Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


Session of the expert José Antonio Sanahuja on International Relations

Session of the expert José Antonio Sanahuja on International Relations

April 3, 2017

In the framework of the subject «Theories of International Relations» taught by Professor Federico Guerrero, we were visited by Dr. José Antonio Sanahuja, Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and co-author of the manual «Teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales» (Tecnos, 2015).

Sanahuja, one of the Spanish and international referents in the fields of development cooperation and integration studies, delivered a FU related to the Critical Theory of International Relations: a neo-Marxist approach to the study of Structure of international power and the phenomenon of globalization, defendant of cosmopolitan postulates.

For three days the students combined knowledge and concepts from International Relations, Political Science, Sociology, History and International Political Economy: an interdisciplinarity represented by Sanahuja and the scholars and experts in the field of International Relations.


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