
Alumnes d'infermeria fent de voluntaris a la Trailwalker 2023 de Girona, una caminada solidària organitzada per Oxfam Intermón.

More than 2.000 participants at Oxfam Intermón's Trailwalker

May 11, 2023

Nursing and Physiotherapy bachelor students worked as volunteers at Oxfam Intermón's Trailwalker. This year's edition, with more than 2.000 participants, was yet another success.

The charity walk took place last weekend in Girona. The benefits of the event are used to assist and provide aid to humanitarian emergencies caused by climate change.

Four-year students Eulàlia Llorens and Marta Clua, along with professors of the bachelor's degree in Nursing, coordinated the nursing volunteering service, made out of fifteen students. The physiotherapy service, made out of thirty students and professors Eulàlia Vidal, Myriam Ponsa and Salvio Delmunt, was coordinated by Alumni Marc Carreño.

We'd like to thank RehabMedic and INDIBA for their help and support in this sportive volunteering experience.


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