Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


FPCEE - Sant Jordi 2023

We held the award ceremony of the 43rd edition of the Sant Jordi Literary Awards 2023

April 21, 2023

During the School's traditional Cultural Week, a new edition of the Premis Literaris (Literary Awards) was held, honouring prose and poetry in Catalan, Spanish and foreign languages.

On Thursday 20 April 2023, the School hosted the 43rd edition of the Sant Jordi Literary Awards 2023, as part of the activities and events of the traditional Cultural Week.

The first speaker was the Dean, Dr. Jordi Riera, who highlighted the role of culture, of which, he insisted, we should not only be consumers but we need to experience it in order to develop ourselves as people and professionals.

This year, the writer, journalist and publicist Ramon Solsona was invited to the event. The author spoke about his stories and how he builds them, the family and the passage of time, subjects that are always present in his novels.

A dialogue was struck up between Solsona and the students on literary themes such as naturalness and truth in the creation of worlds and characters, documentation and, in particular, language. Solsona appeared to be concerned about language, because he loves it, but he told us that he prefers to keep a positive outlook; in order for people to develop strong and correct Catalan, instead of blaming, he prefers to stimulate.

Solsona, who is also a secondary school teacher, made a plea for education as the backbone of society: "Teachers are the stalwarts of this country". He went on to say that we must educate in culture, in art, in cinema and, by all means, in reading because "they are the spectacles for understanding the world".

Finally, he offered a gift to the Auditori, a hilarious unpublished story that he read aloud, La temptació de la carn, which recreates the world of education of his generation.

Then it was time to announce the winners of the literary awards. The jury, comprising professors Josep Ballarín, Will Bromberg, Ignasi Ivern, Imma Pallarès, David Soler, Miriam Turró Amorós, Guillem Turró Ortega, Jesús Valero i Via, librarian Agnès Salvador and the student Marçal Baeza, agreed to deliver the following awards:

Finalist Prize for Prose in Catalan Language for the work Crisi de creativitat a contrarellotge, by the student Andrea Marín Puig.

First Prize for Prose in Catalan Language for Jo, la casa, by student Clara Prats Aymerich.

Finalist Prize for Poetry in Catalan Language for the work Envolar, by the student Anna Asensio Busquets.

First Prize for Poetry in Catalan Language for the work Des dels meus ulls, by the student Andrea Chanez Carbajo.

Finalist Prize for Prose in Spanish Language for the work El hombre que utilizaba el trasero de un caballo de posavasos, by the student Pau de la Torre Granados.

First Prize for Prose in the Spanish Language for the work Escalofríos, by Professor Paula Mayoral.

Finalist Prize for Poetry in Spanish Language for the work En algún lugar cerca de mí, by the student M. Isabel Quintero Gómez.

Finalist Prize in Foreign Languages for the work Growing up, by the student Pau Rodríguez Rodríguez.

First Prize for Prose in Foreign Languages for Je t'aimerai toujours, by student Lia López Puigvert.

After the awards ceremony, two duos formed by students from the School performed several musical pieces guided by Professor Eva Martínez. To bring the event to a close, first-year education students presented the performance Hey you, inspired by a Taiwanese melody.

We at the School would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your participation in this event and wish you a happy Diada de Sant Jordi 2023!


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