
Josep Antoni Rom

Josep Antoni Rom, appointed rector of the URL with effect from October 1, 2022

June 29, 2022

Josep Antoni Rom, PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the URL, has been appointed rector of Ramon Llull University (URL) by the Board of Trustees of the URL with effect from 1 October, following a favorable report from the Governing Board of the University.

Josep Maria Garrell, who has held the position since September 2012, will end his term on 30 September.

On Tuesday, June 28, the Board of Trustees of Ramon Llull University (URL), chaired by Antoni Millet Abbad, appointed the doctor in Advertising and Public Relations and professor of URL Josep Antoni Rom as the new rector of the University, in replacement of Josep Maria Garrell, who has held the position since September 2012, and whose term of office will expire in accordance with the University's Rules of Organization and Operation. Rom is currently, and since September 2020, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at the University. The appointment came after the favorable report of the Governing Board.

During his term, Garrell has worked to consolidate the growth of the URL, encourage collaboration between the different institutions of the University and promote the internationalization of the University. Among its priorities should also be highlighted the efforts made to strengthen the recognition of the URL by social actors, administrations and governments. Així mateix, en aquests darrers anys, Garrell i els seus corresponents equips han promogut la plena integració de la URL en el sistema universitari, tant català com espanyol i europeu.

For his part, Josep Antoni Rom, as Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, has continued to promote the URL’s research activity and has worked to consolidate the University’s research and transfer strategy. The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation has continued to encourage the participation of the University's research groups in competitive calls, encouraging scientific production and open science, and a special effort has been made to visualize the transfer activity that make the URL centers.

The handover ceremony will be held on the morning of September 30, which will include the farewell of Josep Maria Garrell and the inauguration of Josep Antoni Rom.

Biographical profile of Josep Antoni Rom

Born in Barcelona (1963). Degree in Contemporary History from the UB (1987), PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the URL (2004) and full professor at the URL. In 1994 he joined Blanquerna-URL, where he was co-founder of the Blanquerna-URL Faculty of Communication and International Relations (FCRI), Vice Dean for Technology and Equipment (1998-2016) and director of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing (2016-2020). He has published books and scientific articles on topics of advertising, marketing, creativity and design. A member of several scientific committees of journals and conferences, he is the principal investigator of the Research Group on Strategy and Creativity in Advertising and Public Relations (GRECPRP). In 2020, he was named Vice President of Research and Innovation at URL.

Biographical profile of Josep Maria Garrell

Born in L’Espluga de Francolí, Conca de Barberà (1969). He is a computer engineer from the UPC (1992), holds a PhD in electronics engineering from the URL (1995) and is a full professor at the URL. In 1992, he joined La Salle-URL, where he co-founded the Intelligent Systems Research Group. Since 1998 Josep Maria Garrell has assumed various responsibilities in the Rectorate of Ramon Llull University. He was secretary of the Research Commission (1998-2002); delegate of the rector for ICT (2000-2002); Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation (2002-2010); general secretary (2006-2012); and Vice-Rector for University Policy (2010-2012). In 2012, he began his term as rector, which will end on September 30. During his government, Garrell has been a member of the Standing Committee of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) since 2015 and currently holds the vice presidency of this association made up of 76 Spanish universities. At the same time, Garrell has been a member of the Standing Committee of the largest university association in Europe, the European University Association (USA), since 2019. Since July 2020, he has been president of the Strategic Alliance of Catholic Universities ( SACRED).

History of URL rectors

  • Esther Giménez-Salinas, Rector (2002-2012)
  • Miquel Gassiot, rector (1994-2002)
  • Josep Maria Coll i d’Alemany, President of the Governing Team (1991-1994)

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