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Revolucionant la Logopèdia. Propostes de present i de futur

Revolucionant la LogopèdIA (Revolutionizing Speech Therapy). Proposals for the present and future.

Sign up for the speech therapy conference Revolucionant la logopèdIA (Revolutionizing Speech Therapy). Proposals for the present and future

January 23, 2024

The conference of the Bachelor's Degree in Speech and Language Therapy entitled Revolucionant la LogopèdIA (Revolutionizing Speech Therapy) will be held On February 21, at 9.30 am, in the Auditorium of the Blanquerna FPCEE. Proposals for the present and future. The event will be split into three parts and will have a hybrid format.

The first part will feature two lectures. The first will be given by Dr. Karina Gibert, head of the research center Intelligent Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI-UPC). The second will be given by Carlos Gallego, head of Digital Transformation in Health. TicSalutSocial Foundation. Head of Digital Services for Health Diagnosis in Catalonia (CSDSCat) and general coordinator of ICT of the Health System of the Department of Health.

The second part of the day will consist of a round table entitled "Proposals for innovation in LogopedIA (Speech Therapy) in the era of artificial intelligence" featuring speakers such as: Alessandra Zoccali, speech therapist and PI in the Blapp project at Hospital San Juan de Dios in Barcelona; Arnau Valls Esteve, coordinator of the Innovation Department of Hospital San Juan de Dios in Barcelona and manager of the Blapp project; Laura López, speech therapist and head of the Sàpiens Center in Esplugues; Melissa G. Moyer, professor of English and German Philology and PI of the Voiceitt Project at the UAB; Miquel Palau Costafreda, speech therapist, social educator and pedagogical and communication coordinator at Gabinete Trivium.

To attend the conference you must register beforehand. You can see the program of the conference in the link below.

Pre-registrationProgram of Revolucionant la logopèdIA (Revolutionizing Speech Therapy)

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