Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


WhatsApp will finance a Digilab research project

WhatsApp will finance a Digilab research project

November 28, 2018

The Digilab research group has been distinguished with the WhatsApp Misinformation and Social Science Research Awards, which will allow the development of the project What's up with news? Fighting misinformation on WhatsApp: users' approach.

The Digilab project is one of 20 selected among the more than 600 proposals presented. All together will address the study of the spread of false news in countries such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, Nigeria, Singapore, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The objective of the Blanquerna researchers' project is to study the knowledge citizens have of how erroneous news, false news and problematic content are disseminated through this message platform and how they are evaluated. To achieve this objective, a sequential exploratory approach will be carried out that includes focus groups, surveys and personal journals.

enlightenedWithin the framework of the project, Dr. Pere Masip participated in a workshop that took place in the Facebook / WhatsApp offices in Menlo Park (California), where the various participating groups presented their respective projects and coordinated joint actions.


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