Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Acte de graduació 2023 de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL, a l'Auditori de Barcelona.

Emotions flourished in the Graduation Ceremony 2023 of the School of Health Sciences

June 20, 2023

The Ceremony was held at the Auditorium of Barcelona yesterday, Monday 19th of June, at 18h. The students who graduated were from the 28th promotion of the bachelor's degrees in Nursing and Physiotherapy, the 18th promotion of the bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and the 5th promotion of the bachelor's degree in Pharmacy.

The Graduation Ceremony of the School of Health Sciences Blanquerna-URL began at 18.30h, with the welcome speech of this year's presenters, professor Cristina Surís Palou and professor Jordi Jaime Ibáñez Nolla.

It was an exciting evening for our students, who after much effort and dedication have completed a decisive university stage for their professional future.

The presidential table was made up by the godmother of the promotion Dr. Clara Prats, the president of Blanquerna Foundation Dr. Josep Maria Carbonell, the dean of our Faculty Dr. Conxita Mestres i Miralles, the academic vice-dean Dr. Juanjo García Gil, the vice-dean of Research and Institutional Relations Dr. Marta Hernández, the academic secretary Dr. Elisabet Vendrell, the directors of our bachelor's degree Dr. Imma Palma (Human Nutrition and Dietetics), Dr. Pilar Gascón (Pharmacy) and Dr. Carlo Gallucci (IQS), Dr. Ernesto Herrera (Physiotherapy) and Dr. Pilar González (Nursing).

Vice-dean Dr. Juanjo García Gil announced the awards for the best academic record, which he presented together with the directors of each bachelor's degree:

- Anna Garcia Faura (Nursing)

- Maria Gil Vives (Pharmacy)

- Marta Ferrón Carbonell (Physiotherapy)

- Júlia Creus Guerra (Human nutrition and Dietetics)

Dr. Juanjo García Gil also made a special mention of Caritas' Honorific Distinguished Award for Best Bachelor's Thesis in Social Content from the past 2021-2022 academic year, awarded to alumni of the bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Paula Ferdinand Colmenero. The Head of Campaigns and Sensibilization from Càritas Barcelona, Itziar Bravo, presented the award to the winner.

The ceremony ended with the performance of CorSalut Blanquerna, composed of students and alumni of the School of Health Sciences and directed by alumni Anna Vergara. The Blanquerna Choir performed excerpts from the pieces What a Wonderful World (letters and music by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele), This is Me (from the film The Greatest Showman, lyrics and music by Benj Pasek and Justin). They were accompanied on the piano by professor Elena Carrillo Álvarez.

Congratulations to the students who have received the prizes for the best academic record, to Paula Ferdinand and to all the students who graduated in 2023. Your Excellence is our Future.


Excellence is the future