Blanquerna Ramon Llull University



Blanquerna presents Solidarity Action at the ACM Awards for Social Responsibility

March 11, 2024

On March 6, 2024, Ramon Llull University hosted the 11th edition of the Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) Awards, at which Jordi Sánchez, director of the Blanquerna-URL Chair, made a presentation on Blanquerna Solidarity Action. He referred to Blanquerna's volunteer program in India and mentioned other solidarity projects carried out at the university.

The director of the Blanquerna-URL Chair, Dr. Jordi Sànchez, presented the area of Blanquerna Solidarity Action during the awards ceremony of the 11th edition of the Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) awards for good practices in cooperation and development and good practices in social commitment at the university.

Professors Dr. Lluís Costa (FCS) and Ms. Sandra Balsells (FCRI) respectively served as president and member of the panel.

The ACM Awards aim to recognize and disseminate the work of university students who contribute to research and knowledge transfer within the area of cooperation and development, and that include a perspective of improvement and social commitment.


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