

Health Literacy in Physiotherapy Education (HELPE)

June 1, 2023

On June 16th, as part of he european project HELPE, Blanquerna School of Health Sciences organizes the event "Fortaleciendo las competencias de Alfabetización en Salud en fisioterapeutas: promoviendo una atención de salud más efectiva y equitativa”.

The event will take place at 9h in Blanquerna School of Health Sciences (Carrer Padilla, 326-332, 08025 Barcelona).

Project HELPE has the main objective of developing competences in health literacy in university education in physiotheraphy at the paneuropean level. Health literacy refers to people's ability to access, comprehend and avaluate information abou health and take healthcare desicions, prevent diseases and promote health. It's a joint project between Blanquerna School of Health Sciences and several universities from Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Germany.

The event will host courses and masterclasses taught by:

- Eulàlia Hernández, Coordinator of the Spanish Network for Health Literacy.

- Mònica Fernández Aguilera, Responsable of Internal Communication at Hospital Sant Joan Despí Moisès Broggi.

- Carles Fernández, Local coordinator of the project Health Literacy in Physiotherapy Education (HELPE).

For more information about every course and class you can check the program of the event. Inscriptions are free, you just have to fill the following form.


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