Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Blanquerna FCRI, present in the «NetCom 2016» of Catalonia Dircom

Blanquerna FCRI, present in the «NetCom 2016» of Catalonia Dircom

October 20, 2016

At the beginning of October, the Old Factory Damm held the event «NetCom 2016», a traditional meeting of the directors of Catalan communication. Representing the School were professors Antoni Solanilla, Josep Rom, Jordi Botey and Josep Maria Picola, in addition to professor Kathy Matilla, a member of the governing board of Dircom Catalonia, the entity organizer.

At the event, which was presented by journalist and Blanquerna alumna Helena Garcia Melero, Ms. Maria Luisa Martínez Gistau intervened, on condition of president of Dircom Catalonia, Mr. Jaume Giró (General Director of LaCaixa Foundation) and the journalist Joaquim Maria Puyal.

Dircom Catalonia is an association that has pioneered the development and prestige of the director of communication profession. This year, NetCom 2016 attracted a total of over 200 professionals in the sector.


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