Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona
School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science
This course aims to provide students with the linguistic tools necessary to face basic everyday communication needs.
Price: Free
Recognition of the course in credits
Recognition of 1.5 ECTS
To introduce the Catalan language and culture to foreign students.
Facilitate the integration of foreign students into the university community.
Getting foreign students to acquire a level of Catalan that allows them to communicate and develop in Catalan society.
A communicative approach will be followed based on real productions (oral and written) produced in the university and extra-university context. The methodology used will be dynamic and communicative and will encourage oral participation in class and the comprehensive improvement of the four language skills, expanding and consolidating, at the same time, grammatical knowledge and vocabulary.
This course will be assessed based on:
Participation in class
The monitoring of the activities that will be proposed throughout the course
A final assessment exercise
If you want to sign up, write an email to the Language Service ([email protected]), with your name, surname, ID and the course to enroll.
El domini lingüístic del català.
El sistema fonètic català.
Correlació entre so i grafia. L’alfabet.
Lèxic i expressions bàsiques que s’utilitzen en situacions comunicatives quotidianes:
Adreces i localitzacions
Horaris i dates
Accions i activitats quotidianes
Feina, oficis i ocupacions
Demandes en restaurants i comerços
Descripcions físiques
Estats físics i anímics
Direccions i mitjans de transport
Condicions atmosfèriques
Opinions i valoracions
Vocabulari bàsic de la quotidianitat
Morfologia i sintaxi:
El substantiu. Gènere i nombre
L’article. Els determinants
Els pronoms
El verb. Models de conjugació. Formes regulars. Principals verbs irregulars
Les preposicions i les locucions prepositives.Els adverbis i les locucions adverbials