
Continuing Education Course in clinical neurodynamics

Pre-enrollment open

  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Duration
    38 in-person hours
  • Date
    April 25, 2025
  • Planning

    Dates, 6 sessions:
    April 25, 26 and 27 and May 16, 17 and 18, 2025

    Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m, Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer Padilla, 326-332. 08025 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    Blanquerna School of Health Sciences

Clinical Neurodynamics

The course "Neurodynamic Manual Therapy" is key training for learning about the latest updates on the relationship between the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal pain. The latest scientific publications will be discussed and advanced techniques in the management of pain of neural origin will be taught.
The course "Neurodynamic Manual Therapy" offers a global, detailed and well-structured vision of neurodynamics in order to integrate the treatment of dysfunctions of the nervous system in the daily practice of the manual physical therapist.
At the end of the course the physiotherapist will have the most updated tools to assess and solve the dysfunctions of the locomotor system of neural origin.


Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to master the concept of Neurodynamic Therapy

Learn the clinical reasoning, differential diagnosis and treatment planning of neurodynamic dysfunctions.

Master the Manual Neurodynamic Therapy in routine clinical practice

Know the latest scientific evidence on neurodynamics

Who is it for?

Graduates in Physiotherapy and 4th year students of the Bachelor Degree in Physiotherapy

Course content

  1. Program: Day 1 / Friday afternoon
    • Concept of neurodynamics
    • Neuroanatomy and biomechanics of the peripheral nervous system
    • Palpation of the peripheral nervous system. Upper extremity and lower extremity.
    • Neurological examination: dermatome, myotome and osteotendinous reflexes
    • Upper limb neurodynamic test: ULNT1, ULNT2a, ULNT 2b, ULNT3
  2. Program: Day 2 / Saturday morning and afternoon

    • Mechanisms of pain: nociceptive pain, neuropathic pain, central sensitization.
    • Lower limb neurodynamic tests: SLR, PKB and modified SLR
    • Spinal neurodynamic test: Slump TEST, LSS, PNF
    • Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Evolution of the treatment plan - from acute to chronic condition
  3. Program: Day 3 / Sunday morning

    • Trigeminal Nerve Test
    • Facial Nerve Test
    • Arnold's Nerve or Greater Occipital Nerve Test
  4. Program: Day 4 / Friday afternoon

    • Most common clinical presentations:
      • Cervical radiculopathy: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
  5. Program: Day 5 / Saturday morning and afternoon

    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Lumbar radiculopathy: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Hamstring syndrome: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Ankle sprain: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
  6. Program: Day 6 / Sunday morning

    • Mandibular pain: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Atypical facial pain: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.
    • Headache: Clinical reasoning and diagnostic algorithm. Differential diagnosis. Structural differentiation. Progression of forces.

Tuition fee

Total tuition fee for the academic year
Facultat de Ciències de la Salut FCS


Descompte (no acumulatiu) del 15% en el preu de la matrícula a: alumni, estudiants de la Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna-URL i membres del CFC*, COIB* i CODINUCAT*.
*Cal aportar l'últim rebut d'aquest any.

Certificate of attendance

Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Attendance to 80% or more of the sessions is required to obtain it.


Fernando Ruiz: Physiotherapist and manual therapist, expert in neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy. Expert in maxillofacial physiotherapy. Specialist in Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Chronic Pain. Co-director and professor of the Postgraduate Degree of University Expert in Maxillofacial Physiotherapy of Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University. Director of Fisioterapia Reset – Barcelona, private clinical practice. Professor and international lecturer.

Enroll in the course

Click on the following link and follow the steps to enroll. On the first screen, if you do not have Blanquerna credentials (username and password), you will need to register.

The application will ask you for the following documents during the enrollment process:

- ID card

- Bachelor degree certificate or enrollment in the 4th year of the Bachelor Degree


Més informació

Per a més informació, pots contactar amb [email protected]


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