Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Spaces rental

The Blanquerna-URL faculties have more than thirty classrooms, technical spaces, two television sets, two radio studios and two auditoriums that are adapted to all types of needs and are equipped with the latest technology.

  • Attention to the demands of the external companies interested in the rent and / or cession of the spaces of the faculties.
  • Management, technical and organizational support of all external events, outside the academic calendar, that we host in our facilities.
  • Co-organization of academic and professional events with companies and institutions.
auditori FPCEE

400-seat auditorium

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Professora explicant als alumnes de l'aula

Large classrooms with 70 seats

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Aula d'informàtica de la facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals

Several classrooms with up to 120 computers

School of Communication and International Relations

alumnes en grup a l'aula de la biblioteca FCRI


School of Communication and International Relations

Aula Multimèdia

Average classrooms with 25 places

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Alumnes estudiant al seminari

Seminars for 15 people

School of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences

Auditori FCRI

210-seat auditorium

School of Communication and International Relations

Plató FCRI

Plates with chrome technology

School of Communication and International Relations


Excellence is the future