
Palestinian activist visits International Seminar of the Degree in Journalism

Palestinian activist visits International Seminar of the Degree in Journalism

November 23, 2015

Last week the founder of «To Be There», a project that organizes tours around the West Bank, Baha Hilo, visited the fourth year International Seminar of the Degree in Journalism, taught by Dr. Pablo Capilla.

There, Hilo, born in a refugee camp close to Bethlehem, explained to students what life is like for a Palestinian citizen in an area, the West Bank, controlled and closed off by the Israeli army, in addition to trying to find the roots of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

«I have never been to Jerusalem and I do not know what life is like in Gaza, as Israeli security forces do not allow us to move freely. It's like an archipelago of prisons," the activist recounted.


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