On-site Saturday from 9.00 to 14.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00
Wednesday online from 18.00 to 19.30
Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona
School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science
This course works on the motivation and values that harmonize us in interpersonal relationships and help to give meaning, quality and satisfaction to the helping relationship.
Encourage the following attitudes (theoretical and practical): equanimity, gratitude, generosity, compassion, patience, joy.
This training program is aimed at professionals who are dedicated to helping or caring for other people (psychologists, teachers, doctors, speech therapists, nurses, physiotherapists, social educators…). It can also be aimed at people interested in their personal growth or cultivating balance and mental calm, and you do not need to have a specific degree to access it.
Face-to-face Saturday from 9.00 to 14.00: February 4, March 4 and April 15Wednesday online from 6pm to 7.30pm: January 11, 18 and 25; 1, 8, 15 and 22 February and 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 March
Equanimity and gratitude: We all want to feel as comfortable as possible and avoid suffering. And to achieve this we need the help and collaboration of others, from birth to death. Also help professionals.
Generosity: Society or any system can only work well with the help of everyone. Generosity not only makes the recipient feel good, it also harmonizes with the recipient.
Compassion: Sensitivity and empathy for the suffering of others and also one's own, makes the helping relationship satisfying and rewarding.
Patience: A non-reactive attitude that allows you to stay calm and face challenges and difficult situations with serenity and intelligence.
Happiness: A positive approach to life that helps you enjoy it and see the opportunities it offers, even in illness and difficult situations.
Preu del curs: 495 €
Descompte alumni: 7%
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Dra. Núria Farriols. Doctor in Psychology, clinical psychologist at the Hospital de Mataró and full professor at the FPCEE Blanquerna. Member of the Communication and Health Research Group (URL). He has 8 years of experience in meditation practice and training.
Teaching staff
Prof. Ferran Aliaga. Clinical psychologist at the mental health center as well as the Short Stay Hospitalization Unit at Mataró Hospital. He has 8 years of experience in meditation practice and training.
Dra. Núria Farriols. Doctor in Psychology, clinical psychologist at the Hospital de Mataró and full professor at the FPCEE Blanquerna. Member of the Communication and Health Research Group (URL). He has 8 years of experience in meditation practice and training.
Prof. Basili Llorca. Trained in Buddhist philosophy and meditation in centers in India, Nepal and France, he is President and Founder of the Universal Education Association and the Dharmadhatu Association. Master in Methods for Personal Growth. He has been teaching meditation for over 25 years.
Prof. Teresa Pretel. Graduate in Psychology, General Health Psychologist and member of the Communication and Health Research Group. (URL) Master in Narrative Therapy. Individual and group psychotherapy in the private sector and in research. He has 5 years of experience in meditation practice and training.
Former students of official studies of Blanquerna can obtain a discount in the price of the matrícula in some of the courses of continuous training of the same faculty depending on each case. This discount is not cumulative and only applies to students who enroll for all credits of the degree.