
Reunió del projecte SIENHA a Bochum, Alemanya.

Two GRoW researchers attend a meeting for project SIENHA in Bochum, Germany

May 23, 2023

From the 8th to the 12th of May, professors Elena Carrillo Álvarez and Míriam Rodríguez Monforte participated in the transnational meeting and multiplying event of the SIENHA project.

The meeting was held at the Hochschule für Gesundheit, in Bochum (Germany).

SIENHA (Strategic Innovative Educational Network for Healthy Ageing) is a project cofinanced by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union, led by the research group Global Research on Wellbeing (GRoW) of the Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna-URL. Seven European universities are part of the project, which has the objective of developing education for healthcare and social care professionals to promote a healthy ageing throughout life.

The universities that collaborate in the project are: University Ramon Llull, Nicolaus Copernicus University de Torun (Poland), Escola Superior de Saúde (Portugal), Kolegji Heimerer (Kosovo), Hogeschool Utrecht (the Netherlands), Hochschule für Gesundheit (Germany) i Jamk University of Applied Sciences (Finland).


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