Check out the latest news published by Blanquerna here.
Blanquerna-URL opens the preenrollment of official masters and doctorates for the 2022-23 academic year
Ja és obert el període de preinscripció als màsters universitaris i doctorats de les tres facultats Blanquerna-URL
Acto inaugural del Año Triadú
El próximo miércoles, el Auditorio de la Facultad acogerá el acto inaugural del Año Triadú, en el que se conmemora el centenario del nacimiento del Dr. Triadú, nacido en 1921 en Ribes de Freser.
Blanquerna organizes information sessions the next november 20th
The opportunity to get to know the three Blanquerna schools
Blanquerna organizes information sessions the next november 20th
The opportunity to get to know the three Blanquerna schools
Blanquerna apuesta por la inclusión social y laboral de los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectualLa Facultad de Psicología, Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte y la Fundación Pere Tarrés coorganizan una nueva formación: el diploma de especialización uni
La Facultad de Psicología, Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte y la Fundación Pere Tarrés coorganizan una nueva formación: el diploma de especialización universitaria en Inclusión Social y Laboral para Jóvenes con Discapacidad Intelectual.
The School organizes a new training session on gender perspective
This activity is part of the Doctoral program
Presentation of the Chair of Religious Freedom and Conscience of Catalonia
The event will take place on September 15 at 11 a.m. open and online. Attendance must be confirmed.
Two Official Master's degrees in the "top five", according to the El Mundo ranking
The Official Master's degree in Advertising Strategy and Creativity and the Official Master's degree in Advanced Journalism are in fourth position in the El Mundo 250 Master's degree ranking, a selection of the five best postgraduate programs of fifty specialties.
Reporters Without Borders and Blanquerna sign an educational cooperation agreement
The alliance includes projects from curricular work experience to the development of events and joint research. This union is essential for the defense of a right so fragile as the freedom of information and of the press.
Webinar: Understanding and Engaging in World Issues
On Monday, July 5th, at 16h, the Degree in International Relations organizes a webinar through Zoom, with a group of students and Alumni of the degree in order to explain their experience so far and share future prospects.