
Master in Life-long learning in Advanced Orthopedics

Ortopèdia capçalera
  • Modality
    Hybrid learning format
  • Languages
  • Duration
    1 and a half academic years
  • Credits
  • Date
    September 2025
  • Places
  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Av. del Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 15. 08035 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Who is it for?

The continuing education master degree in Advanced Orthopedics is aimed at graduates in pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry, medicine, nursing and other university qualifications in health sciences.

Improve your qualifications

Orthopedics is a very broad healthcare profession, as it encompasses the treatment of many pathologies at all stages of life, from birth to old age.

Treatments can be standard, adapted or customized to cover: circulatory ailments, prevention of damage due to pressure, orthotic treatments of the upper limb, lower vertebral column, partial prosthetics or whole upper and lower limb, special footwear and technical support.

It is a sector that has been growing and creating new orthotic and preventive lines, in the fields of both sports and work. It has also had a relevant role in the development of current designs with the incorporation of new orthopedic materials.

The program includes specific training in the fields of anatomy, biomechanics and pathology, as well as the orthopedic approaches associated with it. The practical side of the master degree is developed through different workshops for the manufacture and adaptation of orthoses, prostheses and technical aids, with the use of state-of-the-art technologies in this sector.

Development: This is the only hybrid learning format master degree in Spain, with the accreditation of 90 ECTS credits, which allows the student to fully develop in all areas of orthopedics.

Technical training: the master degree prioritizes technical training, dedicating all the time spent in the classroom to the development of orthopedic subjects.

Practical workload: thanks to a panel of professors with extensive experience in the field of orthopedics, the master degree has a major practical component both in terms of the manufacturing workshop, in the exploration and assessment of patients, in taking measurements using the latest technologies, and in terms of the adaptation of all types of orthoses and technical aids.

Autonomy: the master degree is structured into blocks which will progressively enable students to develop their growth in an organized manner that adjusts to their abilities and offers greater autonomy in their learning processes.

Versatility: the different modules allow the student to delve into generic subjects ranging from anatomy and physiology to biomechanics through pathology, and ending with different orthopedic treatments. This master degree teaches students to register as a manufacturer of custom orthopedic products in all the Autonomous Communities.


  • Possess and understand the knowledge that provides a background or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, usually in a research context
  • The students should know how to apply the knowledge they acquire, and have the capacity to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
  • The students should be capable of integrating knowledge and tackling the complexity of formulating judgments from incomplete or limited information, including reflections on social and ethical responsibility linked to the application of their knowledge judgments
  • The students should be capable of communicating their conclusions and knowledge and the reasons that support them to experts and non-experts clearly and without ambiguity
  • The students should possess the learning skills that allow them to pursue self-directed and autonomous learning.


  • Know how to analyze, organize, and plan the activities of the professional field.
  • Demonstrate ability and flexibility for problem-solving and effective decision-making in the field of work.
  • Know how to evaluate, select, and draw conclusions from the scientific literature related to the field of study.
  • Develop self-learning skills and critical thinking in their field of work.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in a team, both at an interdisciplinary level and in an international context, through oral or written communication in different languages.
  • Demonstrate skills in interpersonal relationships based on attention to diversity and multiculturalism through ethical commitment in professional practice.
  • Demonstrate the ability to generate and lead innovative ideas in the professional environment.
  • Demonstrate ability to manage information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to their professional environment.
  • Know the basic principles of clinical research methodology, its applicability, interpretation, and management of results for the development of research projects in the field of the professional environment.
  • Demonstrate autonomy to formulate, plan, design and develop scientific or technological projects in the professional field for an improvement in their area of specialty.


  • Have advanced knowledge in anatomy and biomechanics, both in theory and exploration, to be able to analyze pathologies and adaptations in orthopedics
  • Have advanced knowledge about pathologies of the human body, which require ortho-prosthetic treatment.
  • Be able to interpret medical prescriptions, treatment requests and advice from patients to be treated by the orthopedist.
  • Be able to master taking measurements on the human body, including traditional systems and the latest technologies, for all orthoses and prostheses needed in orthopedics.
  • Have the advanced knowledge to design, execute, direct and coordinate the custom manufacturing of products manufactured in-house and those developed by external producers.
  • Have sufficient knowledge of all laws and regulations relevant to orthopedics at the national and regional levels.
  • Have the necessary knowledge to create an orthopedics company, both at a technical and management level.
  • Have sufficient knowledge in the fields of bioethics and research methodology to be able to enter the field of orthopedic research.
  • Have advanced knowledge in the field of technical aids and necessary solutions for the patient with functional diversity, activity limitations or participation restrictions.

Why choose this master degree?

The only Master Degree in Orthopedics with a hybrid learning format. The 90 credits offer complete training, both in the theoretical and practical aspects, and enable the student to process their registration as manufacturers of custom orthopedic products.


Training with a practical aspect that is close to the career reality of orthopedics and the needs of the sector. They make it possible to become technically specialized in orthopedics and in the field of leading companies in the sector.


Technical training dedicating all the time spent in the classroom to the development of orthopedic subjects


Professors with extensive experience in the field of orthopedics; major practical component in terms of the manufacturing workshop, the exploration and assessment of patients, and in terms of taking measurements using the latest technologies and the adaptation of orthoses and technical aids


Training is divided into blocks of progressive difficulty, beginning with a high theoretical component and progressing towards an essentially practical aspect.

Academic information

alumnes en grup a classe FCS

2025-26 academic year

Admissions application: 50 € pre-enrollment fee. If you are not admitted or the graduate course is cancelled by the Blanquerna School of Health Sciences, the amount will be refunded during the academic year in which you pre-enrolled, subject to the presentation of the corresponding receipt.

Tuition fee

Tuition fee per credit
Total tuition fee

Payment method

The tuition is payable in three installments:

- Initial payment: 34% at the time of enrollment.
- January: 33%
- March: 33%

Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS

Career paths from the master's degree

Radiografia feta a la FCS

Titular o director d'un negoci d'ortopèdia

Grup de Recerca en Pedagogia, Societat i Innovació amb el suport de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació

Assessor d'empreses del sector de l'ortopèdia

Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation

All the services you need during your time at the School


Manel Caraben. Orthopedist. Professor in courses, master degrees and graduate studies at the Official College of Pharmacists of Spain and different universities.

Aida Noé. Pharmacist. Master Degree in Orthopedics. Professor in several orthopedic courses of the Official College of Pharmacists of Bizkaia (COFBI). Co-owner of a pharmacy branch in Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Technical Director of Orthopedics establishment in Sant Carles de la Rapita.

Ferran Oller. Pharmacist. Master Degree in Orthopedics. Professor in several orthopedic courses of the Official College of Pharmacists of Bizkaia (COFBI). Co-owner of a pharmacy branch in Barcelona. Technical Director of Orthopedics establishment in Barcelona.

Lluís Grau. Physiotherapist. Master Degree in Osteopathy. Graduate Studies in Orthopedics. Technical Director of Orthopedics establishment in Lloret de Mar.

Gabriel Claver. Pharmacist. Master Degree in Orthopedics. Assistant pharmacist in a pharmacy branch in Bizkaia. Technical Director of Orthopedics establishment in Bizkaia.

Isabel Altemir. Pharmacist. Master Degree in Orthopedics. Co-owner of a pharmacy branch in Huesca. Technical Director of Orthopedics establishment in Huesca.

Julià Sol. Architect. Graduate studies in Interior Design. Graduate studies in Rehabilitation.

Anna Lafont, PhD. Doctor. Rheumatologist at the Hospital of Mataró.

Joan Enric Torra, PhD. Nurse. Master Degree in Management and Research in Chronic Wounds. Professor at the Blanquerna-URL School of Health Sciences (FCS Blanquerna-URL).

Salvador Cassany. Pharmacist. Head of the Pharmaceutical Control and Health Products Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Alesander Badiola, PhD. Physiotherapist. Doctorate in Physiotherapy. Master Degree in Physiotherapy. Professor at the FCS Blanquerna-URL.

Sergi Villanueva. Physiotherapist. Osteopath (Official College). Master Degree in Physiotherapy. Professor at Blanquerna-URL.

Alex Merí. Physiotherapist. Anatomist. Orthopedic Technician. Master Degree in Physiotherapy. Professor at the FCS Blanquerna-URL.

Xavier Cardona. Doctor. Anthropologist. Professor at the FCS Blanquerna-URL.

Raimón Milà, PhD. Teacher Accreditation by the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU). Professor at the FCS Blanquerna-URL.

Olga Canet, PhD. Nurse. Professor at the FCS Blanquerna-URL.

Carles Salvadó, MsC. Graduate Studies in Physiotherapy, Official Master in Community Risk Management and Prevention

Leopoldo Fernandez. Degree in Pharmacy from UNAV. Orthopedic Technician. EMO Technical Director.

Eugeni Gonzalo. Degree in Medicine. Traumatologist

Ivan Hernaez. Graduate Studies in Social Education. Expert in Comprehensive Assessment and Home Care for the dignified care of assisted persons

Anna Caraben. Degree in Biomedicine UCV. Doctorate in Biomedicine from the UB.

Oscar Arboles. Degree in Economics. Managing Director of Vermeiren Ibérica.

Miren Gallastegui. Degree in Pharmacy from the UPV. Master Degree in Orthopedics from UCLM. Community pharmacy owner

Elena Schöder. Degree in Pharmacy from the UB. Master Degree in Orthopedics from the UCLM. Community pharmacy owner

María Cosp. Degree in Pharmacy from the UB. Community pharmacy owner

Nuria Borrell. Diploma in Nursing from the UB. Director OWINGS

Anna Gil. Degree in Pharmacy from the UB. Master Degree in Orthopedics from URL

Ernesto Herrera. Professor at the FCS Blanquerna. Graduate Studies in Physiotherapy. Doctorate from the International University of Catalonia.


Application process

To access the master degree and/or university specialization diplomas, you must hold an official Spanish university degree, or a degree from another country in the European Higher Education Area. These studies are also open to students with a degree issued by an education system outside the European Higher Education Area, who do not need to have it approved, provided that the level of training is equivalent to that of an official Spanish degree and that, in the country of origin, the degree gives access to graduate studies. However, admission does not in any case imply the convalidation of the degree or any other type of recognition beyond allowing the student to access master and graduate studies at the University.

Furthermore, these courses are open to people who do not have a degree but who, due to their professional or personal background, are considered qualified to take them. In these cases, the degree they will obtain will be a university extension.

The application process consists of two parts:




Students can pre-enroll online (by accessing Pre-enrollment | Blanquerna or the pre-enrollment option for each course). It can also be done in person at the School.

During the process, the candidate must submit the requested documentation:

  • ID card, passport or NIE residence card.
  • Certified photocopy of the qualification that gives the student access to the course or documentary proof that the relevant document has been requested.
  • Copy of the official academic transcript with grades for the courses taken and the average mark of the qualification justifying admission.
  • Students with studies qualifying them for access completed outside Spain: certificate issued by the relevant body (university, embassy, consulate) confirming that the studies qualify the student to undertake master degree or graduate studies in the country of issue. Students who come from a foreign university must provide details of the grading system used at their university, as well as the aforementioned documentation, which must comply with the requirements for translation and legalization established in current regulations.
  • Payment of €50 in terms of pre-registration fee. The amount of the application will only be returned in case of cancellation of the course by the center. The amount will be returned during the course in which pre-registration has been made, upon presentation of the corresponding receipt. Payment is by credit or debit card using a secure and confidential process.

Once pre-enrollment is complete, the documentation will be assessed, and the student will be informed of the result and how to enroll, if applicable.


Enrollment is the final step in the procedure to access the master degree or graduate studies. Each student will be informed in the letter of admission of his/her enrollment date. When enrollment is complete, with payment of the corresponding fee, the student will have definitively secured a place. If the student leaves the course, the enrollment fee will not be refunded in any case. The School reserves the right to cancel any courses for which the required minimum number of enrolled students has not been reached. In this case, the amount paid for enrollment will be refunded in full.

Documentation to be provided:

  • Certified photocopy of the degree certificate or certified photocopy of the university studies completed.
  • Official academic certification (list of subjects studied with their grade).
  • Current account number for direct debit in case of payment by installments.

When students enroll, they will have two business days to pay the total cost of enrollment, by bank transfer, credit card or barcode. Studies can be paid in full or in installments, without any interest, by bank transfer.

If payment by installment is selected, students will have two business days following completion of enrollment to pay 33.3% of the total cost of the enrolled credits, using their chosen form of payment; this payment cannot be made by direct debit. The remaining 66.4% is split into two monthly installments, in January and March, payable by direct debit using the bank account number provided upon enrollment.

School alumni are given a 15% discount on the enrollment fee (non-cumulative discount). Distinctions obtained in the fourth academic year of the bachelor degree are not eligible for a discount in own master degrees and graduate studies. Prices are updated each academic year. Once enrollment is complete, the amount paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.​

When a student enrolls, a contract for the provision of teaching services is formalized between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation, which is legally binding from the time of payment. Payment includes the corresponding insurance and, for students under the age of twenty-eight, compulsory academic insurance. If a student declines to take up a place, he/she will lose in full any amount he/she has paid.

The student accepts the rules for the use of computer services established by the Blanquerna Foundation. The student's personal data will be included in an automated file under the responsibility of the Blanquerna Foundation, so that this contract can be maintained and fulfilled. Students should note that their data may also be used to inform them about the future activities of the Foundation, or for the institution to send them publications.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data, students have the right to access their data to update, rectify or cancel them, or object to their use, by sending a letter, indicating which right they want to exercise.

This section is a summary of the general conditions for enrollment. It is only for guidance and therefore has no contractual value. In the event of any discrepancy, the provisions of the general conditions for enrollment specified in the receipt generated at the time of enrollment will prevail; this receipt formalizes the contract between the student and the Blanquerna Foundation; students can consult it on the intranet whenever they wish.

Foreign students

The School reserves the right to ask candidates with qualifications outside the EES for a letter from their university, embassy or consulate to certify that their studies enable them to pursue a master degree or graduate studies.

Students are responsible for having all the official documentation necessary for their stay in Spain while studying at the School. Applicants can ask for a pre-acceptance document attached to the pre-enrollment receipt to initiate applications for visas or scholarships or carry out any other administrative procedure. Under no circumstances does this document guarantee a place if all the access and admission requirements are not met. Once applicants have been accepted and enrollment is complete, they can request a letter of admission from the Academic Secretary, if required, by paying the corresponding fees.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the prospective students department.
[email protected]

Master degree thesis

The master's thesis consists of the completion, presentation and defense of an individual project that will include innovative elements of research or healthcare or industrial application, which represent an approach to professional practice.

The work to be produced must be previously defined as a project that details the subject to be studied, its relevance, the objectives set, and the methodology to be used.

Two possibilities for the master's thesis:

  • Preparation of a viability plan for the creation of an orthopedic business.
  • Carrying out research in the field of orthopedics.

Progressive generation with tutorials and advice throughout the academic year.

Partial submissions with corrections throughout the academic year. Face-to-face tutorials or video conferencing.

Google Meet or in person.

Assessment by the advisor and defense before a panel.

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna


The training program includes external internships that allow students to become qualified in both operational orthopedic clinics and in the context of leading companies in the sector.

Measurement and assessment of the patient with the latest technology

Orthotics and custom fitting

Point of sale service

Technification in companies and manufacturing workshops


Excellence is the future