
I jornada Hub Salut URL

I Health Hub URL Day for PDI

June 16, 2023

On Monday, 26th of June, Ramon Llull University hosts the first day of the Health Hub URL, a meeting of the university's teaching and research staff with activity and interest in the field of health sciences.

The aim of this conference, which will take place at the headquarters of the Rectorate of the URL (C/ Claravall 1, Barcelona), is to make the different research groups of the University visible, as well as the projects they are carrying out and to create synergies between them to promote the positioning of the University in this field.

The conference will have a scientific session where we will present the research carried out at each of the different institutions of the URL, a round table that will discuss the importance of the health cluster in the transversal context of the University, and a session of posters selected by each center so that pre- and post-doctoral researchers can share their research with all the attendees.


9.00 – 9.30. Welcome speech from the rector of the URL, Dr. Josep A. Rom Rodríguez

9.30 - 11.00. Presentations in research and innovation:

  • An overview on the research in Health performed at IQS

Dr. Cristina Fornaguera, IQS-URL

  • Computer vision and deep learning to support psychotic disorders diagnostics

Dr. Xavier Sevillano, La Salle-URL

  • The ECID Project: Initial Clinical Results and Patient Profile

Dr. Anna Oriol, Fundació Vidal i Barraquer-URL

  • Tool4MEDlife: From tradition to innovation: New Foods and Educational Toolkits for a Healthy and Sustainable Mediterranean Lifestyle

Dr. Elena Carrillo, Blanquerna School of Health Sciences-URL

  • FPCEE-Blanquerna Health Research from a Biopsychosocial perspective

Dr. Ignasi Cifré, FPCEE Blanquerna-URL

Moderator: Dr. Joel Montané
11.00 - 12.00. Pause for coffee and poster session

12.00 – 13.00. Round table "Importance of the Health cluster within the transversality of the URL"

  • Dr. Jordi Diaz, Dean of IQS School of Engineering-URL
  • Dr. Rosa Maria Alsina, director of La Salle-URL Research and Innovation
  • Dr. Mark Dangerfield, director of the Mental Health University Institute Vidal i Barraquer-URL
  • Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles, dean of the School of Health Sciences Blanquerna-URL
  • Dr. Marc Franco, vice-dean of Academia and Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences Blanquerna-URL

Moderators: Dr. Jordi Texidó, vice-rector for Research and Innovation URL, and Dr. Elisabet Golobardes, vice-rector for Academic Organization and Quality

13.00 - 13.30. Exchange of ideas and closing


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