
FPCEE - Jornades Salut Educació

The 2nd Education and Health Conference is a success!

December 7, 2022

The meeting integrates the professional perspective of 4th year students of Education, Nursing, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychology and Sport Science

We at the schools of Blanquerna-URL are increasingly aware of the importance of integrating the knowledge of different professional disciplines when embarking on projects. Building on this idea, during the last academic year, the first Education and Health Conference was held, an interdisciplinary meeting that brings together the professional perspective of the final year students of six different bachelor's degrees at the School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science (FPCEE) and the School of Health Sciences (FCS): Early Childhood and Primary Education, Nursing, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychology, and Physical Activity and Sport Science.

Last Wednesday, November 30, the second edition of this conference was held at the FPCEE Auditorium. This year, the dynamic revolved around the analysis of a case that focused on the follow-up of a primary school child with health, motor, speech and psychological problems. Each of the bachelor's degrees had previously worked on the case, approaching it from very different perspectives, and the day's exercise consisted of assessing how it was managed and putting forward proposals for improvement from a joint perspective.

The event was opened by Dr. Ignaci Cifre, Vice-Dean for Quality, Students and Employability, who highlighted the importance of this meeting of students from six different disciplines as one of the experiences that most closely approximates the reality of work. Doctors Sandra Ger and Annabel Fontanet were in charge of dynamizing the event, and Doctors Josep Oriol and Montserrat Alguacil assumed the role of facilitators of the exercise.

At the end of the exercise, the students filled out a questionnaire with a final assessment, which Dr. Àngels Geis and Dr. Josep Oriol Martínez commented on in the closing presentation. The conference ended with a surprise performance by Les Gelocatiles, two Pallapupas clowns, specializing in pediatric hospitals. They organized games among the students to bring the conference to an end with a huge smile.


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