
University Expert Certificate in Breastfeeding

Pre-enrollment open

  • Modality
  • Languages
    Spanish, English
  • Credits
  • Date
    October 20, 2025
  • Ending Date
    September 15, 2025
  • Planning

    From 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Places
  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Expert Certificate in collaboration with LactApp

The Blanquerna School of Health Sciences and LactApp offer the University Expert Certificate in Breastfeeding, a professionalizing program designed for health professionals looking to improve and deepen their knowledge, skills and aptitudes for the care of women and children during breastfeeding. All the theoretical training of the postgraduate course prepares the student to take the IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) exam.

Lactancia logo

Títol d'Expert en col·laboració amb LactApp

La Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna i LactApp imparteixen el títol d'expert Universitari en Lactància Materna, un programa professionalitzador dissenyat per als professionals de la salut que desitjin millorar i aprofundir en els coneixements, habilitats i aptituds, per a l'atenció a la dona i al nen durant la lactància. Tota la formació teòrica del postgrau, permet preparar-se per realitzar l'examen IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).


Who is it for?

Designed for people in maternal and child care who want to improve and deepen their knowledge, skills and abilities around breastfeeding.

Great scope for professional growth

Beginning of milk production: breastfeeding pain and factors affecting the course of lactation.

Breastfeeding: a view throughout history through a gender perspective

Health of the mother and infant: infant development and complex situations

Situations that jeopardize lactation: devices, evidence, and research

If you choose the expert certificate in Breastfeeding you choose...

  • This training aims to improve the quality of care in the maternal and infant population by basing interventions on the best available scientific evidence.
  • Achieve competency in the comprehensive care of mother and baby during breastfeeding. The program allows for advanced practice based on the female-centered care model and the latest scientific evidence available. This also allows for theoretical preparation for the IBCLC exam.
  • Online mode. Ideal combination of live workshops and webinars with recorded classes facilitating learning and work-life balance
  • The teaching staff. The program is taught by renowned national and international specialists
  • Innovation. New training techniques
Lactància escriptori

Find out more

Admission process

Academic information

alumnes en grup a classe FCS


You can download the calendar for the 2024-2025



Beginning of milk production, breastfeeding pain and factors affecting the course of breastfeeding (4 ECTS)

-Physiology, anatomy, and endocrinology of breastfeeding

-Pregnancy, childbirth, first hours

-Clinical skills

-Pathology (maternal and infant)


Breastfeeding: a view throughout history through a gender perspective (5 ECTS)

-History of breastfeeding through a gender perspective

-Psychology, sociology, and anthropology

-Public health and breastfeeding

-Donation of breast milk


Health of the mother and infant, infant development and complex situations (6 ECTS)

-Nutrition (maternal and infant)

-Infant development

-Special situations


Situations that jeopardize lactation, devices, evidence, and research (5 ECTS)

-Return to work and breastfeeding

-Pharmacology, toxicants, and diagnostic tests

-Breastfeeding mother's support network: resources and products

-Research and ethics in breastfeeding


Total tuition fee
€2000 + €100 (pre-enrollment)
Tuition fee per credit
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS
Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation


Alba Padró

Laia Aguilar

Mª Carmen Collado, PhD

Esther Jimenez

Desirée Mena, PhD

Serena Brigidi, PhD

Anna Martín

Raimon Milá

Maria Viñas

Carlos González

Mariona Busto

Fatima Camba

Alba Sánchez

Anna Llupià

Inma Pablos

Marta Busquets

Laia Rovira

Alba Sánchez

Yndira González

Inma Marcos

Ivan Bettinsoli

Vanessa Pleguezuelos

África Villaroel

Esther Vallès

Maria Berrozpe, PhD

Helena Angel



Click on the following link and follow the steps to enroll.


Scholarships and grants Blanquerna

Descomptes disponibles per a estudis de Màster i Postgrau

*Els descomptes són aplicables en Màsters Universitaris, Màsters de Formació Permanent i Títols Propis, i no són acumulables: només es pot aplicar 1 dels descomptes.

15% - Descompte Alumni Universitat Ramon Llull

Alumni Universitat Ramon Llull de qualsevol pla d’estudis associat a una matrícula de pagament prèvia. Només s’ofereix una vegada per a cada tipus de títol diferent on l’alumni es vulgui matricular.

10% a 15% - Descompte a empreses col·laboradores

Empreses amb les quals existeix un conveni de col·laboració formal, sigui de pràctiques o de qualsevol altre model d’associació.

10% - Descompte a institucions universitàries

Professorat, PAS, Estudiants i Alumni d’institucions universitàries amb les quals hi hagi conveni d’estudis/intercanvis, per exemple, Emerson College.

10% - Descompte a col·legis professionals

Amb tots els col·legis professionals amb qui existeixi conveni de col·laboració vigent. S’ha d’acreditar el fet d’estar col·legiat.


Excellence is the future