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May 10: International Bachelor's Degrees Open Day

April 21, 2023

An Open Day for international bachelor's degrees will be held on May 10. Attendees will receive information on the bachelor's degrees in Global Communication Management and International Relations.

The British Chamber of Commerce in Spain and Blanquerna-URL have forged a close relationship of collaboration in recent years, with the aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the business and educational fields. That is why the School of Communication and International Relations will welcome students and their companions from international schools and/or those interested in English-language degrees at 7 p.m. to welcome them. They will then guide them through the School's facilities, showcasing the specialized equipment that the future students will use during their training stay at Blanquerna-URL.

The set, the radio studio, and the editing rooms will be the stages for resolving queries and talking with both professors and students of both degrees. At 8.30 p.m. the day is scheduled to be brought to an end with a snack and relaxed personal conversations to finish resolving last minute questions.

The core goal of the bachelor's degree in Global Communication Management is to bring into the market new prepared and expert managers in this discipline. Furthermore, the bachelor's degree in International Relations trains specialists in international affairs in the public sector, the private sector, multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, think tanks and the communication sector.

We look forward to seeing you!

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