Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona
School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science
The Oxford Test of English is an official English exam that is completely online. With this version of the exam, you can certify a level up to B2 in the MEFR. In this course, we prepare you throughout the semester to succeed in the exam. We will do activities to practice the four skills that represent the four sections of the exam: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking expression and writing expression. We will also do simulations of the different sections of the exam to correct errors and improve your skills. At the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to take the exam online using the specially equipped laptops at Blanquerna.
Target audience
This course is specially designed for 3rd and 4th year students in education who, in order to work as teachers, will need to have a B2 level of English accredited. It is also open to all students at the FPCEE Blanquerna-URL who are interested in accrediting their level of English.
To prepare students for the official Oxford Test of English, level B2.
Reading, writing, listening and speaking activities designed to help students successfully face the Oxford Test of English, level B2.
Will Bromberg. Teacher of english at the FPCEE Blanquerna-URL.
Course price: €175
To register, click on the link that says registration (at the top of the screen) and follow the steps that are indicated.
Payment is made through this website with a credit card. If payment is not made, the registration will not be registered.
The Faculty does not commit to running the course if it does not reach the minimum number of 15 registrants.
Pre-registration and/or registration may be open until the indicated deadline or until the available places are exhausted.
The amount paid for registration for the course will only be refunded in the event that it is canceled by the Faculty.
Failure to register for any of the discounts provided for certain groups is the responsibility of the registrant.