
Video about World Press Freedom Day in Blanquerna FCRI

Video about World Press Freedom Day in Blanquerna FCRI

May 3, 2017

The piece includes the participation of Dr. Carlos Ruiz, professor Sandra Balsells, Dr. Pere Franch and professor Montserrat Arbós, who have shared their opinions to contribute to the debate.

From their respective fields of knowledge and work, professors have reflected on the importance of not putting any kind of limit on journalism at a time when territories such as Turkey and Egypt hold the largest number of imprisoned journalists and when the President of the United States leads a crusade against the country's media, whom he considers their enemy.

Their testimony therefore serves as a reminder of the need for governments to respect their commitment to freedom of expression, and as a support to the media, that is often the target of attacks and restrictions which go against their freedom.

Since the proclamation made by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1993, on 3 May of each year, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated, a date to commemorate this fundamental principle.


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