Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


University Specialization Diploma in Social and Labor Inclusion for Young People with Intellectual Disabilities

Pre-enrollment open

Diploma d'especialització universitària en inclusió social i laboral per a joves amb discapacitat intel·lectual
  • Modality
  • Languages
  • Planning

    Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  • Location

    Blanquerna-URL - Carrer del Císter, 34. 08022 Barcelona

  • Faculty

    School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science

Three reasons to choose this course


It is organized and supported by institutions related to the field of disabilities.


It boasts extensive teaching experience and knowledge in the field of diversity.

Integrated training

In a university environment that facilitates interaction with other students.

Course intended for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who seek to improve their social and occupational skills through internships in companies.
Integrated training in a university environment that facilitates interaction with other students.

The goals of the course include:

  • Providing university training to young people with intellectual disabilities geared towards improving their autonomy, their academic training and preparing them for employment (development of job skills) in ordinary contexts.
  • Providing young people with IDD with the necessary skills and abilities to boost their opportunities for supported employment.
  • Providing integrated educational experiences in the university community.
  • Facilitating comprehensive and individualized training to enable young people with intellectual disabilities to participate as full members of their community.

Further information: [email protected]

Co-organized by:

Blanquerna FPCEE
Fundació Pere Tarrés

Co-financed by:

Fundación ONCE
Unió Europea

Youth Employment Operational Program. 9th call for the execution of university training programs for employment, intended for young people with intellectual disabilities registered in the national youth guarantee system. 2025-2026 University Program.

In collaboration with:

Academic information

Informació acadèmica


Module 1. The University: information of interest to those beginning university studies (3 ECTS)

Module 2. Healthy lifestyle. (4 ECTS)

Module 3. Communication and information theory. (5 ECTS)

Module 4. Communication skills for professional and personal success. (5 ECTS)

Module 5. Basic economics and social mathematics. (3 ECTS)

Module 6. Basic concepts related to employment. (3 ECTS)

Module 7. Internships (7 ECTS)

Module 8. Thesis (2 ECTS)

This course is free of charge as it is financed by the ONCE Foundation and European social funds.

Fundación ONCE
Unió Europea Fons Social Europeu
Alumnes a la Graduació Blanquerna 2019

A direct link to your future career

Our work doesn't finish the moment you graduate. The Alumni department will support you to enable us to achieve an employment rate of 90% of students in the first year after graduation

State-of-the-art facilities at the student's disposal

All the services you need while you are at the school


Dr. Ingrid Sala Bars. Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Prof. Àngels Sogas Perales. Pere Tarrés School of Social Education and Social Work


Dr. Ingrid Sala Barz (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Prof. Àngels Sogas Perales (FESTS Pere Tarrés, URL).

Dr. Maria Giné Garriga (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Josep Oriol Martínez Ferrer (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Prof. Elena Ojando Pons (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Jordi Simón Llovet (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Ignasi Ivern Pascual (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Josep Maria Vila Rovira (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Xavier Àvila Morera (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Montserrat Prat Moratonas (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Dr. Miquel Àngel Pellicena Sánchez (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Prof. Desirée Garcia Roig (FESTS Pere Tarrés, URL).

Prof. Cristina Alonso López (FESTS Pere Tarrés, URL).

Prof. Aina Tur Segura (FESTS Pere Tarrés, URL).

Dr. Manel Noguera Ballús (FPCEE Blanquerna, URL).

Scholarships and grants Blanquerna


Excellence is the future