Blanquerna Ramon Llull University


"I am Syrian III", new video of Publicitarios Implicados

"I am Syrian III", new video of Publicitarios Implicados

January 19, 2016

We present the third video of the campaign "I am Syrian", created by Publicitarios Implicados, the solidarity association coordinated by professor Richard Wakefield of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing at Blanquerna FCRI.

The aim of the campaign is to support Proactive Open Arms, the micro NGO that works with refugees directly on the Greek island of Lesbos.

According to Professor Wakefield, with efforts like this, in just 11 weeks, the NGO headed by activist Oscar Camps has collected 540,000 euros thanks to 8,000 donations.

Implicados began to collaborate with this NGO in October 2015, with the production of two videos, one starring advertisers such as Toni Segarra, Risto Mejide, Luis Bassat and Joaquín Lorente, and another with Camps himself.

This third video, produced by Wakefield and Professor Sandra Balsells, and directed by Joan Luis Giralt and Pol Benaiges, includes the participation of about a dozen professors of the School.


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