the school insurance taken out by the Blanquerna Foundation. The center also has no obligation to remunerate internships, although if it does, it will be in the form of allowances or travel.

12.- The internship center agrees to assign an advisor and to follow up on the student's internship, and the School Faculty will assign an internship advisor who, in the case of Compulsory internships, will be the Seminar advisor or the Graduate studies coordinator. The assessment and final report of the internship will be produced by the corresponding internship advisor, following the issue of a report by the student.

13.- At the end of the internship period, the student will be entitled to a certificate issued by the company and the School specifying the basic details of the internship, including the tasks conducted and their degree of achievement.

La Universitat Ramon Llull compta amb una normativa específica d’organització dels Estudis de Doctorat. En ella, es detallen les funcions de la Comissió Acadèmica de Doctorat (CAD), que delega en les comissions acadèmiques de les facultats (CAPD) les especificitats de cadascun dels Programes de Doctorat.

18.1. Comissió acadèmica. Membres i funcions

La Comissió Acadèmica del Programa de Doctorat de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna està formada pels següents membres:

  • Dr. Jaume Radigales (coordinador)
  • Dra. Elena Yeste (coordinadora adjunta)
  • Dr. Josep Lluís Micó Sanz
  • Dra. Míriam Díez Bosch
  • Dra. Marçal Sintes
  • Dra. Alfons Medina Cambrón
  • Dra. Sònia Ballano

D’acord amb la citada normativa de la URL (Capítol 2, article 8), les funcions de la CAPD són:

a) Vetllar per la correcta implementació, actualització i coordinació del programa de doctorat.

b) Fer el seguiment del protocol per a l’acceptació de l’alumnat, que s’inclou a la memòria de verificació del programa de doctorat.

c) Admetre els investigadors/es en formació al programa de doctorat.

d) Assignar un/a tutor/a de tesi per a cada investigador/a en formació admès al programa.

e) Assignar un director/a de tesi per a cada doctorand/a, com a màxim tres mesos després de la seva matriculació al programa de doctorat, que podrà ser coincident o no amb el/la tutor/a.

f) Atendre les peticions del doctorand/a per a la modificació del tutor/a i/o del director/a de tesi per raons justificades.

g) Atendre les peticions argumentades del director/a de la tesi doctoral i/o tutor/a de renúncia de direcció o de tutorització d’una tesi doctoral.

h) Informar al director/a de la tesi doctoral de la renúncia del doctorand/a a seguir amb els estudis de doctorat.

i) Autoritzar la codirecció d’una tesi doctoral per motius acadèmics, d’interdisciplinarietat temàtica o col·laboracions internacionals.

j) Autoritzar la realització dels estudis de doctorat a temps parcial així com les pròrrogues de la seva durada i les sol·licituds de baixa temporal dels doctorands, previstes en la legislació vigent.

k) Fer el seguiment dels convenis de cotutela de les tesis doctorals emmarcades en el programa i informar-ne a la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

l) Avaluar anualment el pla de recerca dels doctorands/es del programa de doctorat, així com el document d’activitats i els informes emesos pel director/a i tutor/a de la tesi doctoral per aquesta avaluació.

m) Autoritzar la presentació d’una tesi doctoral i elevar la petició d’admissió a tràmit per a la defensa a la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

n) Proposar la composició del tribunal avaluador de la tesi doctoral per al seu nomenament per part de la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

o) Determinar aquelles circumstàncies excepcionals en què s’hagin d’aplicar els procediments habilitats per a garantir la confidencialitat d’algunes parts de la tesi durant l’acte de defensa de la tesi doctoral i en la seva inclusió als repositoris TDX i TESEO.

18.2. Programa de doctorat de la FCRI. Membres

Els professors/es tutors/es del Programa de Doctorat de la Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna són els següents:

  • Dra. Sue Aran Ramspott
  • Dr. Jordi Busquet Duran
  • Dr. Alfons Medina Cambrón
  • Dr. Josep Lluís Micó Sanz
  • Dr. Iván Gómez
  • Dr. Jaume Radigales i Babí
  • Dr. Carlos Ruiz Caballero
  • Dr. Fernando de Felipe
  • Dr. Joan Cuenca Fontbona
  • Dr. Ferran Sáez Mateu
  • Dr. Josep A. Rom

18.3. Durada dels estudis

La durada dels estudis de doctorat és d’un màxim de tres anys a temps complet, a comptar des de la data d’admissió del doctorand/a al programa i fins a la data d’admissió a dipòsit de la tesi doctoral. Si, transcorregut l’esmentat termini de tres anys, no s’ha presentat la sol·licitud de dipòsit de la tesi doctoral, la CAPD pot autoritzar la pròrroga d’aquest termini per un any més que, excepcionalment, es podria ampliar per un altre any addicional.

Amb la prèvia autorització de la CAPD, es poden realitzar estudis de doctorat a temps parcial. En aquest cas, aquests estudis poden tenir una durada màxima de cinc anys des de la data d’admissió al programa fins a la data d’admissió a dipòsit de la tesi doctoral. En el cas d’estudis a temps parcial la pròrroga es pot autoritzar per dos anys més que, així mateix i excepcionalment, es podria ampliar per un altre any addicional.Als efectes del còmput del període anterior no es tenen en compte les baixes per malaltia, maternitat, paternitat o qualsevol altra causa prevista per la legislació vigent. Així mateix, el doctorand o doctoranda pot sol·licitar la seva baixa temporal en el programa per un període màxim d’un any, ampliable fins a un any més. Aquesta sol·licitud ha de ser dirigida a la CAPD i justificada davant d’aquesta, que s’ha de pronunciar sobre la procedència d’accedir o no a la sol·licitud en el termini màxim de 2 mesos.

La normativa de la URL contempla la normativa sobre ajuts a la realització del doctorat (capítol 4, article 12)

18.4. Assignació de tutor/a i director/a de tesi

Un cop admès al programa de doctorat, la CAPD corresponent assignarà un tutor/a de tesi al doctorand/a, que haurà de pertànyer al professorat del programa (vegeu punt 2). El nomenament del tutor/a podrà ser modificat per la CAPD, escoltat el doctorand/a, en qualsevol moment del període de realització del doctorat, sempre que es donin raons justificades.

En un termini màxim de 3 mesos des de la matriculació del doctorand/a, la CAPD, li assignarà un director/a de tesi doctoral, que podrà coincidir o no amb el tutor/a, i que en qualsevol cas estarà en possessió del títol de doctor/a.

18.4.1. Codirecció de la tesi doctoral

En casos degudament justificats, la CAPD podrà autoritzar i assignar un o més codirectors/es de tesi doctoral. Aquest nomenament podrà ser modificat per la CAPD, escoltat el doctorand/a, en qualsevol moment del període de realització del doctorat, sempre que es donin raons justificades. Tot allò que és d’aplicació per als directors/es de tesi doctoral en la present normativa, ho és també pels codirectors/es de tesi doctoral assignats.

La normativa de la URL permet un règim de cotutela per a una tesi que pugui estar emmarcada simultàniament en programes de doctorat diferents de dues universitats (capítol 5, article 15)

18.5. Pla de recerca i Document d’Activitats del Doctorand/a

Abans de la finalització del primer any, el doctorand/a elaborarà un pla de recerca que inclourà, com a mínim, la metodologia a utilitzar i els objectius a assolir, així com els mitjans i la planificació temporal per aconseguir-ho. El pla de recerca també pot contenir els mecanismes previstos en relació als aspectes ètics de la recerca que es durà a terme. Aquest pla es podrà millorar i detallar al llarg de la seva estada en el programa de doctorat i ha d’estar avalat pel tutor/a i pel director/a o de la tesi.

El Document d’Activitats del Doctorand/a (DAD) és un registre individualitzat de control on es recullen totes les activitats acadèmiques i de recerca desenvolupades pel doctorand/a en el marc de la tesi doctoral. El model normalitzat del DAD es troba disponible al Portal de l’Alumne a Scala.

Anualment, la CAPD avaluarà el pla de recerca i el DAD, juntament amb els informes del director/a de la tesi i del tutor/a. L’avaluació positiva és requisit indispensable per continuar en el programa de doctorat. En cas d’avaluació negativa, que ha de ser degudament motivada, el doctorand/a ha de tornar a ser avaluat en el termini de sis mesos, i a aquest efecte ha d’elaborar un nou pla de recerca. En el supòsit de produir-se una nova avaluació negativa, el doctorand serà declarat baixa definitiva en el programa amb efectes immediats.

A l’inici de cada curs, els/les coordinadors/es del Programa de Doctorat notificaran als/les matriculats/des les dates de lliurament d’aquesta documentació. És responsabilitat del directors/es de la tesi el recordatori del calendari corresponent.

18.6. La tesi doctoral

La tesi doctoral consisteix en un treball original de recerca elaborat pel doctorand/a, en qualsevol camp de coneixement. La tesi doctoral ha de capacitar el doctorand/a per al treball autònom en l’àmbit de la R+D+I i l’adquisició de les competències i capacitats bàsiques que preveu la legislació vigent per als estudis de doctorat.

La tesi podrà ser desenvolupada i/o defensada en els idiomes habituals per a la comunicació científica en el seu camp de coneixement. Cas que l’idioma escollit sigui diferent del català, el castellà o l’anglès, caldrà que la CAPD ho autoritzi expressament.

18.6.1. Tesi per compendi de publicacions

Una tesi doctoral per compendi de publicacions a la URL estarà formada per un mínim de 3 articles sobre una mateixa línia d’investigació:

a) Només s’inclouran a la tesi articles en publicacions que disposin d’un sistema d’avaluació per consemblants i/o que estiguin indexades preferentment en bases de dades científiques internacionals.

b) Només s’inclouran en el compendi articles publicats, o acceptats per a la seva publicació.

c) Els articles, per poder ser inclosos en el compendi, hauran de tenir data d’acceptació posterior a la primera matriculació del doctorand/a als estudis de doctorat.

En relació als coautors o coautores dels articles publicats:

a) Hauran de donar la seva conformitat per escrit a la utilització de l’article com a part de la tesi del doctorand/a.

b) Cas de no tenir el grau de doctor/a, renunciaran per escrit a utilitzar l’article en una altra tesi. La CAPD podrà considerar excepcions justificades en l’aplicació d’aquesta norma, amb el vistiplau de la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

c) No podran formar part del tribunal de la tesi.

La tesi doctoral per compendi de publicacions comptarà, almenys, amb una introducció general que presenti els treballs publicats i la contribució específica del doctorand o doctoranda, una justificació de la unitat temàtica, una còpia de cada treball publicat, un resum global dels resultats, la seva discussió i les conclusions finals.

Per tot això, caldrà sempre, abans del dipòsit de la tesi, una presentació de sol·licitud formal a la CAPD (la qual vetllarà per la qualitat de les publicacions que es volen presentar per a la tesi) i la seva acceptació favorable. A l’esmentada sol·licitud s’afegirà també un informe del director/a de la tesi indicant quina és la contribució específica del doctorand/a al treball presentat, i la de la resta d’autors, si s’escau.

Serà necessari presentar a la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL, en el moment de la sol·licitud d’admissió a tràmit per a la seva defensa, l’acta d’aprovació de la CAPD i les autoritzacions dels coautors/es dels articles, així com, quan s’escaigui, la seva renúncia a utilitzar l’article en una altra tesi doctoral.

18.6.2. Doctorat industrial

La normativa de la URL estableix la modalitat del doctorat industrial d’acord amb uns requisits reunits al capítol 8, article 29.

18.6.3. Defensa de la tesi: tribunal, dipòsit, defensa, qualificació

Un cop finalitzada la redacció de la tesi doctoral, i d’acord amb el vist-i-plau del director/a (o codirectors/es) i el doctorand o doctoranda, el treball es lliurarà a la secretaria del doctorat de la FCRI. Aquesta la posarà a la disposició dels membres proposats per formar part del tribunal, que hauran d’elaborar els respectius informes.

  • Membres del tribunal

La Comissió de Doctorat de la URL serà l’encarregada de nomenar el tribunal que avaluarà cada tesi doctoral, prèvia proposta de la CAPD de la FCRI.

El tribunal estarà format per 3 membres titulars i dos suplents. Un dels titulars, com a màxim, formarà part del professorat de la URL o les institucions col·laboradores en el programa. En tot cas, els tres membres estaran vinculats a diferents entitats.

Els suplents també hauran de contemplar com a màxim un/a professor/a de la URL o institucions col·laboradores. Ni el director/a , ni el tutor o tutora podran ser membres del tribunal, tret dels casos de tesis presentades en el marc d’acords bilaterals de cotutela amb universitats estrangeres que així ho tinguin previst en el conveni respectiu. En aquest supòsit, el tribunal podria estar format per quatre membres titulars.

Els membres del tribunal per avaluar una tesi doctoral hauran d’estar en possessió del títol de doctor/a, i tenir experiència investigadora acreditada. També pot ser membre del tribunal el professorat habilitat de la universitat pública i el professorat de categoria equivalent d’una universitat estrangera. En casos degudament motivats per la temàtica de la tesi, podran ser membres del tribunal doctors/es de l’àmbit empresarial o professional, que destaquin per la seva expertesa en la temàtica de la tesi.

La Comissió de Doctorat de la URL, després d’estudiar els mèrits en recerca i innovació, podrà acreditar un doctor/a de reconegut prestigi en l’àmbit de la tesi, i que no estigui vinculat a una universitat espanyola, amb l’únic efecte de formar part del tribunal.

Un mínim de tres experts (que podran formar part del tribunal proposat per a l’avaluació de la tesi i que en qualsevol cas hauran de complir les mateixes condicions establertes per a ser membres del tribunal) farà un informe previ a la defensa de la tesi. Cada informe serà signat per l’expert que l’hagi elaborat i presentat a la CAPD, per tal que aquesta pugui lliurar-lo a la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL en el moment de la presentació de la sol·licitud d’admissió a tràmit per a la defensa de la tesi doctoral. Caldrà que tots els informes tinguin la valoració favorable per tal de poder iniciar els tràmits que portaran a la defensa de la tesi.

  • Dipòsit de la tesi doctoral

Un cop es disposi dels informes dels experts, juntament amb l’autorització del director/a i l’autorització de la CAPD, la tesi es presentarà a la reunió de la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL que s’escaigui, mitjançat la sol·licitud d’admissió a tràmit per a la defensa de la tesi doctoral (model normalitzat disponible al web de la URL).

La Comissió de Doctorat de la URL admetrà a tràmit la tesi doctoral, si s’escau, deixant-la en dipòsit durant 14 dies naturals, a comptar des de l’endemà de la reunió on s’ha presentat, tot garantint-ne la publicitat mitjançant el taulell d’anuncis dels centres i la web de la URL, per tal que els doctors o doctores que ho desitgin puguin formular les observacions oportunes.

En cas que la tesi no s’admeti a tràmit, la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL comunicarà per escrit al doctorand/a, al director/a de la tesi, al tutor/a i a la CAPD les raons de la seva decisió. El doctorand/a tindrà un termini de set dies naturals des de la data de recepció de la notificació per formular un recurs, dirigit al president/a de la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

El nomenament oficial del tribunal es farà, si durant el període de dipòsit no hi ha cap petició d’esmena, durant els cinc dies posteriors a la finalització del període de dipòsit, sense perjudici de fer-lo amb posterioritat, en el supòsit de no tenir una data de defensa consensuada.

La defensa de la tesi doctoral podrà tenir lloc, com a molt aviat, el 20è dia des de la reunió de la Comissió de Doctorat en què s’ha admès, i s’haurà de defensar abans de 6 mesos naturals a comptar des de l’endemà de la data de finalització del dipòsit.


Tot el procediment d’admissió a tràmit de la tesi doctoral, així com la documentació relacionada necessària per al tràmit, el tipus de portada i enquadernació, es detallen al document disponible al web de la URL.

  • Defensa de la tesi doctoral

La tesi doctoral s’ha d’avaluar en un únic acte de defensa que tindrà lloc en sessió pública i consisteix en l’exposició i defensa del doctorand/a del treball de recerca elaborat, davant els membres del tribunal. L’acte de defensa podrà tenir format presencial, semipresencial o virtual.

Es considera que una defensa té format presencial quan totes les persones implicades en l’acte de defensa estan a la mateixa sala durant l’acte (doctorand/a, membres del tribunal i públic) a les instal·lacions d’un dels centres de la URL.

Es considera que una defensa té format semipresencial quan algun dels membres del tribunal està connectat en remot, d’acord amb la constitució de 3 membres titulars i dos suplents. En aquest cas, es podran connectar en remot fins a un màxim de 2 membres.

En una defensa semipresencial el doctorand/a, la resta de membres del tribunal i el públic, estan a la mateixa sala durant l’acte a les instal·lacions d’un dels centres de la URL.

Es considera que una tesi es defensa en format virtual quan totes les persones implicades a l’acte hi assisteixen mitjançant les eines telemàtiques existents.

La CAPD de la FCRI podrà desplegar el procediment específic que consideri oportú per a l’autorització de la modalitat de defensa de tesi doctoral semipresencial i virtual. En tot cas, la CAPD haurà d’obtenir la conformitat de tots els membres del tribunal titulars i, si és el cas, dels membres suplents, per a realitzar la defensa en format semipresencial o virtual, segons s’escaigui, així com la confirmació que aquests disposen dels mitjans tècnics necessaris per la seva realització. Autoritzarà, si ho considera oportú, la defensa en les modalitats semipresencial i virtual, i n’haurà d’informar a la Secretaria Tècnica de la Comissió de Doctorat.

Els doctors/es presents a l’acte públic poden formular qüestions en el moment i la forma que assenyali el president del tribunal.

El tribunal que avaluï la tesi doctoral ha de disposar del DAD degudament complimentat. Aquest document de seguiment no dóna lloc a una puntuació quantitativa, però sí que constitueix un instrument d’avaluació qualitativa que complementa l’avaluació de la tesi doctoral.

En circumstàncies excepcionals, determinades per la CAPD, es podran introduir mesures complementàries de protecció de la confidencialitat durant la defensa oral, que anunciarà el president del tribunal a l’inici de l’acte de defensa.

  • Qualificació i arxiu

El tribunal ha d’emetre un informe sobre l’acte de defensa i la qualificació global concedida a la tesi en termes de: no apte, aprovat, notable i excel·lent. El tribunal podrà atorgar la menció «cum laude» si la qualificació global és d’excel·lent i s’emet en tal sentit el vot secret positiu per unanimitat.

La secretaria acadèmica del centre farà l’escrutini del vot secret per a la concessió de la menció «cum laude» en una sessió diferent de la corresponent a la defensa de la tesi doctoral. En cas de concessió, emetrà el corresponent certificat, que s’annexarà a l’acta de grau, per tal de poder tramitar el títol de doctor/a amb l’esmentada menció.

El vicerectorat competent en matèria de doctorat notificarà per escrit la resolució definitiva del tribunal a l’interessat/da, amb còpia al director/a, als codirectors/es i al tutor/a de la tesi.

Només en el cas que s’hagi concedit la menció «cum laude», l’autor/a de la tesi doctoral podrà optar al Premi Extraordinari del corresponent programa de doctorat, si té la recomanació positiva per unanimitat del tribunal que jutgi la tesi doctoral. Aquesta recomanació s’inclourà en el mateix certificat de concessió de la menció «cum laude».

Un cop defensada la tesi doctoral, la Universitat l’arxivarà en format electrònic en accés obert en el repositori tesis doctorals en xarxa

Per garantir els drets de propietat intel·lectual dels autors/es i els possibles aspectes confidencials de la tesi doctoral, aquesta es podrà publicar en accés obert de forma parcial, tenint en compte les especificacions de l’autor/a recollides en el document, disponible al web de la URL, Plantilla acceptació publicació en el TDX, d’obligada presentació en el moment de sol·licitar l’admissió a tràmit per la defensa de la tesi doctoral a la Comissió de Doctorat de la URL.

En aquest punt, la Universitat introduirà les dades de la tesi a la base de dades TESEO del Ministeri d’Educació, Cultura i Esports.

En casos excepcionals i a petició de la CAPD, la Comissió de doctorat de la URL habilitarà els mecanismes de protecció dels aspectes confidencials de la tesi.

L’exemplar definitiu imprès de la tesi haurà d’incloure el model de portada URL com a primer full. Els models normalitzats de la primera pàgina de la tesi, es troben disponibles al web de la URL. Un cop defensada la tesi doctoral, el vicerectorat competent en matèria de doctorat procedirà a arxivar l’exemplar definitiu imprès de la tesi a la seu del Rectorat.


La normativa de doctorat de la URL contempla la normativa referida al Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat (capitol 7, article 26), així com de la Menció internacional en el títol de Doctor o Doctora (capítol 8, article 27).

19.1. L'estudiant té dret a la revisió dels exàmens en les condicions i el termini assenyalats per cada docent en el moment de fer-ne la convocatòria. En cas que l’estudiant vulgui recórrer aquesta decisió del docent, ho ha de fer per causes molt justificades en el termini d’un dia posterior al lliurament de les qualificacions, presentant una sol·licitud a la Secretaria Acadèmica de la Facultat (via Scala).

La comissió de revisió només es pot sol·licitar un cop avaluada la segona convocatòria i després de l’informe favorable del cap del departament, tal com preveu el punt 8.15 d'aquesta normativa. Les reclamacions només es poden sol·licitar durant el mateix curs acadèmic.

19.2. Per a reclamacions de caràcter merament econòmic, l’estudiant ha de presentar una sol·licitud per escrit adreçada al cap de Gestió Acadèmica, on s’especifiquin els fets i fonaments que motiven la reclamació, en un termini de quinze dies naturals des del fet que dona lloc a la reclamació.

19.3. L’òrgan competent resoldrà qualsevol d’aquestes reclamacions també per escrit i de manera fonamentada, en un termini de trenta dies naturals a comptar de la data de recepció de les reclamacions.

(Última modificació de la normativa:Octubre de 2023)


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